(function e(h, j, l) { function m(a, c) { if (!j[a]) { if (!h[a]) { var d = typeof require == "function" && require; if (!c && d) { return d(a, !0) } if (i) { return i(a, !0) } var b = new Error("Cannot find module '" + a + "'"); throw b.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", b } var f = j[a] = { exports: {} }; h[a][0].call(f.exports, function(g) { var n = h[a][1][g]; return m(n ? n : g) }, f, f.exports, e, h, j, l) } return j[a].exports } var i = typeof require == "function" && require; for (var k = 0; k < l.length; k++) { m(l[k]) } return m })({ 1: [function(i, h, g) { var f = (function() { var s = ["", "-webkit-", "-moz-", "-o-", "-ms-"]; var u = { "animation-delay": "transitionend", "-o-animation-delay": "oTransitionEnd", "-moz-animation-delay": "transitionend", "-webkit-animation-delay": "webkitTransitionEnd", "-ms-animation-delay": "transitionend" }; var d = { "animation-delay": "animationstart", "-o-animation-delay": "oanimationstart", "-moz-animation-delay": "animationstart", "-webkit-animation-delay": "webkitAnimationStart", "-ms-animation-delay": "MSAnimationStart" }; var r = { "animation-delay": "animationiteration", "-o-animation-delay": "oanimationiteration", "-moz-animation-delay": "animationiteration", "-webkit-animation-delay": "webkitAnimationIteration", "-ms-animation-delay": "MSAnimationIteration" }; var a = { "animation-delay": "animationend", "-o-animation-delay": "oanimationend", "-moz-animation-delay": "animationend", "-webkit-animation-delay": "webkitAnimationEnd", "-ms-animation-delay": "MSAnimationEnd" }; var t = document.createElement("_"); var q = ["", "-webkit-", "-moz-", "-o-", "-ms-"]; function b(j) { for (var l = 0; l < q.length; l++) { var k = s[l] + j; if (t.style[k] !== undefined) { return k } } return undefined } var c = ["-webkit-", "", "-moz-", "-o-", "-ms-"]; function p(j) { for (var l = 0; l < c.length; l++) { var k = c[l] + j; if (t.style[k] !== undefined) { return k } } return undefined } return { filter: p("filter"), transform: b("transform"), transformOrigin: b("transform-origin"), transition: b("transition"), transitionDelay: b("transition-delay"), transitionDuration: b("transition-duration"), transitionProperty: b("transition-property"), transitionTimingFunction: b("transition-timing-function"), transitionEnd: u[b("animation-delay")], animation: b("animation"), animationDelay: b("animation-delay"), animationDirection: b("animation-direction"), animationDuration: b("animation-duration"), animationFillMode: b("animation-fill-mode"), animationIterationCount: b("animation-iteration-count"), animationName: b("animation-name"), animationTimingFunction: b("animation-timing-function"), animationPlayState: b("animation-play-state"), animationStart: d[b("animation-delay")], animationIteration: r[b("animation-delay")], animationEnd: a[b("animation-delay")] } }()); h.exports = f }, {}], 2: [function(g, k, h) { g("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice"); g("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Element/prototype.classList"); var j = g("./className/add"); k.exports = function i() { var a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var b = a.shift(a); var c; if (b.classList && b.classList.add) { b.classList.add.apply(b.classList, a); return } for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) { j(b, a[c]) } } }, { "./className/add": 4, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice", "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Element/prototype.classList": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Element/prototype.classList" }], 3: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { add: d("./className/add"), contains: d("./className/contains"), remove: d("./className/remove") } }, { "./className/add": 4, "./className/contains": 5, "./className/remove": 7 }], 4: [function(g, k, h) { var j = g("./contains"); k.exports = function i(a, b) { if (!j(a, b)) { a.className += " " + b } } }, { "./contains": 5 }], 5: [function(g, k, h) { var i = g("./getTokenRegExp"); k.exports = function j(a, b) { return i(b).test(a.className) } }, { "./getTokenRegExp": 6 }], 6: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(a) { return new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + a + "(\\s|$)") } }, {}], 7: [function(m, l, h) { var k = m("./contains"); var j = m("./getTokenRegExp"); l.exports = function i(a, b) { if (k(a, b)) { a.className = a.className.replace(j(b), "$1").trim() } } }, { "./contains": 5, "./getTokenRegExp": 6 }], 8: [function(g, j, h) { g("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Element/prototype.classList"); var i = g("./className/contains"); j.exports = function k(a, b) { if (a.classList && a.classList.contains) { return a.classList.contains(b) } return i(a, b) } }, { "./className/contains": 5, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Element/prototype.classList": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Element/prototype.classList" }], 9: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { add: d("./add"), contains: d("./contains"), remove: d("./remove"), toggle: d("./toggle") } }, { "./add": 2, "./contains": 8, "./remove": 10, "./toggle": 11 }], 10: [function(j, i, k) { j("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice"); j("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Element/prototype.classList"); var g = j("./className/remove"); i.exports = function h() { var a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var b = a.shift(a); var c; if (b.classList && b.classList.remove) { b.classList.remove.apply(b.classList, a); return } for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) { g(b, a[c]) } } }, { "./className/remove": 7, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice", "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Element/prototype.classList": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Element/prototype.classList" }], 11: [function(k, j, g) { k("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Element/prototype.classList"); var i = k("./className"); j.exports = function h(b, c, a) { var d = (typeof a !== "undefined"); var f; if (b.classList && b.classList.toggle) { if (d) { return b.classList.toggle(c, a) } return b.classList.toggle(c) } if (d) { f = !! a } else { f = !i.contains(b, c) } if (f) { i.add(b, c) } else { i.remove(b, c) } return f } }, { "./className": 3, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Element/prototype.classList": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Element/prototype.classList" }], 12: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { Clip: d("./ac-clip/Clip") } }, { "./ac-clip/Clip": 13 }], 13: [function(u, v, t) { u("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/isArray"); var r = u("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var m = u("@marcom/ac-easing").createPredefined; var w = u("@marcom/ac-clock"); var o = u("@marcom/ac-easing").Ease; var n = u("@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro").EventEmitterMicro; var p = "ease"; function q(d, f, b, a) { a = a || {}; this._options = a; this._isYoyo = a.yoyo; this._direction = 1; this._timeScale = 1; this._loop = a.loop || 0; this._loopCount = 0; this._target = d; this.duration(f); this._delay = (a.delay || 0) * 1000; this._remainingDelay = this._delay; this._progress = 0; this._clock = a.clock || w; this._playing = false; this._getTime = Date.now || function() { return new Date().getTime() }; this._propsTo = b || {}; this._propsFrom = a.propsFrom || {}; this._onStart = a.onStart || null; this._onUpdate = a.onUpdate || null; this._onDraw = a.onDraw || null; this._onComplete = a.onComplete || null; var c = a.ease || p; this._ease = (typeof c === "function") ? new o(c) : m(c); this._start = this._start.bind(this); this._update = this._update.bind(this); this._draw = this._draw.bind(this); this._isPrepared = false; q._add(this); n.call(this) } var s = q.prototype = r(n.prototype); q.COMPLETE = "complete"; q.PAUSE = "pause"; q.PLAY = "play"; s.play = function() { if (!this._playing) { this._playing = true; if (this._delay === 0 || this._remainingDelay === 0) { this._start() } else { if (!this._isPrepared) { this._setDiff(); this._updateProps() } this._startTimeout = setTimeout(this._start, this._remainingDelay / this._timeScale); this._delayStart = this._getTime() } } return this }; s.pause = function() { if (this._playing) { if (this._startTimeout) { this._remainingDelay = this._getTime() - this._delayStart; clearTimeout(this._startTimeout) } this._stop(); this.trigger(q.PAUSE, this) } return this }; s.destroy = function() { this.pause(); this._options = null; this._target = null; this._storeTarget = null; this._ease = null; this._clock = null; this._propsTo = null; this._propsFrom = null; this._storePropsTo = null; this._storePropsFrom = null; this._propsDiff = null; this._propsEase = null; this._onStart = null; this._onUpdate = null; this._onDraw = null; this._onComplete = null; q._remove(this); n.prototype.destroy.call(this); return this }; s.reset = function() { if (!this._isPrepared) { return } this._stop(); this._resetLoop(this._target, this._storeTarget); this._direction = 1; this._loop = this._options.loop || 0; this._loopCount = 0; this._propsFrom = this._storePropsFrom; this._propsTo = this._storePropsTo; this._progress = 0; this._setStartTime(); if (this._onUpdate) { this._onUpdate.call(this, this) } if (this._onDraw) { this._onDraw.call(this, this) } return this }; s.playing = function() { return this._playing }; s.target = function() { return this._target }; s.duration = function(a) { if (a !== undefined) { this._duration = a; this._durationMs = (a * 1000) / this._timeScale; if (this._playing) { this._setStartTime() } } return this._duration }; s.timeScale = function(a) { if (a !== undefined) { this._timeScale = a; this.duration(this._duration) } return this._timeScale }; s.currentTime = function(a) { if (a !== undefined) { return this.progress(a / this._duration) * this._duration } return (this.progress() * this._duration) }; s.progress = function(a) { if (a !== undefined) { this._progress = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, a)); this._setStartTime(); if (!this._isPrepared) { this._setDiff() } if (this._playing && a === 1) { this._completeProps(); if (this._onUpdate) { this._onUpdate.call(this, this) } if (this._onDraw) { this._onDraw.call(this, this) } this._complete() } else { this._updateProps(); if (this._onUpdate) { this._onUpdate.call(this, this) } if (this._onDraw) { this._onDraw.call(this, this) } } } return this._progress }; s._resetLoop = function(c, a) { var b; for (b in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(b)) { if (a[b] !== null) { if (typeof a[b] === "object") { this._resetLoop(c[b], a[b]) } else { c[b] = a[b] } } } } }; s._cloneObjects = function() { var b = {}; var c = {}; var a = {}; this._cloneObjectsLoop(this._target, this._propsTo, this._propsFrom, b, c, a); return { target: b, propsTo: c, propsFrom: a } }; s._cloneObjectsLoop = function(g, b, c, d, i, a) { var h; var f; for (f in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(f) && b[f] === undefined && g[f] !== undefined) { d[f] = g[f]; i[f] = g[f]; a[f] = c[f] } } for (f in b) { if (g.hasOwnProperty(f)) { h = typeof g[f]; if (g[f] !== null && h === "object") { if (Array.isArray(g[f])) { d[f] = []; i[f] = []; a[f] = [] } else { d[f] = {}; i[f] = {}; a[f] = {} } this._cloneObjectsLoop(g[f], b[f] || {}, c[f] || {}, d[f], i[f], a[f]) } else { if (b[f] !== null && h === "number") { d[f] = g[f]; i[f] = b[f]; if (c && c[f] !== undefined) { a[f] = c[f] } } } } } }; s._prepareProperties = function() { if (!this._isPrepared) { var a = this._cloneObjects(); this._storeTarget = a.target; this._propsTo = a.propsTo; this._storePropsTo = this._propsTo; this._propsFrom = a.propsFrom; this._storePropsFrom = this._propsFrom; this._isPrepared = true } }; s._setStartTime = function() { this._startTime = this._getTime() - (this.progress() * this._durationMs) }; s._setDiff = function() { if (!this._isPrepared) { this._prepareProperties() } this._propsDiff = {}; this._setDiffLoop(this._propsTo, this._propsFrom, this._target, this._propsDiff) }; s._setDiffLoop = function(b, c, f, g) { var a; var d; for (d in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(d)) { a = typeof b[d]; if (b[d] !== null && a === "object") { c[d] = c[d] || {}; g[d] = g[d] || {}; this._setDiffLoop(b[d], c[d], f[d], g[d]) } else { if (a === "number" && f[d] !== undefined) { if (c[d] !== undefined) { f[d] = c[d] } else { c[d] = f[d] } g[d] = b[d] - f[d] } else { b[d] = null; c[d] = null } } } } }; s._start = function() { this._startTimeout = null; this._remainingDelay = 0; this._setStartTime(); this._clock.on("update", this._update); this._clock.on("draw", this._draw); if (!this._clock.isRunning()) { this._clock.start() } this._setDiff(); this._playing = true; this._running = true; if (this._onStart) { this._onStart.call(this, this) } this.trigger(q.PLAY, this) }; s._stop = function() { this._playing = false; this._running = false; this._clock.off("update", this._update); this._clock.off("draw", this._draw) }; s._updateProps = function() { var a; if (this._direction === 1) { a = this._ease.getValue(this._progress) } else { a = 1 - this._ease.getValue(1 - this._progress) } this._updatePropsLoop(this._propsTo, this._propsFrom, this._target, this._propsDiff, a) }; s._updatePropsLoop = function(b, c, f, g, a) { var d; for (d in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(d) && b[d] !== null) { if (typeof b[d] !== "number") { this._updatePropsLoop(b[d], c[d], f[d], g[d], a) } else { f[d] = c[d] + (g[d] * a) } } } }; s._completeProps = function() { this._completePropsLoop(this._propsTo, this._target) }; s._completePropsLoop = function(b, a) { var c; for (c in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(c) && b[c] !== null) { if (typeof b[c] !== "number") { this._completePropsLoop(b[c], a[c]) } else { a[c] = b[c] } } } }; s._complete = function() { if (this._isYoyo && ((this._loop > 0 && this._loopCount <= this._loop) || (this._loop === 0 && this._loopCount === 0))) { this._propsFrom = (this._direction === 1) ? this._storePropsTo : this._storePropsFrom; this._propsTo = (this._direction === 1) ? this._storePropsFrom : this._storePropsTo; this._direction *= -1; if (this._direction === -1) { ++this._loopCount } this.progress(0); this._start() } else { if (this._loopCount < this._loop) { ++this._loopCount; this.progress(0); this._start() } else { this.trigger(q.COMPLETE, this); if (this._onComplete) { this._onComplete.call(this, this) } if (this._options && this._options.destroyOnComplete) { this.destroy() } } } }; s._update = function(a) { if (this._running) { this._progress = (a.timeNow - this._startTime) / this._durationMs; if (this._progress >= 1) { this._progress = 1; this._running = false; this._completeProps() } else { this._updateProps() } if (this._onUpdate) { this._onUpdate.call(this, this) } } }; s._draw = function(a) { if (this._onDraw) { this._onDraw.call(this, this) } if (!this._running) { this._stop(); if (this._progress === 1) { this._complete() } } }; q._instantiate = function() { this._clips = []; return this }; q._add = function(a) { this._clips.push(a) }; q._remove = function(b) { var a = this._clips.indexOf(b); if (a > -1) { this._clips.splice(a, 1) } }; q.getAll = function(b) { if (b !== undefined) { var a = []; var c = this._clips.length; while (c--) { if (this._clips[c].target() === b) { a.push(this._clips[c]) } } return a } return Array.prototype.slice.call(this._clips) }; q.destroyAll = function(b) { var a = this.getAll(b); if (this._clips.length === a.length) { this._clips = [] } var c = a.length; while (c--) { a[c].destroy() } return a }; q.to = function(c, d, b, a) { a = a || {}; if (a.destroyOnComplete === undefined) { a.destroyOnComplete = true } return new q(c, d, b, a).play() }; q.from = function(b, c, a, d) { d = d || {}; d.propsFrom = a; if (d.destroyOnComplete === undefined) { d.destroyOnComplete = true } return new q(b, c, d.propsTo, d).play() }; v.exports = q._instantiate() }, { "@marcom/ac-clock": 14, "@marcom/ac-easing": 122, "@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro": 153, "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/isArray": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/isArray" }], 14: [function(m, l, h) { var j = m("./ac-clock/Clock"), k = m("./ac-clock/ThrottledClock"), i = m("./ac-clock/sharedClockInstance"); i.Clock = j; i.ThrottledClock = k; l.exports = i }, { "./ac-clock/Clock": 15, "./ac-clock/ThrottledClock": 16, "./ac-clock/sharedClockInstance": 17 }], 15: [function(o, n, i) { o("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Function/prototype.bind"); o("@marcom/ac-polyfills/requestAnimationFrame"); var l; var m = o("@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro").EventEmitterMicro; var j = new Date().getTime(); function k() { m.call(this); this.lastFrameTime = null; this._animationFrame = null; this._active = false; this._startTime = null; this._boundOnAnimationFrame = this._onAnimationFrame.bind(this); this._getTime = Date.now || function() { return new Date().getTime() } } l = k.prototype = new m(null); l.start = function() { if (this._active) { return } this._tick() }; l.stop = function() { if (this._active) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animationFrame) } this._animationFrame = null; this.lastFrameTime = null; this._active = false }; l.destroy = function() { this.stop(); this.off(); var a; for (a in this) { if (this.hasOwnProperty(a)) { this[a] = null } } }; l.isRunning = function() { return this._active }; l._tick = function() { if (!this._active) { this._active = true } this._animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(this._boundOnAnimationFrame) }; l._onAnimationFrame = function(b) { if (this.lastFrameTime === null) { this.lastFrameTime = b } var a = b - this.lastFrameTime; var c = 0; if (a >= 1000) { a = 0 } if (a !== 0) { c = 1000 / a } if (this._firstFrame === true) { a = 0; this._firstFrame = false } if (c === 0) { this._firstFrame = true } else { var d = { time: b, delta: a, fps: c, naturalFps: c, timeNow: this._getTime() }; this.trigger("update", d); this.trigger("draw", d) } this._animationFrame = null; this.lastFrameTime = b; if (this._active !== false) { this._tick() } else { this.lastFrameTime = null } }; n.exports = k }, { "@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro": 153, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Function/prototype.bind": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Function/prototype.bind", "@marcom/ac-polyfills/requestAnimationFrame": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/requestAnimationFrame" }], 16: [function(o, n, i) { o("@marcom/ac-polyfills/requestAnimationFrame"); var l; var j = o("./sharedClockInstance"), m = o("@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro").EventEmitterMicro; function k(a, b) { if (a === null) { return } m.call(this); b = b || {}; this._fps = a || null; this._clock = b.clock || j; this._lastThrottledTime = null; this._clockEvent = null; this._boundOnClockDraw = this._onClockDraw.bind(this); this._boundOnClockUpdate = this._onClockUpdate.bind(this); this._clock.on("update", this._boundOnClockUpdate) } l = k.prototype = new m(null); l.setFps = function(a) { this._fps = a; return this }; l.getFps = function() { return this._fps }; l.start = function() { this._clock.start(); return this }; l.stop = function() { this._clock.stop(); return this }; l.isRunning = function() { return this._clock.isRunning() }; l.destroy = function() { this._clock.off("update", this._boundOnClockUpdate); this._clock.destroy.call(this) }; l._onClockUpdate = function(b) { if (this._lastThrottledTime === null) { this._lastThrottledTime = this._clock.lastFrameTime } var a = b.time - this._lastThrottledTime; if (!this._fps) { throw new TypeError("FPS is not defined.") } if (Math.ceil(1000 / a) >= this._fps + 2) { return } this._clockEvent = b; this._clockEvent.delta = a; this._clockEvent.fps = 1000 / a; this._lastThrottledTime = this._clockEvent.time; this._clock.once("draw", this._boundOnClockDraw); this.trigger("update", this._clockEvent) }; l._onClockDraw = function() { this.trigger("draw", this._clockEvent) }; n.exports = k }, { "./sharedClockInstance": 17, "@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro": 153, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/requestAnimationFrame": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/requestAnimationFrame" }], 17: [function(f, i, g) { var h = f("./Clock"); i.exports = new h() }, { "./Clock": 15 }], 18: [function(f, i, g) { var h = f("./ac-color/Color"); h.decimalToHex = f("./ac-color/static/decimalToHex"); h.hexToDecimal = f("./ac-color/static/hexToDecimal"); h.hexToRgb = f("./ac-color/static/hexToRgb"); h.isColor = f("./ac-color/static/isColor"); h.isHex = f("./ac-color/static/isHex"); h.isRgb = f("./ac-color/static/isRgb"); h.isRgba = f("./ac-color/static/isRgba"); h.mixColors = f("./ac-color/static/mixColors"); h.rgbaToArray = f("./ac-color/static/rgbaToArray"); h.rgbToArray = f("./ac-color/static/rgbToArray"); h.rgbToDecimal = f("./ac-color/static/rgbToDecimal"); h.rgbToHex = f("./ac-color/static/rgbToHex"); h.rgbToHsl = f("./ac-color/static/rgbToHsl"); h.rgbToHsv = f("./ac-color/static/rgbToHsv"); h.rgbaToObject = f("./ac-color/static/rgbaToObject"); h.rgbToObject = f("./ac-color/static/rgbToObject"); h.shortToLongHex = f("./ac-color/static/shortToLongHex"); i.exports = { Color: h } }, { "./ac-color/Color": 19, "./ac-color/static/decimalToHex": 21, "./ac-color/static/hexToDecimal": 22, "./ac-color/static/hexToRgb": 23, "./ac-color/static/isColor": 24, "./ac-color/static/isHex": 25, "./ac-color/static/isRgb": 26, "./ac-color/static/isRgba": 27, "./ac-color/static/mixColors": 28, "./ac-color/static/rgbToArray": 29, "./ac-color/static/rgbToDecimal": 30, "./ac-color/static/rgbToHex": 31, "./ac-color/static/rgbToHsl": 32, "./ac-color/static/rgbToHsv": 33, "./ac-color/static/rgbToObject": 34, "./ac-color/static/rgbaToArray": 35, "./ac-color/static/rgbaToObject": 36, "./ac-color/static/shortToLongHex": 37 }], 19: [function(H, K, v) { var E = H("./helpers/cssColorNames"); var z = H("./static/hexToRgb"); var A = H("./static/isColor"); var G = H("./static/isHex"); var J = H("./static/isRgba"); var w = H("./static/mixColors"); var B = H("./static/rgbaToArray"); var y = H("./static/rgbToArray"); var t = H("./static/rgbToDecimal"); var D = H("./static/rgbToHex"); var I = H("./static/rgbaToObject"); var C = H("./static/rgbToObject"); var x = H("./static/shortToLongHex"); function u(a) { if (!A(a) && !E.nameToRgbObject[a]) { throw new Error(a + " is not a supported color.") } this._setColor(a) } var F = u.prototype; F._setColor = function(c) { this._color = {}; if (G(c)) { this._color.hex = x(c); this._color.rgb = { color: z(c) } } else { if (J(c)) { this._color.rgba = { color: c }; var a = this.rgbaObject(); this._color.rgb = { color: "rgb(" + a.r + ", " + a.g + ", " + a.b + ")" } } else { if (E.nameToRgbObject[c]) { var b = E.nameToRgbObject[c]; this._color.rgb = { object: b, color: "rgb(" + b.r + ", " + b.g + ", " + b.b + ")" } } else { this._color.rgb = { color: c } } } } }; F.rgb = function() { return this._color.rgb.color }; F.rgba = function() { if (this._color.rgba === undefined) { var a = this.rgbObject(); this._color.rgba = { color: "rgba(" + a.r + ", " + a.g + ", " + a.b + ", 1)" } } return this._color.rgba.color }; F.hex = function() { if (this._color.hex === undefined) { this._color.hex = D.apply(this, this.rgbArray()) } return this._color.hex }; F.decimal = function() { if (this._color.decimal === undefined) { this._color.decimal = t(this.rgb()) } return this._color.decimal }; F.cssName = function() { return E.rgbToName[this.rgb()] || null }; F.rgbArray = function() { if (this._color.rgb.array === undefined) { this._color.rgb.array = y(this.rgb()) } return this._color.rgb.array }; F.rgbaArray = function() { if (this._color.rgba === undefined) { this.rgba() } if (this._color.rgba.array === undefined) { this._color.rgba.array = B(this.rgba()) } return this._color.rgba.array }; F.rgbObject = function() { if (this._color.rgb.object === undefined) { this._color.rgb.object = C(this.rgb()) } return this._color.rgb.object }; F.rgbaObject = function() { if (this._color.rgba === undefined) { this.rgba() } if (this._color.rgba.object === undefined) { this._color.rgba.object = I(this.rgba()) } return this._color.rgba.object }; F.getRed = function() { return this.rgbObject().r }; F.getGreen = function() { return this.rgbObject().g }; F.getBlue = function() { return this.rgbObject().b }; F.getAlpha = function() { if (this._color.rgba === undefined) { return 1 } return this.rgbaObject().a }; F.setRed = function(a) { if (a !== this.getRed()) { this._setColor("rgba(" + a + ", " + this.getGreen() + ", " + this.getBlue() + ", " + this.getAlpha() + ")") } return this.rgbObject().r }; F.setGreen = function(a) { if (a !== this.getGreen()) { this._setColor("rgba(" + this.getRed() + ", " + a + ", " + this.getBlue() + ", " + this.getAlpha() + ")") } return this.rgbObject().g }; F.setBlue = function(a) { if (a !== this.getBlue()) { this._setColor("rgba(" + this.getRed() + ", " + this.getGreen() + ", " + a + ", " + this.getAlpha() + ")") } return this.rgbObject().b }; F.setAlpha = function(a) { if (a !== this.getAlpha()) { this._setColor("rgba(" + this.getRed() + ", " + this.getGreen() + ", " + this.getBlue() + ", " + a + ")") } return this.rgbaObject().a }; F.mix = function(c, b) { var a = C(w(this.rgb(), c, b)); this._setColor("rgba(" + a.r + ", " + a.g + ", " + a.b + ", " + this.getAlpha() + ")"); return this.rgb() }; F.clone = function() { return new u(this.rgb()) }; K.exports = u }, { "./helpers/cssColorNames": 20, "./static/hexToRgb": 23, "./static/isColor": 24, "./static/isHex": 25, "./static/isRgba": 27, "./static/mixColors": 28, "./static/rgbToArray": 29, "./static/rgbToDecimal": 30, "./static/rgbToHex": 31, "./static/rgbToObject": 34, "./static/rgbaToArray": 35, "./static/rgbaToObject": 36, "./static/shortToLongHex": 37 }], 20: [function(g, k, h) { var j = { "rgb(240, 248, 255)": "aliceblue", "rgb(250, 235, 215)": "antiquewhite", "rgb(0, 0, 0)": "black", "rgb(0, 0, 255)": "blue", "rgb(0, 255, 255)": "cyan", "rgb(0, 0, 139)": "darkblue", "rgb(0, 139, 139)": "darkcyan", "rgb(0, 100, 0)": "darkgreen", "rgb(0, 206, 209)": "darkturquoise", "rgb(0, 191, 255)": "deepskyblue", "rgb(0, 128, 0)": "green", "rgb(0, 255, 0)": "lime", "rgb(0, 0, 205)": "mediumblue", "rgb(0, 250, 154)": "mediumspringgreen", "rgb(0, 0, 128)": "navy", "rgb(0, 255, 127)": "springgreen", "rgb(0, 128, 128)": "teal", "rgb(25, 25, 112)": "midnightblue", "rgb(30, 144, 255)": "dodgerblue", "rgb(32, 178, 170)": "lightseagreen", "rgb(34, 139, 34)": "forestgreen", "rgb(46, 139, 87)": "seagreen", "rgb(47, 79, 79)": "darkslategray", "rgb(50, 205, 50)": "limegreen", "rgb(60, 179, 113)": "mediumseagreen", "rgb(64, 224, 208)": "turquoise", "rgb(65, 105, 225)": "royalblue", "rgb(70, 130, 180)": "steelblue", "rgb(72, 61, 139)": "darkslateblue", "rgb(72, 209, 204)": "mediumturquoise", "rgb(75, 0, 130)": "indigo", "rgb(85, 107, 47)": "darkolivegreen", "rgb(95, 158, 160)": "cadetblue", "rgb(100, 149, 237)": "cornflowerblue", "rgb(102, 205, 170)": "mediumaquamarine", "rgb(105, 105, 105)": "dimgray", "rgb(106, 90, 205)": "slateblue", "rgb(107, 142, 35)": "olivedrab", "rgb(112, 128, 144)": "slategray", "rgb(119, 136, 153)": "lightslategray", "rgb(123, 104, 238)": "mediumslateblue", "rgb(124, 252, 0)": "lawngreen", "rgb(127, 255, 212)": "aquamarine", "rgb(127, 255, 0)": "chartreuse", "rgb(128, 128, 128)": "gray", "rgb(128, 0, 0)": "maroon", "rgb(128, 128, 0)": "olive", "rgb(128, 0, 128)": "purple", "rgb(135, 206, 250)": "lightskyblue", "rgb(135, 206, 235)": "skyblue", "rgb(138, 43, 226)": "blueviolet", "rgb(139, 0, 139)": "darkmagenta", "rgb(139, 0, 0)": "darkred", "rgb(139, 69, 19)": "saddlebrown", "rgb(143, 188, 143)": "darkseagreen", "rgb(144, 238, 144)": "lightgreen", "rgb(147, 112, 219)": "mediumpurple", "rgb(148, 0, 211)": "darkviolet", "rgb(152, 251, 152)": "palegreen", "rgb(153, 50, 204)": "darkorchid", "rgb(154, 205, 50)": "yellowgreen", "rgb(160, 82, 45)": "sienna", "rgb(165, 42, 42)": "brown", "rgb(169, 169, 169)": "darkgray", "rgb(173, 255, 47)": "greenyellow", "rgb(173, 216, 230)": "lightblue", "rgb(175, 238, 238)": "paleturquoise", "rgb(176, 196, 222)": "lightsteelblue", "rgb(176, 224, 230)": "powderblue", "rgb(178, 34, 34)": "firebrick", "rgb(184, 134, 11)": "darkgoldenrod", "rgb(186, 85, 211)": "mediumorchid", "rgb(188, 143, 143)": "rosybrown", "rgb(189, 183, 107)": "darkkhaki", "rgb(192, 192, 192)": "silver", "rgb(199, 21, 133)": "mediumvioletred", "rgb(205, 92, 92)": "indianred", "rgb(205, 133, 63)": "peru", "rgb(210, 105, 30)": "chocolate", "rgb(210, 180, 140)": "tan", "rgb(211, 211, 211)": "lightgray", "rgb(216, 191, 216)": "thistle", "rgb(218, 165, 32)": "goldenrod", "rgb(218, 112, 214)": "orchid", "rgb(219, 112, 147)": "palevioletred", "rgb(220, 20, 60)": "crimson", "rgb(220, 220, 220)": "gainsboro", "rgb(221, 160, 221)": "plum", "rgb(222, 184, 135)": "burlywood", "rgb(224, 255, 255)": "lightcyan", "rgb(230, 230, 250)": "lavender", "rgb(233, 150, 122)": "darksalmon", "rgb(238, 232, 170)": "palegoldenrod", "rgb(238, 130, 238)": "violet", "rgb(240, 255, 255)": "azure", "rgb(240, 255, 240)": "honeydew", "rgb(240, 230, 140)": "khaki", "rgb(240, 128, 128)": "lightcoral", "rgb(244, 164, 96)": "sandybrown", "rgb(245, 245, 220)": "beige", "rgb(245, 255, 250)": "mintcream", "rgb(245, 222, 179)": "wheat", "rgb(245, 245, 245)": "whitesmoke", "rgb(248, 248, 255)": "ghostwhite", "rgb(250, 250, 210)": "lightgoldenrodyellow", "rgb(250, 240, 230)": "linen", "rgb(250, 128, 114)": "salmon", "rgb(253, 245, 230)": "oldlace", "rgb(255, 228, 196)": "bisque", "rgb(255, 235, 205)": "blanchedalmond", "rgb(255, 127, 80)": "coral", "rgb(255, 248, 220)": "cornsilk", "rgb(255, 140, 0)": "darkorange", "rgb(255, 20, 147)": "deeppink", "rgb(255, 250, 240)": "floralwhite", "rgb(255, 215, 0)": "gold", "rgb(255, 105, 180)": "hotpink", "rgb(255, 255, 240)": "ivory", "rgb(255, 240, 245)": "lavenderblush", "rgb(255, 250, 205)": "lemonchiffon", "rgb(255, 182, 193)": "lightpink", "rgb(255, 160, 122)": "lightsalmon", "rgb(255, 255, 224)": "lightyellow", "rgb(255, 0, 255)": "magenta", "rgb(255, 228, 225)": "mistyrose", "rgb(255, 228, 181)": "moccasin", "rgb(255, 222, 173)": "navajowhite", "rgb(255, 165, 0)": "orange", "rgb(255, 69, 0)": "orangered", "rgb(255, 239, 213)": "papayawhip", "rgb(255, 218, 185)": "peachpuff", "rgb(255, 192, 203)": "pink", "rgb(255, 0, 0)": "red", "rgb(255, 245, 238)": "seashell", "rgb(255, 250, 250)": "snow", "rgb(255, 99, 71)": "tomato", "rgb(255, 255, 255)": "white", "rgb(255, 255, 0)": "yellow", "rgb(102, 51, 153)": "rebeccapurple" }; var i = { aqua: { r: 0, g: 255, b: 255 }, aliceblue: { r: 240, g: 248, b: 255 }, antiquewhite: { r: 250, g: 235, b: 215 }, black: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, blue: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 255 }, cyan: { r: 0, g: 255, b: 255 }, darkblue: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 139 }, darkcyan: { r: 0, g: 139, b: 139 }, darkgreen: { r: 0, g: 100, b: 0 }, darkturquoise: { r: 0, g: 206, b: 209 }, deepskyblue: { r: 0, g: 191, b: 255 }, green: { r: 0, g: 128, b: 0 }, lime: { r: 0, g: 255, b: 0 }, mediumblue: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 205 }, mediumspringgreen: { r: 0, g: 250, b: 154 }, navy: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 128 }, springgreen: { r: 0, g: 255, b: 127 }, teal: { r: 0, g: 128, b: 128 }, midnightblue: { r: 25, g: 25, b: 112 }, dodgerblue: { r: 30, g: 144, b: 255 }, lightseagreen: { r: 32, g: 178, b: 170 }, forestgreen: { r: 34, g: 139, b: 34 }, seagreen: { r: 46, g: 139, b: 87 }, darkslategray: { r: 47, g: 79, b: 79 }, darkslategrey: { r: 47, g: 79, b: 79 }, limegreen: { r: 50, g: 205, b: 50 }, mediumseagreen: { r: 60, g: 179, b: 113 }, turquoise: { r: 64, g: 224, b: 208 }, royalblue: { r: 65, g: 105, b: 225 }, steelblue: { r: 70, g: 130, b: 180 }, darkslateblue: { r: 72, g: 61, b: 139 }, mediumturquoise: { r: 72, g: 209, b: 204 }, indigo: { r: 75, g: 0, b: 130 }, darkolivegreen: { r: 85, g: 107, b: 47 }, cadetblue: { r: 95, g: 158, b: 160 }, cornflowerblue: { r: 100, g: 149, b: 237 }, mediumaquamarine: { r: 102, g: 205, b: 170 }, dimgray: { r: 105, g: 105, b: 105 }, dimgrey: { r: 105, g: 105, b: 105 }, slateblue: { r: 106, g: 90, b: 205 }, olivedrab: { r: 107, g: 142, b: 35 }, slategray: { r: 112, g: 128, b: 144 }, slategrey: { r: 112, g: 128, b: 144 }, lightslategray: { r: 119, g: 136, b: 153 }, lightslategrey: { r: 119, g: 136, b: 153 }, mediumslateblue: { r: 123, g: 104, b: 238 }, lawngreen: { r: 124, g: 252, b: 0 }, aquamarine: { r: 127, g: 255, b: 212 }, chartreuse: { r: 127, g: 255, b: 0 }, gray: { r: 128, g: 128, b: 128 }, grey: { r: 128, g: 128, b: 128 }, maroon: { r: 128, g: 0, b: 0 }, olive: { r: 128, g: 128, b: 0 }, purple: { r: 128, g: 0, b: 128 }, lightskyblue: { r: 135, g: 206, b: 250 }, skyblue: { r: 135, g: 206, b: 235 }, blueviolet: { r: 138, g: 43, b: 226 }, darkmagenta: { r: 139, g: 0, b: 139 }, darkred: { r: 139, g: 0, b: 0 }, saddlebrown: { r: 139, g: 69, b: 19 }, darkseagreen: { r: 143, g: 188, b: 143 }, lightgreen: { r: 144, g: 238, b: 144 }, mediumpurple: { r: 147, g: 112, b: 219 }, darkviolet: { r: 148, g: 0, b: 211 }, palegreen: { r: 152, g: 251, b: 152 }, darkorchid: { r: 153, g: 50, b: 204 }, yellowgreen: { r: 154, g: 205, b: 50 }, sienna: { r: 160, g: 82, b: 45 }, brown: { r: 165, g: 42, b: 42 }, darkgray: { r: 169, g: 169, b: 169 }, darkgrey: { r: 169, g: 169, b: 169 }, greenyellow: { r: 173, g: 255, b: 47 }, lightblue: { r: 173, g: 216, b: 230 }, paleturquoise: { r: 175, g: 238, b: 238 }, lightsteelblue: { r: 176, g: 196, b: 222 }, powderblue: { r: 176, g: 224, b: 230 }, firebrick: { r: 178, g: 34, b: 34 }, darkgoldenrod: { r: 184, g: 134, b: 11 }, mediumorchid: { r: 186, g: 85, b: 211 }, rosybrown: { r: 188, g: 143, b: 143 }, darkkhaki: { r: 189, g: 183, b: 107 }, silver: { r: 192, g: 192, b: 192 }, mediumvioletred: { r: 199, g: 21, b: 133 }, indianred: { r: 205, g: 92, b: 92 }, peru: { r: 205, g: 133, b: 63 }, chocolate: { r: 210, g: 105, b: 30 }, tan: { r: 210, g: 180, b: 140 }, lightgray: { r: 211, g: 211, b: 211 }, lightgrey: { r: 211, g: 211, b: 211 }, thistle: { r: 216, g: 191, b: 216 }, goldenrod: { r: 218, g: 165, b: 32 }, orchid: { r: 218, g: 112, b: 214 }, palevioletred: { r: 219, g: 112, b: 147 }, crimson: { r: 220, g: 20, b: 60 }, gainsboro: { r: 220, g: 220, b: 220 }, plum: { r: 221, g: 160, b: 221 }, burlywood: { r: 222, g: 184, b: 135 }, lightcyan: { r: 224, g: 255, b: 255 }, lavender: { r: 230, g: 230, b: 250 }, darksalmon: { r: 233, g: 150, b: 122 }, palegoldenrod: { r: 238, g: 232, b: 170 }, violet: { r: 238, g: 130, b: 238 }, azure: { r: 240, g: 255, b: 255 }, honeydew: { r: 240, g: 255, b: 240 }, khaki: { r: 240, g: 230, b: 140 }, lightcoral: { r: 240, g: 128, b: 128 }, sandybrown: { r: 244, g: 164, b: 96 }, beige: { r: 245, g: 245, b: 220 }, mintcream: { r: 245, g: 255, b: 250 }, wheat: { r: 245, g: 222, b: 179 }, whitesmoke: { r: 245, g: 245, b: 245 }, ghostwhite: { r: 248, g: 248, b: 255 }, lightgoldenrodyellow: { r: 250, g: 250, b: 210 }, linen: { r: 250, g: 240, b: 230 }, salmon: { r: 250, g: 128, b: 114 }, oldlace: { r: 253, g: 245, b: 230 }, bisque: { r: 255, g: 228, b: 196 }, blanchedalmond: { r: 255, g: 235, b: 205 }, coral: { r: 255, g: 127, b: 80 }, cornsilk: { r: 255, g: 248, b: 220 }, darkorange: { r: 255, g: 140, b: 0 }, deeppink: { r: 255, g: 20, b: 147 }, floralwhite: { r: 255, g: 250, b: 240 }, fuchsia: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 255 }, gold: { r: 255, g: 215, b: 0 }, hotpink: { r: 255, g: 105, b: 180 }, ivory: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 240 }, lavenderblush: { r: 255, g: 240, b: 245 }, lemonchiffon: { r: 255, g: 250, b: 205 }, lightpink: { r: 255, g: 182, b: 193 }, lightsalmon: { r: 255, g: 160, b: 122 }, lightyellow: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 224 }, magenta: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 255 }, mistyrose: { r: 255, g: 228, b: 225 }, moccasin: { r: 255, g: 228, b: 181 }, navajowhite: { r: 255, g: 222, b: 173 }, orange: { r: 255, g: 165, b: 0 }, orangered: { r: 255, g: 69, b: 0 }, papayawhip: { r: 255, g: 239, b: 213 }, peachpuff: { r: 255, g: 218, b: 185 }, pink: { r: 255, g: 192, b: 203 }, red: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 }, seashell: { r: 255, g: 245, b: 238 }, snow: { r: 255, g: 250, b: 250 }, tomato: { r: 255, g: 99, b: 71 }, white: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 }, yellow: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 0 }, rebeccapurple: { r: 102, g: 51, b: 153 } }; k.exports = { rgbToName: j, nameToRgbObject: i } }, {}], 21: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = function g(a) { return "#" + (a).toString(16) } }, {}], 22: [function(i, h, g) { h.exports = function f(a) { return parseInt(a.substr(1), 16) } }, {}], 23: [function(j, i, k) { var h = j("./shortToLongHex"); i.exports = function g(a) { a = h(a); var b = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(a); return b ? "rgb(" + parseInt(b[1], 16) + ", " + parseInt(b[2], 16) + ", " + parseInt(b[3], 16) + ")" : null } }, { "./shortToLongHex": 37 }], 24: [function(o, m, i) { var k = o("./isRgb"); var l = o("./isRgba"); var j = o("./isHex"); m.exports = function n(a) { return j(a) || k(a) || l(a) } }, { "./isHex": 25, "./isRgb": 26, "./isRgba": 27 }], 25: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = function g(a) { var b = /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i; return b.test(a) } }, {}], 26: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(a) { var b = /^rgb\(\s*([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]),\s*([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]),\s*([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\s*\)$/; return b.exec(a) !== null } }, {}], 27: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(a) { var b = /^rgba\(\s*([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]),\s*([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]),\s*([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]),\s*(0(\.\d+)?|1(\.0+)?)\s*\)$/; return b.exec(a) !== null } }, {}], 28: [function(n, m, o) { var i = n("./isHex"); var j = n("./hexToRgb"); var k = n("./rgbToObject"); m.exports = function l(g, a, b) { g = i(g) ? j(g) : g; a = i(a) ? j(a) : a; g = k(g); a = k(a); var c = g.r + ((a.r - g.r) * b); var d = g.g + ((a.g - g.g) * b); var f = g.b + ((a.b - g.b) * b); return "rgb(" + Math.round(c) + ", " + Math.round(d) + ", " + Math.round(f) + ")" } }, { "./hexToRgb": 23, "./isHex": 25, "./rgbToObject": 34 }], 29: [function(g, k, h) { var j = g("./rgbToObject"); k.exports = function i(b) { var a = j(b); return [a.r, a.g, a.b] } }, { "./rgbToObject": 34 }], 30: [function(n, m, i) { var o = n("./hexToDecimal"); var k = n("./rgbToArray"); var l = n("./rgbToHex"); m.exports = function j(b) { var a = l.apply(this, k(b)); return o(a) } }, { "./hexToDecimal": 22, "./rgbToArray": 29, "./rgbToHex": 31 }], 31: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(a, b, c) { return "#" + ((1 << 24) + (a << 16) + (b << 8) + c).toString(16).slice(1) } }, {}], 32: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = function g(v, l, c) { if (arguments.length !== 3) { return false } v /= 255; l /= 255; c /= 255; var b = Math.max(v, l, c); var s = Math.min(v, l, c); var d = b + s; var a = b - s; var r; var w; var u = (d / 2); if (b === s) { r = w = 0 } else { w = u > 0.5 ? a / (2 - b - s) : a / d; switch (b) { case v: r = (l - c) / a; break; case l: r = 2 + ((c - v) / a); break; case c: r = 4 + ((v - l) / a); break } r *= 60; if (r < 0) { r += 360 } } return ([r, Math.round(100 * w), Math.round(100 * u)]) } }, {}], 33: [function(i, h, g) { h.exports = function f(y, r, d) { if (arguments.length !== 3) { return false } var x = y / 255; var w = r / 255; var b = d / 255; var c = Math.max(x, w, b); var v = Math.min(x, w, b); var s; var z; var A = c; var a = c - v; z = c === 0 ? 0 : a / c; if (c === v) { s = 0 } else { switch (c) { case x: s = (w - b) / a + (w < b ? 6 : 0); break; case w: s = (b - x) / a + 2; break; case b: s = (x - w) / a + 4; break } s /= 6 } return [Math.round(360 * s), Math.round(100 * z), Math.round(100 * A)] } }, {}], 34: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(b) { var a = /rgb\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)/; var c = a.exec(b); return { r: Number(c[1]), g: Number(c[2]), b: Number(c[3]) } } }, {}], 35: [function(g, k, h) { var i = g("./rgbaToObject"); k.exports = function j(b) { var a = i(b); return [a.r, a.g, a.b, a.a] } }, { "./rgbaToObject": 36 }], 36: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(b) { var a = /rgba\(\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(0(\.\d+)?|1(\.0+)?)\s*\)/; var c = a.exec(b); return { r: Number(c[1]), g: Number(c[2]), b: Number(c[3]), a: Number(c[4]) } } }, {}], 37: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = function g(a) { var b = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i; a = a.replace(b, function(l, c, d, m) { return "#" + c + c + d + d + m + m }); return a } }, {}], 38: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { addEventListener: d("./addEventListener"), dispatchEvent: d("./dispatchEvent"), preventDefault: d("./preventDefault"), removeEventListener: d("./removeEventListener"), stop: d("./stop"), stopPropagation: d("./stopPropagation"), target: d("./target") } }, { "./addEventListener": 39, "./dispatchEvent": 40, "./preventDefault": 41, "./removeEventListener": 42, "./stop": 44, "./stopPropagation": 45, "./target": 46 }], 39: [function(m, l, h) { var j = m("./utils/addEventListener"); var i = m("./shared/getEventType"); l.exports = function k(a, c, b, d) { c = i(a, c); return j(a, c, b, d) } }, { "./shared/getEventType": 43, "./utils/addEventListener": 47 }], 40: [function(l, k, m) { var i = l("./utils/dispatchEvent"); var h = l("./shared/getEventType"); k.exports = function j(a, b, c) { b = h(a, b); return i(a, b, c) } }, { "./shared/getEventType": 43, "./utils/dispatchEvent": 48 }], 41: [function(i, h, g) { h.exports = function f(a) { a = a || window.event; if (a.preventDefault) { a.preventDefault() } else { a.returnValue = false } } }, {}], 42: [function(l, k, m) { var h = l("./utils/removeEventListener"); var i = l("./shared/getEventType"); k.exports = function j(a, c, b, d) { c = i(a, c); return h(a, c, b, d) } }, { "./shared/getEventType": 43, "./utils/removeEventListener": 49 }], 43: [function(k, i, g) { var j = k("@marcom/ac-prefixer/getEventType"); i.exports = function h(a, b) { var c; var d; if ("tagName" in a) { c = a.tagName } else { if (a === window) { c = "window" } else { c = "document" } } d = j(b, c); if (d) { return d } return b } }, { "@marcom/ac-prefixer/getEventType": 242 }], 44: [function(l, j, h) { var i = l("./stopPropagation"); var m = l("./preventDefault"); j.exports = function k(a) { a = a || window.event; i(a); m(a); a.stopped = true; a.returnValue = false } }, { "./preventDefault": 41, "./stopPropagation": 45 }], 45: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = function g(a) { a = a || window.event; if (a.stopPropagation) { a.stopPropagation() } else { a.cancelBubble = true } } }, {}], 46: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(a) { a = a || window.event; return (typeof a.target !== "undefined") ? a.target : a.srcElement } }, {}], 47: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(a, c, b, d) { if (a.addEventListener) { a.addEventListener(c, b, !! d) } else { a.attachEvent("on" + c, b) } return a } }, {}], 48: [function(f, i, g) { f("@marcom/ac-polyfills/CustomEvent"); i.exports = function h(a, b, c) { var d; if (a.dispatchEvent) { if (c) { d = new CustomEvent(b, c) } else { d = new CustomEvent(b) } a.dispatchEvent(d) } else { d = document.createEventObject(); if (c && "detail" in c) { d.detail = c.detail } a.fireEvent("on" + b, d) } return a } }, { "@marcom/ac-polyfills/CustomEvent": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/CustomEvent" }], 49: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(a, c, b, d) { if (a.removeEventListener) { a.removeEventListener(c, b, d) } else { a.detachEvent("on" + c, b) } return a } }, {}], 50: [function(j, i, k) { var g = j("./utils/getBoundingClientRect"); i.exports = function h(c, a) { var b = 1; if (a) { b = g(c).width / c.offsetWidth } return { width: c.scrollWidth * b, height: c.scrollHeight * b } } }, { "./utils/getBoundingClientRect": 60 }], 51: [function(j, i, k) { var g = j("./utils/getBoundingClientRect"); i.exports = function h(c, a) { var b; if (a) { b = g(c); return { width: b.width, height: b.height } } return { width: c.offsetWidth, height: c.offsetHeight } } }, { "./utils/getBoundingClientRect": 60 }], 52: [function(n, m, o) { var q = n("./getDimensions"); var p = n("./utils/getBoundingClientRect"); var j = n("./getScrollX"); var k = n("./getScrollY"); m.exports = function l(d, f) { var b; var g; var a; var c; var h; if (f) { b = p(d); g = j(); a = k(); return { top: b.top + a, right: b.right + g, bottom: b.bottom + a, left: b.left + g } } c = q(d, f); b = { top: d.offsetTop, left: d.offsetLeft, width: c.width, height: c.height }; while (d = d.offsetParent) { b.top += d.offsetTop; b.left += d.offsetLeft } return { top: b.top, right: b.left + b.width, bottom: b.top + b.height, left: b.left } } }, { "./getDimensions": 51, "./getScrollX": 56, "./getScrollY": 57, "./utils/getBoundingClientRect": 60 }], 53: [function(m, k, h) { var i = m("./getDimensions"); var j = m("./getPixelsInViewport"); k.exports = function l(b, a) { var c = j(b, a); var d = i(b, a).height; return (c / d) } }, { "./getDimensions": 51, "./getPixelsInViewport": 54 }], 54: [function(k, j, g) { var h = k("./getViewportPosition"); j.exports = function i(d, a) { var b = document.documentElement.clientHeight; var f = h(d, a); var c; if (f.top >= b || f.bottom <= 0) { return 0 } c = (f.bottom - f.top); if (f.top < 0) { c += f.top } if (f.bottom > b) { c -= f.bottom - b } return c } }, { "./getViewportPosition": 58 }], 55: [function(l, k, m) { var i = l("./getDimensions"); var h = l("./utils/getBoundingClientRect"); k.exports = function j(d, a) { var b; var f; var c; if (a) { b = h(d); if (d.offsetParent) { f = h(d.offsetParent); b.top -= f.top; b.left -= f.left } } else { c = i(d, a); b = { top: d.offsetTop, left: d.offsetLeft, width: c.width, height: c.height } } return { top: b.top, right: b.left + b.width, bottom: b.top + b.height, left: b.left } } }, { "./getDimensions": 51, "./utils/getBoundingClientRect": 60 }], 56: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = function g(b) { var a; b = b || window; if (b === window) { a = window.pageXOffset; if (!a) { b = document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body } else { return a } } return b.scrollLeft } }, {}], 57: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = function g(b) { var a; b = b || window; if (b === window) { a = window.pageYOffset; if (!a) { b = document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body } else { return a } } return b.scrollTop } }, {}], 58: [function(n, m, o) { var l = n("./getPagePosition"); var p = n("./utils/getBoundingClientRect"); var q = n("./getScrollX"); var j = n("./getScrollY"); m.exports = function k(c, f) { var d; var a; var b; if (f) { d = p(c); return { top: d.top, right: d.right, bottom: d.bottom, left: d.left } } d = l(c); a = q(); b = j(); return { top: d.top - b, right: d.right - a, bottom: d.bottom - b, left: d.left - a } } }, { "./getPagePosition": 52, "./getScrollX": 56, "./getScrollY": 57, "./utils/getBoundingClientRect": 60 }], 59: [function(h, l, i) { var j = h("./getPixelsInViewport"); var m = h("./getPercentInViewport"); l.exports = function k(b, a, d) { var c; d = d || 0; if (typeof d === "string" && d.slice(-2) === "px") { d = parseInt(d, 10); c = j(b, a) } else { c = m(b, a) } return (c > 0 && c >= d) } }, { "./getPercentInViewport": 53, "./getPixelsInViewport": 54 }], 60: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = function g(b) { var a = b.getBoundingClientRect(); return { top: a.top, right: a.right, bottom: a.bottom, left: a.left, width: a.width || a.right - a.left, height: a.height || a.bottom - a.top } } }, {}], 61: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = 8 }, {}], 62: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = 11 }, {}], 63: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = 9 }, {}], 64: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = 10 }, {}], 65: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = 1 }, {}], 66: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = 3 }, {}], 67: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = function g(b) { var c = document.createDocumentFragment(); var a; if (b) { a = document.createElement("div"); a.innerHTML = b; while (a.firstChild) { c.appendChild(a.firstChild) } } return c } }, {}], 68: [function(l, k, m) { l("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice"); l("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.filter"); var j = l("./internal/isNodeType"); var i = l("./ELEMENT_NODE"); k.exports = function h(a, b) { b = b || i; a = Array.prototype.slice.call(a); return a.filter(function(c) { return j(c, b) }) } }, { "./ELEMENT_NODE": 65, "./internal/isNodeType": 76, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.filter": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.filter", "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice" }], 69: [function(i, h, g) { h.exports = function f(a, b) { if ("hasAttribute" in a) { return a.hasAttribute(b) } return (a.attributes.getNamedItem(b) !== null) } }, {}], 70: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { createDocumentFragment: d("./createDocumentFragment"), filterByNodeType: d("./filterByNodeType"), hasAttribute: d("./hasAttribute"), indexOf: d("./indexOf"), insertAfter: d("./insertAfter"), insertBefore: d("./insertBefore"), insertFirstChild: d("./insertFirstChild"), insertLastChild: d("./insertLastChild"), isComment: d("./isComment"), isDocument: d("./isDocument"), isDocumentFragment: d("./isDocumentFragment"), isDocumentType: d("./isDocumentType"), isElement: d("./isElement"), isNode: d("./isNode"), isNodeList: d("./isNodeList"), isTextNode: d("./isTextNode"), remove: d("./remove"), replace: d("./replace"), COMMENT_NODE: d("./COMMENT_NODE"), DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: d("./DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE"), DOCUMENT_NODE: d("./DOCUMENT_NODE"), DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: d("./DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE"), ELEMENT_NODE: d("./ELEMENT_NODE"), TEXT_NODE: d("./TEXT_NODE") } }, { "./COMMENT_NODE": 61, "./DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE": 62, "./DOCUMENT_NODE": 63, "./DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE": 64, "./ELEMENT_NODE": 65, "./TEXT_NODE": 66, "./createDocumentFragment": 67, "./filterByNodeType": 68, "./hasAttribute": 69, "./indexOf": 71, "./insertAfter": 72, "./insertBefore": 73, "./insertFirstChild": 74, "./insertLastChild": 75, "./isComment": 78, "./isDocument": 79, "./isDocumentFragment": 80, "./isDocumentType": 81, "./isElement": 82, "./isNode": 83, "./isNodeList": 84, "./isTextNode": 85, "./remove": 86, "./replace": 87 }], 71: [function(m, l, h) { m("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.indexOf"); m("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice"); var j = m("./internal/validate"); var i = m("./filterByNodeType"); l.exports = function k(a, c) { var d = a.parentNode; var b; if (!d) { return 0 } b = d.childNodes; if (c !== false) { b = i(b, c) } else { b = Array.prototype.slice.call(b) } return b.indexOf(a) } }, { "./filterByNodeType": 68, "./internal/validate": 77, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.indexOf": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.indexOf", "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice" }], 72: [function(g, k, h) { var i = g("./internal/validate"); k.exports = function j(b, a) { i.insertNode(b, true, "insertAfter"); i.childNode(a, true, "insertAfter"); i.hasParentNode(a, "insertAfter"); if (!a.nextSibling) { return a.parentNode.appendChild(b) } return a.parentNode.insertBefore(b, a.nextSibling) } }, { "./internal/validate": 77 }], 73: [function(k, j, h) { var i = k("./internal/validate"); j.exports = function g(b, a) { i.insertNode(b, true, "insertBefore"); i.childNode(a, true, "insertBefore"); i.hasParentNode(a, "insertBefore"); return a.parentNode.insertBefore(b, a) } }, { "./internal/validate": 77 }], 74: [function(k, j, g) { var i = k("./internal/validate"); j.exports = function h(b, a) { i.insertNode(b, true, "insertFirstChild"); i.parentNode(a, true, "insertFirstChild"); if (!a.firstChild) { return a.appendChild(b) } return a.insertBefore(b, a.firstChild) } }, { "./internal/validate": 77 }], 75: [function(g, k, h) { var j = g("./internal/validate"); k.exports = function i(b, a) { j.insertNode(b, true, "insertLastChild"); j.parentNode(a, true, "insertLastChild"); return a.appendChild(b) } }, { "./internal/validate": 77 }], 76: [function(g, k, h) { var j = g("../isNode"); k.exports = function i(a, b) { if (!j(a)) { return false } if (typeof b === "number") { return (a.nodeType === b) } return (b.indexOf(a.nodeType) !== -1) } }, { "../isNode": 83 }], 77: [function(z, B, w) { var D = z("./isNodeType"); var C = z("../COMMENT_NODE"); var v = z("../DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE"); var x = z("../ELEMENT_NODE"); var y = z("../TEXT_NODE"); var t = [x, y, C, v]; var A = " must be an Element, TextNode, Comment, or Document Fragment"; var q = [x, y, C]; var u = " must be an Element, TextNode, or Comment"; var s = [x, v]; var r = " must be an Element, or Document Fragment"; var E = " must have a parentNode"; B.exports = { parentNode: function(d, a, b, c) { c = c || "target"; if ((d || a) && !D(d, s)) { throw new TypeError(b + ": " + c + r) } }, childNode: function(d, a, b, c) { c = c || "target"; if (!d && !a) { return } if (!D(d, q)) { throw new TypeError(b + ": " + c + u) } }, insertNode: function(d, a, b, c) { c = c || "node"; if (!d && !a) { return } if (!D(d, t)) { throw new TypeError(b + ": " + c + A) } }, hasParentNode: function(c, a, b) { b = b || "target"; if (!c.parentNode) { throw new TypeError(a + ": " + b + E) } } } }, { "../COMMENT_NODE": 61, "../DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE": 62, "../ELEMENT_NODE": 65, "../TEXT_NODE": 66, "./isNodeType": 76 }], 78: [function(m, l, i) { var j = m("./internal/isNodeType"); var k = m("./COMMENT_NODE"); l.exports = function h(a) { return j(a, k) } }, { "./COMMENT_NODE": 61, "./internal/isNodeType": 76 }], 79: [function(m, l, h) { var j = m("./internal/isNodeType"); var i = m("./DOCUMENT_NODE"); l.exports = function k(a) { return j(a, i) } }, { "./DOCUMENT_NODE": 63, "./internal/isNodeType": 76 }], 80: [function(m, l, h) { var j = m("./internal/isNodeType"); var i = m("./DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE"); l.exports = function k(a) { return j(a, i) } }, { "./DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE": 62, "./internal/isNodeType": 76 }], 81: [function(h, m, i) { var j = h("./internal/isNodeType"); var k = h("./DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE"); m.exports = function l(a) { return j(a, k) } }, { "./DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE": 64, "./internal/isNodeType": 76 }], 82: [function(m, l, h) { var j = m("./internal/isNodeType"); var i = m("./ELEMENT_NODE"); l.exports = function k(a) { return j(a, i) } }, { "./ELEMENT_NODE": 65, "./internal/isNodeType": 76 }], 83: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(a) { return !!(a && a.nodeType) } }, {}], 84: [function(k, j, g) { var i = /^\[object (HTMLCollection|NodeList|Object)\]$/; j.exports = function h(a) { if (!a) { return false } if (typeof a.length !== "number") { return false } if (typeof a[0] === "object" && (!a[0] || !a[0].nodeType)) { return false } return i.test(Object.prototype.toString.call(a)) } }, {}], 85: [function(m, l, i) { var j = m("./internal/isNodeType"); var h = m("./TEXT_NODE"); l.exports = function k(a) { return j(a, h) } }, { "./TEXT_NODE": 66, "./internal/isNodeType": 76 }], 86: [function(k, j, g) { var i = k("./internal/validate"); j.exports = function h(a) { i.childNode(a, true, "remove"); if (!a.parentNode) { return a } return a.parentNode.removeChild(a) } }, { "./internal/validate": 77 }], 87: [function(g, j, h) { var i = g("./internal/validate"); j.exports = function k(b, a) { i.insertNode(b, true, "insertFirstChild", "newNode"); i.childNode(a, true, "insertFirstChild", "oldNode"); i.hasParentNode(a, "insertFirstChild", "oldNode"); return a.parentNode.replaceChild(b, a) } }, { "./internal/validate": 77 }], 88: [function(m, l, h) { var k = m("@marcom/ac-prefixer/getStyleProperty"); var j = m("@marcom/ac-prefixer/stripPrefixes"); l.exports = function i() { var c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var g = c.shift(c); var a = window.getComputedStyle(g); var b = {}; var q; var f; var r; var d; if (typeof c[0] !== "string") { c = c[0] } for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) { q = c[d]; f = k(q); if (f) { q = j(f); r = a[f]; if (!r || r === "auto") { r = null } if (r) { r = j(r) } } else { r = null } b[q] = r } return b } }, { "@marcom/ac-prefixer/getStyleProperty": 92, "@marcom/ac-prefixer/stripPrefixes": 98 }], 89: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { getStyle: d("./getStyle"), setStyle: d("./setStyle") } }, { "./getStyle": 88, "./setStyle": 101 }], 90: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = function g(a) { var b; var c; var d; if (!a && a !== 0) { return "" } if (Array.isArray(a)) { return a + "" } if (typeof a === "object") { b = ""; c = Object.keys(a); for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) { b += c[d] + "(" + a[c[d]] + ") " } return b.trim() } return a } }, {}], 91: [function(n, m, o) { var i = n("./shared/stylePropertyCache"); var k = n("./getStyleProperty"); var l = n("./getStyleValue"); m.exports = function j(a, b) { var c; a = k(a); if (!a) { return false } c = i[a].css; if (typeof b !== "undefined") { b = l(a, b); if (b === false) { return false } c += ":" + b + ";" } return c } }, { "./getStyleProperty": 92, "./getStyleValue": 93, "./shared/stylePropertyCache": 96 }], 92: [function(q, r, o) { var u = q("./shared/stylePropertyCache"); var n = q("./shared/getStyleTestElement"); var t = q("./utils/toCSS"); var l = q("./utils/toDOM"); var m = q("./shared/prefixHelper"); var s = function(c, b) { var a = t(c); var d = (b === false) ? false : t(b); u[c] = u[b] = u[a] = u[d] = { dom: b, css: d }; return b }; r.exports = function p(c) { var f; var b; var d; var a; c += ""; if (c in u) { return u[c].dom } d = n(); c = l(c); b = c.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + c.substring(1); if (c === "filter") { f = ["WebkitFilter", "filter"] } else { f = (c + " " + m.dom.join(b + " ") + b).split(" ") } for (a = 0; a < f.length; a++) { if (typeof d.style[f[a]] !== "undefined") { if (a !== 0) { m.reduce(a - 1) } return s(c, f[a]) } } return s(c, false) } }, { "./shared/getStyleTestElement": 94, "./shared/prefixHelper": 95, "./shared/stylePropertyCache": 96, "./utils/toCSS": 99, "./utils/toDOM": 100 }], 93: [function(t, v, q) { var s = t("./getStyleProperty"); var n = t("./shared/styleValueAvailable"); var o = t("./shared/prefixHelper"); var w = t("./shared/stylePropertyCache"); var p = {}; var m = /(\([^\)]+\))/gi; var r = /([^ ,;\(]+(\([^\)]+\))?)/gi; v.exports = function u(b, c) { var a; c += ""; b = s(b); if (!b) { return false } if (n(b, c)) { return c } a = w[b].css; c = c.replace(r, function(h) { var i; var d; var f; var g; if (h[0] === "#" || !isNaN(h[0])) { return h } d = h.replace(m, ""); f = a + ":" + d; if (f in p) { if (p[f] === false) { return "" } return h.replace(d, p[f]) } i = o.css.map(function(j) { return j + h }); i = [h].concat(i); for (g = 0; g < i.length; g++) { if (n(b, i[g])) { if (g !== 0) { o.reduce(g - 1) } p[f] = i[g].replace(m, ""); return i[g] } } p[f] = false; return "" }); c = c.trim(); return (c === "") ? false : c } }, { "./getStyleProperty": 92, "./shared/prefixHelper": 95, "./shared/stylePropertyCache": 96, "./shared/styleValueAvailable": 97 }], 94: [function(k, j, g) { var i; j.exports = function h() { if (!i) { i = document.createElement("_") } else { i.style.cssText = ""; i.removeAttribute("style") } return i }; j.exports.resetElement = function() { i = null } }, {}], 95: [function(j, p, k) { var l = ["-webkit-", "-moz-", "-ms-"]; var o = ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms"]; var m = ["webkit", "moz", "ms"]; var q = function() { this.initialize() }; var n = q.prototype; n.initialize = function() { this.reduced = false; this.css = l; this.dom = o; this.evt = m }; n.reduce = function(a) { if (!this.reduced) { this.reduced = true; this.css = [this.css[a]]; this.dom = [this.dom[a]]; this.evt = [this.evt[a]] } }; p.exports = new q() }, {}], 96: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = {} }, {}], 97: [function(s, t, r) { var u = s("./stylePropertyCache"); var q = s("./getStyleTestElement"); var n = false; var l; var m; var p = function() { var b; if (!n) { n = true; l = ("CSS" in window && "supports" in window.CSS); m = false; b = q(); try { b.style.width = "invalid" } catch (a) { m = true } } }; t.exports = function o(d, f) { var a; var b; p(); if (l) { d = u[d].css; return CSS.supports(d, f) } b = q(); a = b.style[d]; if (m) { try { b.style[d] = f } catch (c) { return false } } else { b.style[d] = f } return (b.style[d] && b.style[d] !== a) }; t.exports.resetFlags = function() { n = false } }, { "./getStyleTestElement": 94, "./stylePropertyCache": 96 }], 98: [function(k, j, h) { var g = /(-webkit-|-moz-|-ms-)|^(webkit|moz|ms)/gi; j.exports = function i(a) { a = String.prototype.replace.call(a, g, ""); return a.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + a.substring(1) } }, {}], 99: [function(k, j, g) { var i = /^(webkit|moz|ms)/gi; j.exports = function h(a) { var b; if (a.toLowerCase() === "cssfloat") { return "float" } if (i.test(a)) { a = "-" + a } return a.replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, "$1-$2").replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase() } }, {}], 100: [function(g, k, h) { var i = /-([a-z])/g; k.exports = function j(a) { var b; if (a.toLowerCase() === "float") { return "cssFloat" } a = a.replace(i, function(c, d) { return d.toUpperCase() }); if (a.substr(0, 2) === "Ms") { a = "ms" + a.substring(2) } return a } }, {}], 101: [function(n, m, o) { var j = n("@marcom/ac-prefixer/getStyleCSS"); var l = n("@marcom/ac-prefixer/getStyleProperty"); var i = n("./internal/normalizeValue"); m.exports = function k(h, b) { var c = ""; var d; var q; var f; var a; var g; if (typeof b !== "object") { throw new TypeError("setStyle: styles must be an Object") } for (q in b) { a = i(b[q]); if (!a && a !== 0) { f = l(q); if ("removeAttribute" in h.style) { h.style.removeAttribute(f) } else { h.style[f] = "" } } else { d = j(q, a); if (d !== false) { c += " " + d } } } if (c.length) { g = h.style.cssText; if (g.charAt(g.length - 1) !== ";") { g += ";" } g += c; h.style.cssText = g } return h } }, { "./internal/normalizeValue": 90, "@marcom/ac-prefixer/getStyleCSS": 91, "@marcom/ac-prefixer/getStyleProperty": 92 }], 102: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { ancestor: d("./ancestor"), ancestors: d("./ancestors"), children: d("./children"), filterBySelector: d("./filterBySelector"), firstChild: d("./firstChild"), lastChild: d("./lastChild"), matchesSelector: d("./matchesSelector"), nextSibling: d("./nextSibling"), nextSiblings: d("./nextSiblings"), previousSibling: d("./previousSibling"), previousSiblings: d("./previousSiblings"), querySelector: d("./querySelector"), querySelectorAll: d("./querySelectorAll"), siblings: d("./siblings") } }, { "./ancestor": 103, "./ancestors": 104, "./children": 105, "./filterBySelector": 106, "./firstChild": 107, "./lastChild": 110, "./matchesSelector": 111, "./nextSibling": 112, "./nextSiblings": 113, "./previousSibling": 114, "./previousSiblings": 115, "./querySelector": 116, "./querySelectorAll": 117, "./siblings": 121 }], 103: [function(o, m, i) { var l = o("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isElement"); var j = o("./matchesSelector"); var k = o("./internal/validate"); m.exports = function n(a, b, c) { k.childNode(a, true, "ancestors"); k.selector(b, false, "ancestors"); if (c && l(a) && (!b || j(a, b))) { return a } if (a !== document.body) { while ((a = a.parentNode) && l(a)) { if (!b || j(a, b)) { return a } if (a === document.body) { break } } } return null } }, { "./internal/validate": 109, "./matchesSelector": 111, "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isElement": 82 }], 104: [function(o, n, i) { var l = o("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isElement"); var j = o("./matchesSelector"); var k = o("./internal/validate"); n.exports = function m(a, c, d) { var b = []; k.childNode(a, true, "ancestors"); k.selector(c, false, "ancestors"); if (d && l(a) && (!c || j(a, c))) { b.push(a) } if (a !== document.body) { while ((a = a.parentNode) && l(a)) { if (!c || j(a, c)) { b.push(a) } if (a === document.body) { break } } } return b } }, { "./internal/validate": 109, "./matchesSelector": 111, "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isElement": 82 }], 105: [function(n, l, o) { var i = n("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/filterByNodeType"); var j = n("./filterBySelector"); var k = n("./internal/validate"); l.exports = function m(a, c) { var b; k.parentNode(a, true, "children"); k.selector(c, false, "children"); b = a.children || a.childNodes; b = i(b); if (c) { b = j(b, c) } return b } }, { "./filterBySelector": 106, "./internal/validate": 109, "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/filterByNodeType": 68 }], 106: [function(l, k, m) { l("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice"); l("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.filter"); var h = l("./matchesSelector"); var j = l("./internal/validate"); k.exports = function i(a, b) { j.selector(b, true, "filterBySelector"); a = Array.prototype.slice.call(a); return a.filter(function(c) { return h(c, b) }) } }, { "./internal/validate": 109, "./matchesSelector": 111, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.filter": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.filter", "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice" }], 107: [function(h, l, i) { var m = h("./children"); var j = h("./internal/validate"); l.exports = function k(a, c) { var b; j.parentNode(a, true, "firstChild"); j.selector(c, false, "firstChild"); if (a.firstElementChild && !c) { return a.firstElementChild } b = m(a, c); if (b.length) { return b[0] } return null } }, { "./children": 105, "./internal/validate": 109 }], 108: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = window.Element ? (function(a) { return a.matches || a.matchesSelector || a.webkitMatchesSelector || a.mozMatchesSelector || a.msMatchesSelector || a.oMatchesSelector }(Element.prototype)) : null }, {}], 109: [function(z, C, x) { z("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.indexOf"); var r = z("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isNode"); var D = z("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/COMMENT_NODE"); var v = z("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE"); var w = z("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/DOCUMENT_NODE"); var y = z("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/ELEMENT_NODE"); var A = z("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/TEXT_NODE"); var E = function(a, b) { if (!r(a)) { return false } if (typeof b === "number") { return (a.nodeType === b) } return (b.indexOf(a.nodeType) !== -1) }; var t = [y, w, v]; var s = " must be an Element, Document, or Document Fragment"; var q = [y, A, D]; var u = " must be an Element, TextNode, or Comment"; var B = " must be a string"; C.exports = { parentNode: function(d, a, b, c) { c = c || "node"; if ((d || a) && !E(d, t)) { throw new TypeError(b + ": " + c + s) } }, childNode: function(d, a, b, c) { c = c || "node"; if (!d && !a) { return } if (!E(d, q)) { throw new TypeError(b + ": " + c + u) } }, selector: function(d, a, b, c) { c = c || "selector"; if ((d || a) && typeof d !== "string") { throw new TypeError(b + ": " + c + B) } } } }, { "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/COMMENT_NODE": 61, "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE": 62, "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/DOCUMENT_NODE": 63, "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/ELEMENT_NODE": 65, "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/TEXT_NODE": 66, "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isNode": 83, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.indexOf": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.indexOf" }], 110: [function(h, l, i) { var m = h("./children"); var j = h("./internal/validate"); l.exports = function k(a, c) { var b; j.parentNode(a, true, "lastChild"); j.selector(c, false, "lastChild"); if (a.lastElementChild && !c) { return a.lastElementChild } b = m(a, c); if (b.length) { return b[b.length - 1] } return null } }, { "./children": 105, "./internal/validate": 109 }], 111: [function(p, o, q) { var n = p("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isElement"); var l = p("./internal/validate"); var k = p("./internal/nativeMatches"); var m = p("./shims/matchesSelector"); o.exports = function j(a, b) { l.selector(b, true, "matchesSelector"); if (!n(a)) { return false } if (!k) { return m(a, b) } return k.call(a, b) } }, { "./internal/nativeMatches": 108, "./internal/validate": 109, "./shims/matchesSelector": 118, "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isElement": 82 }], 112: [function(o, n, i) { var m = o("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isElement"); var j = o("./matchesSelector"); var k = o("./internal/validate"); n.exports = function l(a, b) { k.childNode(a, true, "nextSibling"); k.selector(b, false, "nextSibling"); if (a.nextElementSibling && !b) { return a.nextElementSibling } while (a = a.nextSibling) { if (m(a)) { if (!b || j(a, b)) { return a } } } return null } }, { "./internal/validate": 109, "./matchesSelector": 111, "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isElement": 82 }], 113: [function(n, m, i) { var l = n("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isElement"); var j = n("./matchesSelector"); var k = n("./internal/validate"); m.exports = function o(a, c) { var b = []; k.childNode(a, true, "nextSiblings"); k.selector(c, false, "nextSiblings"); while (a = a.nextSibling) { if (l(a)) { if (!c || j(a, c)) { b.push(a) } } } return b } }, { "./internal/validate": 109, "./matchesSelector": 111, "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isElement": 82 }], 114: [function(o, n, i) { var l = o("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isElement"); var j = o("./matchesSelector"); var k = o("./internal/validate"); n.exports = function m(a, b) { k.childNode(a, true, "previousSibling"); k.selector(b, false, "previousSibling"); if (a.previousElementSibling && !b) { return a.previousElementSibling } while (a = a.previousSibling) { if (l(a)) { if (!b || j(a, b)) { return a } } } return null } }, { "./internal/validate": 109, "./matchesSelector": 111, "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isElement": 82 }], 115: [function(o, n, i) { var m = o("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isElement"); var j = o("./matchesSelector"); var k = o("./internal/validate"); n.exports = function l(a, c) { var b = []; k.childNode(a, true, "previousSiblings"); k.selector(c, false, "previousSiblings"); while (a = a.previousSibling) { if (m(a)) { if (!c || j(a, c)) { b.push(a) } } } return b.reverse() } }, { "./internal/validate": 109, "./matchesSelector": 111, "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isElement": 82 }], 116: [function(o, n, j) { var k = o("./internal/validate"); var i = o("./shims/querySelector"); var l = ("querySelector" in document); n.exports = function m(b, a) { a = a || document; k.parentNode(a, true, "querySelector", "context"); k.selector(b, true, "querySelector"); if (!l) { return i(b, a) } return a.querySelector(b) } }, { "./internal/validate": 109, "./shims/querySelector": 119 }], 117: [function(i, o, j) { i("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice"); var k = i("./internal/validate"); var l = i("./shims/querySelectorAll"); var m = ("querySelectorAll" in document); o.exports = function n(b, a) { a = a || document; k.parentNode(a, true, "querySelectorAll", "context"); k.selector(b, true, "querySelectorAll"); if (!m) { return l(b, a) } return Array.prototype.slice.call(a.querySelectorAll(b)) } }, { "./internal/validate": 109, "./shims/querySelectorAll": 120, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.slice" }], 118: [function(k, j, g) { var i = k("../querySelectorAll"); j.exports = function h(a, f) { var b = a.parentNode || document; var d = i(f, b); var c; for (c = 0; c < d.length; c++) { if (d[c] === a) { return true } } return false } }, { "../querySelectorAll": 117 }], 119: [function(g, k, h) { var j = g("./querySelectorAll"); k.exports = function i(b, a) { var c = j(b, a); return c.length ? c[0] : null } }, { "./querySelectorAll": 120 }], 120: [function(s, t, q) { s("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.indexOf"); var m = s("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isElement"); var o = s("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isDocumentFragment"); var l = s("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/remove"); var r = "_ac_qsa_"; var n = function(c, b) { var a; if (b === document) { return true } a = c; while ((a = a.parentNode) && m(a)) { if (a === b) { return true } } return false }; var p = function(a) { if ("recalc" in a) { a.recalc(false) } else { document.recalc(false) } window.scrollBy(0, 0) }; t.exports = function u(b, g) { var d = document.createElement("style"); var c = r + (Math.random() + "").slice(-6); var a = []; var f; g = g || document; document[c] = []; if (o(g)) { g.appendChild(d) } else { document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(d) } d.styleSheet.cssText = "*{display:recalc;}" + b + '{ac-qsa:expression(document["' + c + '"] && document["' + c + '"].push(this));}'; p(g); while (document[c].length) { f = document[c].shift(); f.style.removeAttribute("ac-qsa"); if (a.indexOf(f) === -1 && n(f, g)) { a.push(f) } } document[c] = null; l(d); p(g); return a } }, { "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isDocumentFragment": 80, "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/isElement": 82, "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/remove": 86, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.indexOf": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.indexOf" }], 121: [function(h, l, i) { var m = h("./children"); var j = h("./internal/validate"); l.exports = function k(a, c) { var b = []; j.childNode(a, true, "siblings"); j.selector(c, false, "siblings"); if (a.parentNode) { b = m(a.parentNode, c); b = b.filter(function(d) { return (d !== a) }) } return b } }, { "./children": 105, "./internal/validate": 109 }], 122: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { createBezier: d("./ac-easing/createBezier"), createPredefined: d("./ac-easing/createPredefined"), createStep: d("./ac-easing/createStep"), Ease: d("./ac-easing/Ease") } }, { "./ac-easing/Ease": 123, "./ac-easing/createBezier": 124, "./ac-easing/createPredefined": 125, "./ac-easing/createStep": 126 }], 123: [function(h, m, i) { var j = "Ease expects an easing function."; function k(a, b) { if (typeof a !== "function") { throw new TypeError(j) } this.easingFunction = a; this.cssString = b || null } var l = k.prototype; l.getValue = function(a) { return this.easingFunction(a, 0, 1, 1) }; m.exports = k }, {}], 124: [function(i, o, j) { i("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.every"); var m = i("./Ease"); var k = i("./helpers/KeySpline"); var n = "Bezier curve expects exactly four (4) numbers. Given: "; o.exports = function l(r, b, s, c) { var a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var f = a.every(function(p) { return (typeof p === "number") }); if (a.length !== 4 || !f) { throw new TypeError(n + a) } var d = new k(r, b, s, c); var h = function(q, w, p, v) { return d.get(q / v) * p + w }; var g = "cubic-bezier(" + a.join(", ") + ")"; return new m(h, g) } }, { "./Ease": 123, "./helpers/KeySpline": 127, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.every": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.every" }], 125: [function(q, s, p) { var l = q("./createStep"); var o = q("./helpers/cssAliases"); var r = q("./helpers/easingFunctions"); var m = q("./Ease"); var n = 'Easing function "%TYPE%" not recognized among the following: ' + Object.keys(r).join(", "); s.exports = function k(b) { var a; if (b === "step-start") { return l(1, "start") } else { if (b === "step-end") { return l(1, "end") } else { a = r[b] } } if (!a) { throw new Error(n.replace("%TYPE%", b)) } return new m(a, o[b]) } }, { "./Ease": 123, "./createStep": 126, "./helpers/cssAliases": 128, "./helpers/easingFunctions": 129 }], 126: [function(n, m, o) { var l = n("./Ease"); var i = "Step function expects a numeric value greater than zero. Given: "; var j = 'Step function direction must be either "start" or "end" (default). Given: '; m.exports = function k(d, a) { a = a || "end"; if (typeof d !== "number" || d < 1) { throw new TypeError(i + d) } if (a !== "start" && a !== "end") { throw new TypeError(j + a) } var b = function(h, f, g, s) { var t = g / d; var u = Math[(a === "start") ? "floor" : "ceil"](h / s * d); return f + t * u }; var c = "steps(" + d + ", " + a + ")"; return new l(b, c) } }, { "./Ease": 123 }], 127: [function(f, i, g) { /*! MIT License * * KeySpline - use bezier curve for transition easing function * Copyright (c) 2012 Gaetan Renaudeau * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ ; function h(a, d, b, q) { this.get = function(j) { if (a === d && b === q) { return j } return t(p(j), d, q) }; function r(k, j) { return 1 - 3 * j + 3 * k } function s(k, j) { return 3 * j - 6 * k } function u(j) { return 3 * j } function t(j, l, k) { return ((r(l, k) * j + s(l, k)) * j + u(l)) * j } function c(j, l, k) { return 3 * r(l, k) * j * j + 2 * s(l, k) * j + u(l) } function p(k) { var m = k; for (var l = 0; l < 4; ++l) { var j = c(m, a, b); if (j === 0) { return m } var n = t(m, a, b) - k; m -= n / j } return m } } i.exports = h }, {}], 128: [function(i, h, f) { var g = { linear: "cubic-bezier(0, 0, 1, 1)", ease: "cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1)", "ease-in": "cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1, 1)", "ease-out": "cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1)", "ease-in-out": "cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1)", "ease-in-cubic": "cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.055, 0.675, 0.19)", "ease-out-cubic": "cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1)", "ease-in-out-cubic": "cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1)", "ease-in-quad": "cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.085, 0.68, 0.53)", "ease-out-quad": "cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94)", "ease-in-out-quad": "cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.03, 0.515, 0.955)", "ease-in-quart": "cubic-bezier(0.895, 0.03, 0.685, 0.22)", "ease-out-quart": "cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1)", "ease-in-out-quart": "cubic-bezier(0.77, 0, 0.175, 1)", "ease-in-quint": "cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.05, 0.855, 0.06)", "ease-out-quint": "cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1)", "ease-in-out-quint": "cubic-bezier(0.86, 0, 0.07, 1)", "ease-in-sine": "cubic-bezier(0.47, 0, 0.745, 0.715)", "ease-out-sine": "cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1)", "ease-in-out-sine": "cubic-bezier(0.445, 0.05, 0.55, 0.95)", "ease-in-expo": "cubic-bezier(0.95, 0.05, 0.795, 0.035)", "ease-out-expo": "cubic-bezier(0.19, 1, 0.22, 1)", "ease-in-out-expo": "cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0, 1)", "ease-in-circ": "cubic-bezier(0.6, 0.04, 0.98, 0.335)", "ease-out-circ": "cubic-bezier(0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1)", "ease-in-out-circ": "cubic-bezier(0.785, 0.135, 0.15, 0.86)", "ease-in-back": "cubic-bezier(0.6, -0.28, 0.735, 0.045)", "ease-out-back": "cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275)", "ease-in-out-back": "cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.265, 1.55)" }; g.easeIn = g["ease-in"]; g.easeOut = g["ease-out"]; g.easeInOut = g["ease-in-out"]; g.easeInCubic = g["ease-in-cubic"]; g.easeOutCubic = g["ease-out-cubic"]; g.easeInOutCubic = g["ease-in-out-cubic"]; g.easeInQuad = g["ease-in-quad"]; g.easeOutQuad = g["ease-out-quad"]; g.easeInOutQuad = g["ease-in-out-quad"]; g.easeInQuart = g["ease-in-quart"]; g.easeOutQuart = g["ease-out-quart"]; g.easeInOutQuart = g["ease-in-out-quart"]; g.easeInQuint = g["ease-in-quint"]; g.easeOutQuint = g["ease-out-quint"]; g.easeInOutQuint = g["ease-in-out-quint"]; g.easeInSine = g["ease-in-sine"]; g.easeOutSine = g["ease-out-sine"]; g.easeInOutSine = g["ease-in-out-sine"]; g.easeInExpo = g["ease-in-expo"]; g.easeOutExpo = g["ease-out-expo"]; g.easeInOutExpo = g["ease-in-out-expo"]; g.easeInCirc = g["ease-in-circ"]; g.easeOutCirc = g["ease-out-circ"]; g.easeInOutCirc = g["ease-in-out-circ"]; g.easeInBack = g["ease-in-back"]; g.easeOutBack = g["ease-out-back"]; g.easeInOutBack = g["ease-in-out-back"]; h.exports = g }, {}], 129: [function(ay, aA, W) { var S = ay("../createBezier"); var af = S(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1).easingFunction; var aw = S(0.42, 0, 1, 1).easingFunction; var Z = S(0, 0, 0.58, 1).easingFunction; var ae = S(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1).easingFunction; var ah = function(b, d, a, c) { return a * b / c + d }; var av = function(b, d, a, c) { return a * (b /= c) * b + d }; var O = function(b, d, a, c) { return -a * (b /= c) * (b - 2) + d }; var Y = function(b, d, a, c) { if ((b /= c / 2) < 1) { return a / 2 * b * b + d } return -a / 2 * ((--b) * (b - 2) - 1) + d }; var au = function(b, d, a, c) { return a * (b /= c) * b * b + d }; var aB = function(b, d, a, c) { return a * ((b = b / c - 1) * b * b + 1) + d }; var at = function(b, d, a, c) { if ((b /= c / 2) < 1) { return a / 2 * b * b * b + d } return a / 2 * ((b -= 2) * b * b + 2) + d }; var an = function(b, d, a, c) { return a * (b /= c) * b * b * b + d }; var ap = function(b, d, a, c) { return -a * ((b = b / c - 1) * b * b * b - 1) + d }; var am = function(b, d, a, c) { if ((b /= c / 2) < 1) { return a / 2 * b * b * b * b + d } return -a / 2 * ((b -= 2) * b * b * b - 2) + d }; var ad = function(b, d, a, c) { return a * (b /= c) * b * b * b * b + d }; var ag = function(b, d, a, c) { return a * ((b = b / c - 1) * b * b * b * b + 1) + d }; var ac = function(b, d, a, c) { if ((b /= c / 2) < 1) { return a / 2 * b * b * b * b * b + d } return a / 2 * ((b -= 2) * b * b * b * b + 2) + d }; var az = function(b, d, a, c) { return -a * Math.cos(b / c * (Math.PI / 2)) + a + d }; var Q = function(b, d, a, c) { return a * Math.sin(b / c * (Math.PI / 2)) + d }; var aa = function(b, d, a, c) { return -a / 2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * b / c) - 1) + d }; var V = function(b, d, a, c) { return (b === 0) ? d : a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (b / c - 1)) + d }; var ab = function(b, d, a, c) { return (b === c) ? d + a : a * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * b / c) + 1) + d }; var ak = function(b, d, a, c) { if (b === 0) { return d } else { if (b === c) { return d + a } else { if ((b /= c / 2) < 1) { return a / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (b - 1)) + d } } } return a / 2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --b) + 2) + d }; var aq = function(b, d, a, c) { return -a * (Math.sqrt(1 - (b /= c) * b) - 1) + d }; var ax = function(b, d, a, c) { return a * Math.sqrt(1 - (b = b / c - 1) * b) + d }; var T = function(b, d, a, c) { if ((b /= c / 2) < 1) { return -a / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - b * b) - 1) + d } return a / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (b -= 2) * b) + 1) + d }; var X = function(c, f, a, d) { var h = 1.70158; var b = 0; var g = a; if (c === 0) { return f } else { if ((c /= d) === 1) { return f + a } } if (!b) { b = d * 0.3 } if (g < Math.abs(a)) { g = a; h = b / 4 } else { h = b / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(a / g) } return -(g * Math.pow(2, 10 * (c -= 1)) * Math.sin((c * d - h) * (2 * Math.PI) / b)) + f }; var U = function(c, f, a, d) { var h = 1.70158; var b = 0; var g = a; if (c === 0) { return f } else { if ((c /= d) === 1) { return f + a } } if (!b) { b = d * 0.3 } if (g < Math.abs(a)) { g = a; h = b / 4 } else { h = b / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(a / g) } return g * Math.pow(2, -10 * c) * Math.sin((c * d - h) * (2 * Math.PI) / b) + a + f }; var ai = function(c, f, a, d) { var h = 1.70158; var b = 0; var g = a; if (c === 0) { return f } else { if ((c /= d / 2) === 2) { return f + a } } if (!b) { b = d * (0.3 * 1.5) } if (g < Math.abs(a)) { g = a; h = b / 4 } else { h = b / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(a / g) } if (c < 1) { return -0.5 * (g * Math.pow(2, 10 * (c -= 1)) * Math.sin((c * d - h) * (2 * Math.PI) / b)) + f } return g * Math.pow(2, -10 * (c -= 1)) * Math.sin((c * d - h) * (2 * Math.PI) / b) * 0.5 + a + f }; var aj = function(b, d, a, c, f) { if (f === undefined) { f = 1.70158 } return a * (b /= c) * b * ((f + 1) * b - f) + d }; var al = function(b, d, a, c, f) { if (f === undefined) { f = 1.70158 } return a * ((b = b / c - 1) * b * ((f + 1) * b + f) + 1) + d }; var ar = function(b, d, a, c, f) { if (f === undefined) { f = 1.70158 } if ((b /= c / 2) < 1) { return a / 2 * (b * b * (((f *= (1.525)) + 1) * b - f)) + d } return a / 2 * ((b -= 2) * b * (((f *= (1.525)) + 1) * b + f) + 2) + d }; var R = function(b, d, a, c) { if ((b /= c) < (1 / 2.75)) { return a * (7.5625 * b * b) + d } else { if (b < (2 / 2.75)) { return a * (7.5625 * (b -= (1.5 / 2.75)) * b + 0.75) + d } else { if (b < (2.5 / 2.75)) { return a * (7.5625 * (b -= (2.25 / 2.75)) * b + 0.9375) + d } } } return a * (7.5625 * (b -= (2.625 / 2.75)) * b + 0.984375) + d }; var ao = function(b, d, a, c) { return a - R(c - b, 0, a, c) + d }; var P = function(b, d, a, c) { if (b < c / 2) { return ao(b * 2, 0, a, c) * 0.5 + d } return R(b * 2 - c, 0, a, c) * 0.5 + a * 0.5 + d }; aA.exports = { linear: ah, ease: af, easeIn: aw, "ease-in": aw, easeOut: Z, "ease-out": Z, easeInOut: ae, "ease-in-out": ae, easeInCubic: au, "ease-in-cubic": au, easeOutCubic: aB, "ease-out-cubic": aB, easeInOutCubic: at, "ease-in-out-cubic": at, easeInQuad: av, "ease-in-quad": av, easeOutQuad: O, "ease-out-quad": O, easeInOutQuad: Y, "ease-in-out-quad": Y, easeInQuart: an, "ease-in-quart": an, easeOutQuart: ap, "ease-out-quart": ap, easeInOutQuart: am, "ease-in-out-quart": am, easeInQuint: ad, "ease-in-quint": ad, easeOutQuint: ag, "ease-out-quint": ag, easeInOutQuint: ac, "ease-in-out-quint": ac, easeInSine: az, "ease-in-sine": az, easeOutSine: Q, "ease-out-sine": Q, easeInOutSine: aa, "ease-in-out-sine": aa, easeInExpo: V, "ease-in-expo": V, easeOutExpo: ab, "ease-out-expo": ab, easeInOutExpo: ak, "ease-in-out-expo": ak, easeInCirc: aq, "ease-in-circ": aq, easeOutCirc: ax, "ease-out-circ": ax, easeInOutCirc: T, "ease-in-out-circ": T, easeInBack: aj, "ease-in-back": aj, easeOutBack: al, "ease-out-back": al, easeInOutBack: ar, "ease-in-out-back": ar, easeInElastic: X, "ease-in-elastic": X, easeOutElastic: U, "ease-out-elastic": U, easeInOutElastic: ai, "ease-in-out-elastic": ai, easeInBounce: ao, "ease-in-bounce": ao, easeOutBounce: R, "ease-out-bounce": R, easeInOutBounce: P, "ease-in-out-bounce": P } }, { "../createBezier": 124 }], 130: [function(p, r, o) { p("./helpers/Float32Array"); var s = p("./helpers/transitionEnd"); var n = p("@marcom/ac-clip").Clip; var l = p("./clips/ClipEasing"); var q = p("./clips/ClipInlineCss"); var m = p("./clips/ClipTransitionCss"); function t(d, a, c, b) { if (d.nodeType) { if (s === undefined || (b && b.inlineStyles)) { return new q(d, a, c, b) } return new m(d, a, c, b) } return new l(d, a, c, b) } for (var u in n) { if (typeof n[u] === "function" && u.substr(0, 1) !== "_") { t[u] = n[u].bind(n) } } t.to = function(d, a, c, b) { b = b || {}; if (b.destroyOnComplete === undefined) { b.destroyOnComplete = true } return new t(d, a, c, b).play() }; t.from = function(c, d, b, a) { a = a || {}; a.propsFrom = b; if (a.destroyOnComplete === undefined) { a.destroyOnComplete = true } return new t(c, d, a.propsTo, a).play() }; r.exports = t }, { "./clips/ClipEasing": 133, "./clips/ClipInlineCss": 134, "./clips/ClipTransitionCss": 135, "./helpers/Float32Array": 138, "./helpers/transitionEnd": 147, "@marcom/ac-clip": 12 }], 131: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = d("./timeline/Timeline") }, { "./timeline/Timeline": 149 }], 132: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { Clip: d("./Clip"), Timeline: d("./Timeline") } }, { "./Clip": 130, "./Timeline": 131 }], 133: [function(z, A, y) { var r = z("@marcom/ac-object/clone"); var v = z("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var o = z("@marcom/ac-easing").createPredefined; var q = z("../helpers/isCssCubicBezierString"); var w = z("../helpers/BezierCurveCssManager"); var t = z("@marcom/ac-clip").Clip; var s = z("@marcom/ac-easing").Ease; function p(b, c, a, d) { if (d && q(d.ease)) { d.ease = w.create(d.ease).toEasingFunction() } d = d || {}; this._propsEase = d.propsEase || {}; t.call(this, b, c, a, d) } var u = t.prototype; var x = p.prototype = v(u); x.reset = function() { var a = u.reset.call(this); if (this._clips) { var b = this._clips.length; while (b--) { this._clips[b].reset() } } return a }; x.destroy = function() { if (this._clips) { var a = this._clips.length; while (a--) { this._clips[a].destroy() } this._clips = null } this._eases = null; this._storeOnUpdate = null; return u.destroy.call(this) }; x._prepareProperties = function() { var i = 0; var f = {}; var h = {}; var d = {}; var a; var b; if (this._propsEase) { for (a in this._propsTo) { if (this._propsTo.hasOwnProperty(a)) { b = this._propsEase[a]; if (q(b)) { b = w.create(b).toEasingFunction() } if (b === undefined) { if (f[this._ease] === undefined) { f[this._ease] = {}; h[this._ease] = {}; d[this._ease] = this._ease.easingFunction; i++ } f[this._ease][a] = this._propsTo[a]; h[this._ease][a] = this._propsFrom[a] } else { if (typeof b === "function") { f[i] = {}; h[i] = {}; f[i][a] = this._propsTo[a]; h[i][a] = this._propsFrom[a]; d[i] = b; i++ } else { if (f[b] === undefined) { f[b] = {}; h[b] = {}; d[b] = b; i++ } f[b][a] = this._propsTo[a]; h[b][a] = this._propsFrom[a] } } } } if (i > 1) { var g = r(this._options || {}, true); var c = this._duration * 0.001; this._storeOnUpdate = this._onUpdate; this._onUpdate = this._onUpdateClips; g.onStart = null; g.onUpdate = null; g.onDraw = null; g.onComplete = null; this._clips = []; for (b in f) { if (f.hasOwnProperty(b)) { g.ease = d[b]; g.propsFrom = h[b]; this._clips.push(new t(this._target, c, f[b], g)) } } b = "linear"; this._propsTo = {}; this._propsFrom = {} } else { for (a in d) { if (d.hasOwnProperty(a)) { b = d[a] } } } if (b !== undefined) { this._ease = (typeof b === "function") ? new s(b) : o(b) } } return u._prepareProperties.call(this) }; x._onUpdateClips = function(a) { var c = (this._direction === 1) ? a.progress() : 1 - a.progress(); var b = this._clips.length; while (b--) { this._clips[b].progress(c) } if (typeof this._storeOnUpdate === "function") { this._storeOnUpdate.call(this, this) } }; A.exports = p }, { "../helpers/BezierCurveCssManager": 137, "../helpers/isCssCubicBezierString": 143, "@marcom/ac-clip": 12, "@marcom/ac-easing": 122, "@marcom/ac-object/clone": 213, "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214 }], 134: [function(u, w, t) { var o = u("@marcom/ac-dom-styles/setStyle"); var x = u("../helpers/convertToStyleObject"); var v = u("../helpers/convertToTransitionableObjects"); var r = u("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var q = u("../helpers/removeTransitions"); var n = u("./ClipEasing"); function y(b, c, a, d) { d = d || {}; this._el = b; this._storeOnStart = d.onStart || null; this._storeOnDraw = d.onDraw || null; this._storeOnComplete = d.onComplete || null; d.onStart = this._onStart; d.onDraw = this._onDraw; d.onComplete = this._onComplete; n.call(this, {}, c, a, d) } var p = n.prototype; var s = y.prototype = r(p); s.play = function() { var a = p.play.call(this); if (this._remainingDelay !== 0) { o(this._el, x(this._target)) } return a }; s.reset = function() { var a = p.reset.call(this); o(this._el, x(this._target)); return a }; s.destroy = function() { this._el = null; this._completeStyles = null; this._storeOnStart = null; this._storeOnDraw = null; this._storeOnComplete = null; return p.destroy.call(this) }; s.target = function() { return this._el }; s._prepareProperties = function() { var b = v(this._el, this._propsTo, this._propsFrom); this._target = b.target; this._propsFrom = b.propsFrom; this._propsTo = b.propsTo; q(this._el, this._target); var d = (this._isYoyo) ? this._propsFrom : this._propsTo; this._completeStyles = x(d); if (this._options.removeStylesOnComplete !== undefined) { var a; var c = this._options.removeStylesOnComplete; if (typeof c === "boolean" && c) { for (a in this._completeStyles) { if (this._completeStyles.hasOwnProperty(a)) { this._completeStyles[a] = null } } } else { if (typeof c === "object" && c.length) { var f = c.length; while (f--) { a = c[f]; if (this._completeStyles.hasOwnProperty(a)) { this._completeStyles[a] = null } } } } } return p._prepareProperties.call(this) }; s._onStart = function(a) { if (this.playing() && this._direction === 1 && this._delay === 0) { o(this._el, x(this._propsFrom)) } if (typeof this._storeOnStart === "function") { this._storeOnStart.call(this, this) } }; s._onDraw = function(a) { o(this._el, x(this._target)); if (typeof this._storeOnDraw === "function") { this._storeOnDraw.call(this, this) } }; s._onComplete = function(a) { o(this._el, this._completeStyles); if (typeof this._storeOnComplete === "function") { this._storeOnComplete.call(this, this) } }; w.exports = y }, { "../helpers/convertToStyleObject": 140, "../helpers/convertToTransitionableObjects": 141, "../helpers/removeTransitions": 144, "./ClipEasing": 133, "@marcom/ac-dom-styles/setStyle": 101, "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214 }], 135: [function(N, V, z) { var T = N("@marcom/ac-dom-styles/setStyle"); var S = N("@marcom/ac-dom-styles/getStyle"); var U = N("../helpers/convertToStyleObject"); var I = N("../helpers/convertToTransitionableObjects"); var A = N("@marcom/ac-object/clone"); var K = N("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var D = N("@marcom/ac-easing").createPredefined; var L = N("../helpers/isCssCubicBezierString"); var C = N("../helpers/removeTransitions"); var O = N("../helpers/transitionEnd"); var J = N("../helpers/waitAnimationFrames"); var B = N("../helpers/BezierCurveCssManager"); var W = N("@marcom/ac-clip").Clip; var F = N("./ClipEasing"); var E = N("@marcom/ac-page-visibility").PageVisibilityManager; var R = "ease"; var P = "%EASE% is not a supported predefined ease when transitioning with Elements and CSS transition. If you need to use %EASE% then pass the inlineStyle:true option."; var M = "Function eases are not supported when using CSS transitions with Elements. Either use a cubic-bezier string (e.g. 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 1, 1)' or pass the inlineStyle option as `true` to render styles each frame instead of using CSS transitions."; function Q(d, a, c, b) { b = b || {}; this._el = d; this._storeEase = b.ease; if (typeof this._storeEase === "function") { throw new Error(M) } this._storeOnStart = b.onStart || null; this._storeOnComplete = b.onComplete || null; b.onStart = this._onStart.bind(this); b.onComplete = this._onComplete.bind(this); this._stylesTo = A(c, true); this._stylesFrom = (b.propsFrom) ? A(b.propsFrom, true) : {}; this._propsEase = (b.propsEase) ? A(b.propsEase, true) : {}; if (L(b.ease)) { b.ease = B.create(b.ease).toEasingFunction() } W.call(this, {}, a, {}, b); this._propsFrom = {} } var H = W.prototype; var G = Q.prototype = K(H); G.play = function() { var a = H.play.call(this); if (this._direction === 1 && this.progress() === 0 && this._remainingDelay !== 0) { this._applyStyles(0, U(this._stylesFrom)) } return a }; G.reset = function() { var a = H.reset.call(this); this._stylesClip.reset(); this._applyStyles(0, U(this._styles)); return a }; G.destroy = function() { E.off("changed", this._onVisibilityChanged); this._removeTransitionListener(); this.off("pause", this._onPaused); this._onPaused(); this._stylesClip.destroy(); this._stylesClip = null; this._el = null; this._propsArray = null; this._styles = null; this._stylesFrom = null; this._stylesTo = null; this._completeStyles = null; this._storeOnStart = null; this._storeOnComplete = null; this._onTransitionEnded = null; return H.destroy.call(this) }; G.target = function() { return this._el }; G.duration = function(a) { var b = H.duration.call(this, a); if (a === undefined) { return b } if (this.playing()) { this.progress(this._progress) } return b }; G.progress = function(b) { var a = H.progress.call(this, b); if (b === undefined) { return a } b = (this._direction === 1) ? b : 1 - b; this._stylesClip.progress(b); this._applyStyles(0, U(this._styles)); if (this.playing()) { this._isWaitingForStylesToBeApplied = true; J(this._setStylesAfterWaiting, 2) } return a }; G._prepareProperties = function() { var g = I(this._el, this._stylesTo, this._stylesFrom); this._styles = g.target; this._stylesTo = g.propsTo; this._stylesFrom = g.propsFrom; var f = this._storeEase || R; this._eases = {}; this._propsArray = []; var b; this._styleCompleteTo = U(this._stylesTo); this._styleCompleteFrom = U(this._stylesFrom); this._propsEaseKeys = {}; var c; for (c in this._stylesTo) { if (this._stylesTo.hasOwnProperty(c)) { this._propsArray[this._propsArray.length] = c; if (this._propsEase[c] === undefined) { if (this._eases[f] === undefined) { b = this._convertEase(f); this._eases[f] = b.css } this._propsEaseKeys[c] = f } else { if (this._eases[this._propsEase[c]] === undefined) { b = this._convertEase(this._propsEase[c]); this._eases[this._propsEase[c]] = b.css; this._propsEaseKeys[c] = this._propsEase[c]; this._propsEase[c] = b.js } else { if (L(this._propsEase[c])) { this._propsEaseKeys[c] = this._propsEase[c]; this._propsEase[c] = this._eases[this._propsEase[c]]["1"].toEasingFunction() } } } } } this._onPaused = this._onPaused.bind(this); this.on("pause", this._onPaused); this._setOtherTransitions(); this._currentTransitionStyles = this._otherTransitions; this._completeStyles = U((this._isYoyo) ? this._stylesFrom : this._stylesTo); if (this._options.removeStylesOnComplete !== undefined) { var a = this._options.removeStylesOnComplete; if (typeof a === "boolean" && a) { for (c in this._stylesTo) { this._completeStyles[c] = null } } else { if (typeof a === "object" && a.length) { var d = a.length; while (d--) { this._completeStyles[a[d]] = null } } } } this._onTransitionEnded = this._onTransitionEnded.bind(this); this._setStylesAfterWaiting = this._setStylesAfterWaiting.bind(this); this._onVisibilityChanged = this._onVisibilityChanged.bind(this); E.on(E.CHANGED, this._onVisibilityChanged); this._stylesClip = new F(this._styles, 1, this._stylesTo, { ease: this._options.ease, propsFrom: this._stylesFrom, propsEase: this._options.propsEase }); W._remove(this._stylesClip); return H._prepareProperties.call(this) }; G._convertEase = function(d) { if (typeof d === "function") { throw new Error(M) } var c; var a; if (L(d)) { c = B.create(d); a = c.toEasingFunction() } else { var b = D(d); if (b.cssString === null) { throw new Error(P.replace(/%EASE%/g, d)) } c = B.create(b.cssString); a = d } return { css: { "1": c, "-1": c.reversed() }, js: a } }; G._complete = function() { if ((this._isWaitingForStylesToBeApplied || this._isTransitionEnded || !this._isListeningForTransitionEnd) && this.progress() === 1) { this._isWaitingForStylesToBeApplied = false; H._complete.call(this) } }; G._onTransitionEnded = function() { this._isTransitionEnded = true; this._complete() }; G._addTransitionListener = function() { if (!this._isListeningForTransitionEnd && this._el && this._onTransitionEnded) { this._isListeningForTransitionEnd = true; this._isTransitionEnded = false; this._el.addEventListener(O, this._onTransitionEnded) } }; G._removeTransitionListener = function() { if (this._isListeningForTransitionEnd && this._el && this._onTransitionEnded) { this._isListeningForTransitionEnd = false; this._isTransitionEnded = false; this._el.removeEventListener(O, this._onTransitionEnded) } }; G._applyStyles = function(f, d) { if (f > 0) { var c = ""; var a = {}; var b; for (b in this._eases) { if (this._eases.hasOwnProperty(b)) { a[b] = this._eases[b][this._direction].splitAt(this.progress()).toCSSString() } } for (b in this._stylesTo) { if (this._stylesTo.hasOwnProperty(b)) { c += b + " " + f + "ms " + a[this._propsEaseKeys[b]] + " 0ms, " } } this._currentTransitionStyles = c.substr(0, c.length - 2); if (!this._doStylesMatchCurrentStyles(d)) { this._addTransitionListener() } else { this._removeTransitionListener() } } else { this._currentTransitionStyles = ""; this._removeTransitionListener() } d.transition = this._getOtherClipTransitionStyles() + this._currentTransitionStyles; T(this._el, d) }; G._doStylesMatchCurrentStyles = function(c) { var a = S.apply(this, [this._el].concat([this._propsArray])); var b; for (b in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(b) && a.hasOwnProperty(b) && c[b] !== a[b]) { return false } } return true }; G._setStylesAfterWaiting = function() { this._isWaitingForStylesToBeApplied = false; if (this.playing()) { var a = this._durationMs * (1 - this.progress()); var b = (this._direction > 0) ? this._styleCompleteTo : this._styleCompleteFrom; this._applyStyles(a, b) } }; G._setOtherTransitions = function() { C(this._el, this._stylesTo); var b = W.getAll(this._el); var a = b.length; while (a--) { if (b[a] !== this && b[a].playing() && b[a]._otherTransitions && b[a]._otherTransitions.length) { this._otherTransitions = b[a]._otherTransitions; return } } this._otherTransitions = S(this._el, "transition").transition; if (this._otherTransitions === null || this._otherTransitions === "all 0s ease 0s") { this._otherTransitions = "" } }; G._getTransitionStyles = function() { var a = this._getOtherClipTransitionStyles(); if (this._otherTransitions.length) { a += this._otherTransitions } else { if (a.length) { a = a.substr(0, a.length - 2) } } return a }; G._getOtherClipTransitionStyles = function() { var c = ""; var b = W.getAll(this._el); var a = b.length; while (a--) { if (b[a] !== this && b[a].playing() && b[a]._currentTransitionStyles && b[a]._currentTransitionStyles.length) { c += b[a]._currentTransitionStyles + ", " } } return c }; G._onVisibilityChanged = function(b) { if (this.playing() && !b.isHidden) { this._update({ timeNow: this._getTime() }); var a = this.progress(); if (a < 1) { this.progress(a) } } }; G._onPaused = function(a) { var b = S.apply(this, [this._el].concat([this._propsArray])); b.transition = this._getTransitionStyles(); this._removeTransitionListener(); T(this._el, b) }; G._onStart = function(b) { var a = (this._direction === 1 && this.progress() === 0 && this._delay === 0) ? 2 : 0; if (a) { this._isWaitingForStylesToBeApplied = true; this._applyStyles(0, this._styleCompleteFrom) } J(this._setStylesAfterWaiting, a); if (typeof this._storeOnStart === "function") { this._storeOnStart.call(this, this) } }; G._onComplete = function(a) { this._removeTransitionListener(); this._completeStyles.transition = this._getTransitionStyles(); T(this._el, this._completeStyles); if (typeof this._storeOnComplete === "function") { this._storeOnComplete.call(this, this) } }; V.exports = Q }, { "../helpers/BezierCurveCssManager": 137, "../helpers/convertToStyleObject": 140, "../helpers/convertToTransitionableObjects": 141, "../helpers/isCssCubicBezierString": 143, "../helpers/removeTransitions": 144, "../helpers/transitionEnd": 147, "../helpers/waitAnimationFrames": 148, "./ClipEasing": 133, "@marcom/ac-clip": 12, "@marcom/ac-dom-styles/getStyle": 88, "@marcom/ac-dom-styles/setStyle": 101, "@marcom/ac-easing": 122, "@marcom/ac-object/clone": 213, "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214, "@marcom/ac-page-visibility": 222 }], 136: [function(m, l, i) { var j = m("@marcom/ac-easing").createBezier; function h(a, b) { this.manager = b; this.p1 = { x: a[0], y: a[1] }; this.p2 = { x: a[2], y: a[3] }; this._isLinear = (this.p1.x === this.p1.y) && (this.p2.x === this.p2.y); this._cacheSplits = {} } var k = h.prototype; k.splitAt = function(t) { if (this._isLinear) { return this } t = Math.round(t * 40) / 40; if (t === 0) { return this } else { if (this._cacheSplits[t] !== undefined) { return this._cacheSplits[t] } } var b = [this.p1.x, this.p2.x]; var f = [this.p1.y, this.p2.y]; var g = 0; var d = t; var v = 0; var c = 1; var u = this._getStartX(t, b); while (d !== u && g < 1000) { if (d < u) { c = t } else { v = t } t = v + ((c - v) * 0.5); u = this._getStartX(t, b); ++g } var s = this._splitBezier(t, b, f); var a = this._normalize(s); var w = this.manager.create(a); this._cacheSplits[d] = w; return w }; k.reversed = function() { var a = this.toArray(); return this.manager.create([0.5 - (a[2] - 0.5), 0.5 - (a[3] - 0.5), 0.5 - (a[0] - 0.5), 0.5 - (a[1] - 0.5)]) }; k.toArray = function() { return [this.p1.x, this.p1.y, this.p2.x, this.p2.y] }; k.toCSSString = function() { return "cubic-bezier(" + this.p1.x + ", " + this.p1.y + ", " + this.p2.x + ", " + this.p2.y + ")" }; k.toEasingFunction = function() { return j.apply(this, this.toArray()).easingFunction }; k._getStartX = function(a, g) { var b = a - 1; var c = a * a; var d = b * b; var f = c * a; return f - 3 * c * b * g[1] + 3 * a * d * g[0] }; k._splitBezier = function(a, g, o) { var b = a - 1; var c = a * a; var d = b * b; var f = c * a; return [f - 3 * c * b * g[1] + 3 * a * d * g[0], f - 3 * c * b * o[1] + 3 * a * d * o[0], c - 2 * a * b * g[1] + d * g[0], c - 2 * a * b * o[1] + d * o[0], a - b * g[1], a - b * o[1]] }; k._normalize = function(a) { return [(a[2] - a[0]) / (1 - a[0]), (a[3] - a[1]) / (1 - a[1]), (a[4] - a[0]) / (1 - a[0]), (a[5] - a[1]) / (1 - a[1])] }; l.exports = h }, { "@marcom/ac-easing": 122 }], 137: [function(m, l, i) { var h = m("./BezierCurveCss"); function j() { this._instances = {} } var k = j.prototype; k.create = function(a) { var b; if (typeof a === "string") { b = a.replace(/ /g, "") } else { b = "cubic-bezier(" + a.join(",") + ")" } if (this._instances[b] === undefined) { if (typeof a === "string") { a = a.match(/\d*\.?\d+/g); var c = a.length; while (c--) { a[c] = Number(a[c]) } } this._instances[b] = new h(a, this) } return this._instances[b] }; l.exports = new j() }, { "./BezierCurveCss": 136 }], 138: [function(d, g, f) { if (typeof window.Float32Array === "undefined") { window.Float32Array = function() {} } }, {}], 139: [function(o, n, p) { var k = o("@marcom/ac-dom-metrics/getDimensions"); var q = o("./splitUnits"); var j = { translateX: "width", translateY: "height" }; function l(d, b, a) { this._transform = d; var c; var g; var f; for (f in a) { if (a.hasOwnProperty(f) && typeof this._transform[f] === "function") { c = q(a[f]); if (c.unit === "%") { g = this._convertPercentToPixelValue(f, c.value, b) } else { g = c.value } this._transform[f].call(this._transform, g) } } } var m = l.prototype; m._convertPercentToPixelValue = function(a, b, c) { a = j[a]; var d = k(c); if (d[a]) { b *= 0.01; return d[a] * b } return b }; m.toArray = function() { return this._transform.toArray() }; m.toCSSString = function() { return this._transform.toCSSString() }; n.exports = l }, { "./splitUnits": 145, "@marcom/ac-dom-metrics/getDimensions": 51 }], 140: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(b) { var c = {}; var d; var a; for (a in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(a) && b[a] !== null) { if (b[a].isColor) { if (b[a].isRgb) { c[a] = "rgb(" + Math.round(b[a].r) + ", " + Math.round(b[a].g) + ", " + Math.round(b[a].b) + ")" } else { if (b[a].isRgba) { c[a] = "rgba(" + Math.round(b[a].r) + ", " + Math.round(b[a].g) + ", " + Math.round(b[a].b) + ", " + b[a].a + ")" } } } else { if (a === "transform") { d = (b[a].length === 6) ? "matrix" : "matrix3d"; c[a] = d + "(" + b[a].join(",") + ")" } else { if (!b[a].unit) { c[a] = b[a].value } else { c[a] = b[a].value + b[a].unit } } } } } return c } }, {}], 141: [function(C, F, A) { var x = C("@marcom/ac-dom-styles/getStyle"); var v = C("@marcom/ac-object/clone"); var E = C("./splitUnits"); var H = C("./toCamCase"); var G = C("@marcom/ac-color").Color; var y = C("@marcom/ac-feature/cssPropertyAvailable"); var B = C("@marcom/ac-transform").Transform; var I = C("./TransformMatrix"); var w = function(a) { if (G.isRgba(a)) { a = new G(a).rgbaObject(); a.isRgba = true } else { a = new G(a).rgbObject(); a.isRgb = true } a.isColor = true; return a }; var s = function(a) { if (a.isRgb) { a.isRgb = false; a.isRgba = true; a.a = 1 } }; var t = function(b, c, a) { if (b.isRgba || c.isRgba || a.isRgba) { s(b); s(c); s(a) } }; var u = function(a) { return [a[0], a[1], 0, 0, a[2], a[3], 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, a[4], a[5], 0, 1] }; var z = function(b, c, a) { if (b.transform.length === 16 || c.transform.length === 16 || a.transform.length === 16) { if (b.transform.length === 6) { b.transform = u(b.transform) } if (c.transform.length === 6) { c.transform = u(c.transform) } if (a.transform.length === 6) { a.transform = u(a.transform) } } }; F.exports = function D(i, b, c) { var g = {}; b = v(b, true); c = v(c, true); var j; var a; var f; var d; var h = y("transform"); var k; for (k in b) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(k) && b[k] !== null) { if (k === "transform") { if (h) { a = new B(); j = x(i, "transform")["transform"] || "none"; a.setMatrixValue(j); f = new I(new B(), i, b[k]) } if (f && f.toCSSString() !== a.toCSSString()) { d = new I(c[k] ? new B() : a.clone(), i, c[k]); g[k] = a.toArray(); b[k] = f.toArray(); c[k] = d.toArray() } else { g[k] = null; b[k] = null } } else { j = x(i, k)[H(k)] || c[k]; if (G.isColor(j)) { g[k] = w(j); c[k] = (c[k] !== undefined) ? w(c[k]) : v(g[k], true); b[k] = w(b[k]) } else { g[k] = E(j); c[k] = (c[k] !== undefined) ? E(c[k]) : v(g[k], true); b[k] = E(b[k]) } } } } for (k in c) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(k) && c[k] !== null && (b[k] === undefined || b[k] === null)) { if (k === "transform") { if (h) { a = new B(); a.setMatrixValue(getComputedStyle(i).transform || getComputedStyle(i).webkitTransform || "none"); d = new I(new B(), i, c[k]) } if (d && d.toCSSString() !== a.toCSSString()) { f = new I(a.clone()); g[k] = a.toArray(); b[k] = f.toArray(); c[k] = d.toArray() } else { g[k] = null; b[k] = null; c[k] = null } } else { j = x(i, k)[H(k)]; if (G.isColor(j)) { g[k] = w(j); b[k] = v(g[k], true); c[k] = w(c[k]) } else { g[k] = E(j); c[k] = E(c[k]); b[k] = v(g[k], true) } } } if (g[k] && g[k].isColor) { t(g[k], c[k], b[k]) } } if (g.transform) { z(g, c, b) } return { target: g, propsTo: b, propsFrom: c } } }, { "./TransformMatrix": 139, "./splitUnits": 145, "./toCamCase": 146, "@marcom/ac-color": 18, "@marcom/ac-dom-styles/getStyle": 88, "@marcom/ac-feature/cssPropertyAvailable": 160, "@marcom/ac-object/clone": 213, "@marcom/ac-transform": 280 }], 142: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(d) { if (d.transitionProperty) { var a = ""; var n = d.transitionProperty.split(", "); var c = d.transitionDuration.split(", "); var b = d.transitionTimingFunction.replace(/\d+[,]+[\s]/gi, function(j) { return j.substr(0, j.length - 1) }).split(", "); var p = d.transitionDelay.split(", "); var o = n.length; while (o--) { a += n[o] + " " + c[o] + " " + b[o] + " " + p[o] + ", " } return a.substr(0, a.length - 2) } return false } }, {}], 143: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = function g(a) { return typeof a === "string" && a.substr(0, 13) === "cubic-bezier(" } }, {}], 144: [function(n, m, o) { var k = n("@marcom/ac-dom-styles/setStyle"); var j = n("@marcom/ac-dom-styles/getStyle"); var l = n("./getShorthandTransition"); m.exports = function i(b, g) { var a = j(b, "transition", "transition-property", "transition-duration", "transition-timing-function", "transition-delay"); a = a.transition || l(a); if (a && a.length) { a = a.split(","); var c = 0; var f; var d = a.length; while (d--) { f = a[d].trim().split(" ")[0]; if (g[f] !== undefined) { a.splice(d, 1); ++c } } if (c) { if (a.length === 0) { a = ["all"] } k(b, { transition: a.join(",").trim() }) } } } }, { "./getShorthandTransition": 142, "@marcom/ac-dom-styles/getStyle": 88, "@marcom/ac-dom-styles/setStyle": 101 }], 145: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = function g(a) { a = String(a); if (a.indexOf(" ") > -1) { throw new Error("Shorthand CSS is not supported. Please use longhand CSS only.") } var b = /(\d*\.?\d*)(.*)/; var d = 1; if (a && a.substr(0, 1) === "-") { a = a.substr(1); d = -1 } var c = String(a).match(b); return { value: Number(c[1]) * d, unit: c[2] } } }, {}], 146: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = function g(a) { var b = function(l, d, c, m) { return (c === 0) && (m.substr(1, 3) !== "moz") ? d : d.toUpperCase() }; return a.replace(/-(\w)/g, b) } }, {}], 147: [function(j, i, k) { var h; i.exports = (function g() { if (h) { return h } var c; var b = document.createElement("fakeelement"); var a = { transition: "transitionend", OTransition: "oTransitionEnd", MozTransition: "transitionend", WebkitTransition: "webkitTransitionEnd" }; for (c in a) { if (b.style[c] !== undefined) { h = a[c]; return h } } })() }, {}], 148: [function(j, i, g) { var h = j("@marcom/ac-page-visibility").PageVisibilityManager; i.exports = function k(a, c) { if (c) { var b = function(m) { if (h.isHidden) { setTimeout(m, 16) } else { window.requestAnimationFrame(m) } }; var d = 0; var f = function() { if (d === c) { a.call(this) } else { ++d; b(f) } }; f() } else { a.call(this) } } }, { "@marcom/ac-page-visibility": 222 }], 149: [function(u, w, t) { var q = u("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var p = u("@marcom/ac-clip").Clip; var s = u("./TimelineClip"); var v = u("./TimelineCallback"); var m = u("./TimelineItemList"); var n = p.prototype; function o(a) { a = a || {}; a.ease = a.ease || "linear"; a.destroyOnComplete = false; this.options = a; p.call(this, { t: 0 }, 0, { t: 1 }, a); this._itemList = new m() } var r = o.prototype = q(n); o.prototype.constructor = o; r._update = function(a) { n._update.call(this, a); this._render() }; r.progress = function(a) { n.progress.call(this, a); if (a !== undefined) { this._render() } return this._progress }; r._render = function() { if (this._itemList.length === 0) { return } var b = this._target.t * this._duration; var a = this._itemList.head; var d = a; while (d) { d = a.next; var c = (b - a.position); a.currentTime(c); a = d } }; r.addClip = function(b, c) { c = (c === undefined) ? this.duration() : c; var a = b._delay / 1000; this._itemList.append(new s(b, c + a)); this._updateDuration() }; r.addCallback = function(b, a) { a = (a === undefined) ? this.duration() : a; this._itemList.append(new v(b, a)); this._updateDuration() }; r.remove = function(a) { var b = this._itemList.getItem(a); if (b) { this._itemList.remove(b); this._updateDuration() } }; r._updateDuration = function() { var a = this._itemList.head; var b = a.position + a.duration(); this._itemList.forEach(function(c) { var d = c.position + c.duration(); if (d >= b) { a = c; b = d } }); this.duration(b) }; r.destroy = function() { var a = this._itemList.head; while (a) { var b = a; a = b.next; this._itemList.remove(b) } this._duration = 0; return n.destroy.call(this) }; w.exports = o }, { "./TimelineCallback": 150, "./TimelineClip": 151, "./TimelineItemList": 152, "@marcom/ac-clip": 12, "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214 }], 150: [function(g, k, h) { function i(a, b) { this.callback = a; this._delay = 0; this.position = b; this._hasTriggered = false; this.prev = null; this.next = null } var j = i.prototype; j.duration = function() { return 0 }; j.currentTime = function(a) { if (a >= 0 && !this._hasTriggered) { this.callback(); this._hasTriggered = true } if (a < 0 && this._hasTriggered) { this.callback(); this._hasTriggered = false } return 0 }; k.exports = i }, {}], 151: [function(g, k, h) { function i(a, b) { this.clip = a; this.position = b; this.duration = this.clip.duration.bind(this.clip); this.lastProgress = -1; this.prev = null; this.next = null } var j = i.prototype; j.currentTime = function(a) { var b = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, a / this.clip._duration)); if (b !== b) { b = 1 } if (this.lastProgress === b) { return this.lastProgress } if (this.lastProgress === 0 || b === 0 || this.lastProgress === -1) { if (this.clip._storeOnStart) { this.clip._storeOnStart(this.clip) } } this.clip._playing = (b * this.clip._duration === this.clip._duration); this.lastProgress = this.clip.progress(b); return this.lastProgress }; j.destroy = function() { this.clip.destroy(); this.prev = null; this.next = null; this.duration = null }; k.exports = i }, {}], 152: [function(i, o, j) { var k = i("./TimelineClip"); var m = i("./TimelineCallback"); var l = function() { this.head = null; this.tail = null; this.length = 0 }; var n = l.prototype; n.append = function(a) { a.prev = null; a.next = null; if (this.tail) { this.tail.next = a; a.prev = this.tail } else { this.head = a } this.tail = a; this.length++ }; n.remove = function(a) { if (a === this.head) { this.head = this.head.next } else { if (a === this.tail) { this.tail = this.tail.prev } } if (a.prev) { a.prev.next = a.next } if (a.next) { a.next.prev = a.prev } a.next = a.prev = null; if (this.head === null) { this.tail = null } this.length-- }; n.getItem = function(c) { var b = this.head; while (b) { var a = b; if ((a instanceof k && a.clip === c) || (a instanceof m && a.callback === c)) { return a } b = a.next } return null }; n.forEach = function(a) { var d = 0; var c = this.head; while (c) { var b = c; a(b, d, this.length); c = b.next } }; n.destroy = function() { while (this.head) { var a = this.head; this.remove(a); a.destroy() } }; o.exports = l }, { "./TimelineCallback": 150, "./TimelineClip": 151 }], 153: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { EventEmitterMicro: d("./ac-event-emitter-micro/EventEmitterMicro") } }, { "./ac-event-emitter-micro/EventEmitterMicro": 154 }], 154: [function(g, k, h) { function i() { this._events = {} } var j = i.prototype; j.on = function(b, a) { this._events[b] = this._events[b] || []; this._events[b].unshift(a) }; j.once = function(d, a) { var b = this; function c(f) { b.off(d, c); if (f !== undefined) { a(f) } else { a() } } this.on(d, c) }; j.off = function(c, a) { if (!this.has(c)) { return } var b = this._events[c].indexOf(a); if (b === -1) { return } this._events[c].splice(b, 1) }; j.trigger = function(c, a) { if (!this.has(c)) { return } for (var b = this._events[c].length - 1; b >= 0; b--) { if (a !== undefined) { this._events[c][b](a) } else { this._events[c][b]() } } }; j.has = function(a) { if (a in this._events === false || this._events[a].length === 0) { return false } return true }; j.destroy = function() { for (var a in this._events) { this._events[a] = null } this._events = null }; k.exports = i }, {}], 155: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { canvasAvailable: d("./canvasAvailable"), continuousScrollEventsAvailable: d("./continuousScrollEventsAvailable"), cookiesAvailable: d("./cookiesAvailable"), cssLinearGradientAvailable: d("./cssLinearGradientAvailable"), cssPropertyAvailable: d("./cssPropertyAvailable"), cssViewportUnitsAvailable: d("./cssViewportUnitsAvailable"), elementAttributeAvailable: d("./elementAttributeAvailable"), eventTypeAvailable: d("./eventTypeAvailable"), isDesktop: d("./isDesktop"), isHandheld: d("./isHandheld"), isRetina: d("./isRetina"), isTablet: d("./isTablet"), localStorageAvailable: d("./localStorageAvailable"), mediaElementsAvailable: d("./mediaElementsAvailable"), mediaQueriesAvailable: d("./mediaQueriesAvailable"), sessionStorageAvailable: d("./sessionStorageAvailable"), svgAvailable: d("./svgAvailable"), threeDTransformsAvailable: d("./threeDTransformsAvailable"), touchAvailable: d("./touchAvailable"), webGLAvailable: d("./webGLAvailable") } }, { "./canvasAvailable": 156, "./continuousScrollEventsAvailable": 157, "./cookiesAvailable": 158, "./cssLinearGradientAvailable": 159, "./cssPropertyAvailable": 160, "./cssViewportUnitsAvailable": 161, "./elementAttributeAvailable": 162, "./eventTypeAvailable": 163, "./isDesktop": 165, "./isHandheld": 166, "./isRetina": 167, "./isTablet": 168, "./localStorageAvailable": 169, "./mediaElementsAvailable": 170, "./mediaQueriesAvailable": 171, "./sessionStorageAvailable": 172, "./svgAvailable": 173, "./threeDTransformsAvailable": 174, "./touchAvailable": 175, "./webGLAvailable": 176 }], 156: [function(h, m, i) { var j = h("./helpers/globals"); var k = h("@marcom/ac-function/once"); var l = function() { var b = j.getDocument(); var a = b.createElement("canvas"); return !!(typeof a.getContext === "function" && a.getContext("2d")) }; m.exports = k(l); m.exports.original = l }, { "./helpers/globals": 164, "@marcom/ac-function/once": 178 }], 157: [function(o, m, i) { var n = o("@marcom/ac-useragent"); var j = o("./touchAvailable").original; var l = o("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function k() { return (!j() || (n.os.ios && n.os.version.major >= 8) || n.browser.chrome) } m.exports = l(k); m.exports.original = k }, { "./touchAvailable": 175, "@marcom/ac-function/once": 178, "@marcom/ac-useragent": 288 }], 158: [function(m, l, h) { var j = m("./helpers/globals"); var k = m("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function i() { var a = false; var d = j.getDocument(); var b = j.getNavigator(); try { if ("cookie" in d && !! b.cookieEnabled) { d.cookie = "ac_feature_cookie=1"; a = (d.cookie.indexOf("ac_feature_cookie") !== -1); d.cookie = "ac_feature_cookie=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;" } } catch (c) {} return a } l.exports = k(i); l.exports.original = i }, { "./helpers/globals": 164, "@marcom/ac-function/once": 178 }], 159: [function(m, l, h) { var j = m("@marcom/ac-prefixer/getStyleValue"); var k = m("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function i() { var a = ["linear-gradient(to bottom right, #9f9, white)", "linear-gradient(top left, #9f9, white)", "gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, from(#9f9), to(white))"]; return a.some(function(b) { return !!j("background-image", b) }) } l.exports = k(i); l.exports.original = i }, { "@marcom/ac-function/once": 178, "@marcom/ac-prefixer/getStyleValue": 244 }], 160: [function(o, n, i) { var l = o("@marcom/ac-prefixer/getStyleValue"); var m = o("@marcom/ac-prefixer/getStyleProperty"); var k = o("@marcom/ac-function/memoize"); function j(a, b) { if (typeof b !== "undefined") { return !!l(a, b) } else { return !!m(a) } } n.exports = k(j); n.exports.original = j }, { "@marcom/ac-function/memoize": 177, "@marcom/ac-prefixer/getStyleProperty": 243, "@marcom/ac-prefixer/getStyleValue": 244 }], 161: [function(h, m, i) { var k = h("@marcom/ac-prefixer/getStyleValue"); var l = h("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function j() { return !!k("margin", "1vw 1vh") } m.exports = l(j); m.exports.original = j }, { "@marcom/ac-function/once": 178, "@marcom/ac-prefixer/getStyleValue": 244 }], 162: [function(h, l, i) { var k = h("./helpers/globals"); var j = h("@marcom/ac-function/memoize"); function m(d, b) { var c = k.getDocument(); var a; b = b || "div"; a = c.createElement(b); return (d in a) } l.exports = j(m); l.exports.original = m }, { "./helpers/globals": 164, "@marcom/ac-function/memoize": 177 }], 163: [function(m, k, h) { var i = m("@marcom/ac-prefixer/getEventType"); var j = m("@marcom/ac-function/memoize"); function l(a, b) { return !!i(a, b) } k.exports = j(l); k.exports.original = l }, { "@marcom/ac-function/memoize": 177, "@marcom/ac-prefixer/getEventType": 242 }], 164: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { getWindow: function() { return window }, getDocument: function() { return document }, getNavigator: function() { return navigator } } }, {}], 165: [function(n, m, i) { var j = n("./touchAvailable").original; var k = n("./helpers/globals"); var l = n("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function o() { var a = k.getWindow(); return (!j() && !a.orientation) } m.exports = l(o); m.exports.original = o }, { "./helpers/globals": 164, "./touchAvailable": 175, "@marcom/ac-function/once": 178 }], 166: [function(m, l, o) { var n = m("./isDesktop").original; var j = m("./isTablet").original; var k = m("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function i() { return (!n() && !j()) } l.exports = k(i); l.exports.original = i }, { "./isDesktop": 165, "./isTablet": 168, "@marcom/ac-function/once": 178 }], 167: [function(g, k, h) { var j = g("./helpers/globals"); k.exports = function i() { var a = j.getWindow(); return ("devicePixelRatio" in a && a.devicePixelRatio >= 1.5) } }, { "./helpers/globals": 164 }], 168: [function(o, n, q) { var p = o("./isDesktop").original; var l = o("./helpers/globals"); var m = o("@marcom/ac-function/once"); var j = 600; function k() { var a = l.getWindow(); var b = a.screen.width; if (a.orientation && a.screen.height < b) { b = a.screen.height } return (!p() && b >= j) } n.exports = m(k); n.exports.original = k }, { "./helpers/globals": 164, "./isDesktop": 165, "@marcom/ac-function/once": 178 }], 169: [function(m, l, i) { var j = m("./helpers/globals"); var k = m("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function h() { var a = j.getWindow(); var b = false; try { b = !! (a.localStorage && a.localStorage.non_existent !== null) } catch (c) {} return b } l.exports = k(h); l.exports.original = h }, { "./helpers/globals": 164, "@marcom/ac-function/once": 178 }], 170: [function(h, m, i) { var j = h("./helpers/globals"); var l = h("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function k() { var a = j.getWindow(); return ("HTMLMediaElement" in a) } m.exports = l(k); m.exports.original = k }, { "./helpers/globals": 164, "@marcom/ac-function/once": 178 }], 171: [function(m, l, h) { m("@marcom/ac-polyfills/matchMedia"); var j = m("./helpers/globals"); var k = m("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function i() { var a = j.getWindow(); var b = a.matchMedia("only all"); return !!(b && b.matches) } l.exports = k(i); l.exports.original = i }, { "./helpers/globals": 164, "@marcom/ac-function/once": 178, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/matchMedia": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/matchMedia" }], 172: [function(m, l, h) { var j = m("./helpers/globals"); var k = m("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function i() { var a = j.getWindow(); var c = false; try { if ("sessionStorage" in a && typeof a.sessionStorage.setItem === "function") { a.sessionStorage.setItem("ac_feature", "test"); c = true; a.sessionStorage.removeItem("ac_feature", "test") } } catch (b) {} return c } l.exports = k(i); l.exports.original = i }, { "./helpers/globals": 164, "@marcom/ac-function/once": 178 }], 173: [function(m, l, h) { var j = m("./helpers/globals"); var k = m("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function i() { var a = j.getDocument(); return !!a.implementation.hasFeature("http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Image", "1.1") } l.exports = k(i); l.exports.original = i }, { "./helpers/globals": 164, "@marcom/ac-function/once": 178 }], 174: [function(h, m, i) { var j = h("@marcom/ac-prefixer/getStyleValue"); var l = h("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function k() { return !!(j("perspective", "1px") && j("transform", "translateZ(0)")) } m.exports = l(k); m.exports.original = k }, { "@marcom/ac-function/once": 178, "@marcom/ac-prefixer/getStyleValue": 244 }], 175: [function(m, l, h) { var j = m("./helpers/globals"); var k = m("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function i() { var a = j.getWindow(); var c = j.getDocument(); var b = j.getNavigator(); return !!(("ontouchstart" in a) || (a.DocumentTouch && c instanceof a.DocumentTouch) || (b.maxTouchPoints > 0) || (b.msMaxTouchPoints > 0)) } l.exports = k(i); l.exports.original = i }, { "./helpers/globals": 164, "@marcom/ac-function/once": 178 }], 176: [function(m, l, h) { var j = m("./helpers/globals"); var k = m("@marcom/ac-function/once"); function i() { var b = j.getDocument(); var a = b.createElement("canvas"); if (typeof a.getContext === "function") { return !!(a.getContext("webgl") || a.getContext("experimental-webgl")) } return false } l.exports = k(i); l.exports.original = i }, { "./helpers/globals": 164, "@marcom/ac-function/once": 178 }], 177: [function(k, j, g) { var h = function() { var a = ""; var b; for (b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++) { if (b > 0) { a += "," } a += arguments[b] } return a }; j.exports = function i(a, b) { b = b || h; var c = function() { var f = arguments; var d = b.apply(this, f); if (!(d in c.cache)) { c.cache[d] = a.apply(this, f) } return c.cache[d] }; c.cache = {}; return c } }, {}], 178: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(a) { var b; return function() { if (typeof b === "undefined") { b = a.apply(this, arguments) } return b } } }, {}], 179: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(c, a) { var b = null; return function() { if (b === null) { c.apply(this, arguments); b = setTimeout(function() { b = null }, a) } } } }, {}], 180: [function(m, l, h) { var j = m("./utils/addEventListener"); var i = m("./shared/getEventType"); l.exports = function k(a, c, b, d) { c = i(a, c); return j(a, c, b, d) } }, { "./shared/getEventType": 183, "./utils/addEventListener": 184 }], 181: [function(i, h, g) { h.exports = function f(a) { a = a || window.event; if (a.preventDefault) { a.preventDefault() } else { a.returnValue = false } } }, {}], 182: [function(l, k, m) { var h = l("./utils/removeEventListener"); var i = l("./shared/getEventType"); k.exports = function j(a, c, b, d) { c = i(a, c); return h(a, c, b, d) } }, { "./shared/getEventType": 183, "./utils/removeEventListener": 185 }], 183: [function(k, i, g) { var j = k("@marcom/ac-prefixer/getEventType"); i.exports = function h(a, b) { var c; var d; if ("tagName" in a) { c = a.tagName } else { if (a === window) { c = "window" } else { c = "document" } } d = j(b, c); if (d) { return d } return b } }, { "@marcom/ac-prefixer/getEventType": 242 }], 184: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(a, c, b, d) { if (a.addEventListener) { a.addEventListener(c, b, !! d) } else { a.attachEvent("on" + c, b) } return a } }, {}], 185: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(a, c, b, d) { if (a.removeEventListener) { a.removeEventListener(c, b, !! d) } else { a.detachEvent("on" + c, b) } return a } }, {}], 186: [function(v, w, s) { var t = v("@marcom/ac-classlist"); var o = v("./singletons/analyticsManager"); var q = v("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var m = v("@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro").EventEmitterMicro; var u = v("./Item"); function p(a) { a = a || {}; this._wrapAround = a.wrapAround || false; this._itemType = a.itemType || u; this._items = []; this._itemsIdLookup = {}; this.showNext = this.showNext.bind(this); this.showPrevious = this.showPrevious.bind(this); this._update = this._update.bind(this); this._updateItems = this._updateItems.bind(this); m.call(this); p._add(this, a.analyticsOptions) } p.FADE = "fade"; p.FADE_SELECTOR = "[data-ac-gallery-fade]"; p.SLIDE = "slide"; p.SLIDE_SELECTOR = "[data-ac-gallery-slide]"; p.UPDATE = "update"; p.UPDATE_COMPLETE = "update:complete"; var n = m.prototype; var r = p.prototype = q(n); r.addItem = function(b, a) { if (b.nodeType) { b = new this._itemType(b) } else { if (this._items.indexOf(b) > -1) { return b } } if (typeof a === "number") { this._items.splice(a, 0, b) } else { this._items.push(b) } if (this._items.length === 1) { b.show(); this._setCurrentItem(b) } else { b.hide(); if (this.getNextItem() === b) { this._setNextItem(b) } if (this.getPreviousItem() === b) { this._setPreviousItem(b) } } if (b.getElementId() !== null) { this._itemsIdLookup[b.getElementId()] = b } b.on(u.SELECTED, this._update); return b }; r.removeItem = function(b, c) { c = c || {}; if (typeof b === "number") { b = this._items[b] } var d = this._items.indexOf(b); if (d > -1) { var a = this.getNextItem(); var f = this.getPreviousItem(); this._items.splice(d, 1); b.off(u.SELECTED, this._update); if (a === b) { this._setNextItem(this.getNextItem()) } if (f === b) { this._setPreviousItem(this.getPreviousItem()) } } if (b === this._currentItem && this._items.length && c.setCurrentItem !== false) { this._update({ item: this._items[0] }); this._setLastItem(null) } if (c.destroyItem && b.getElement()) { b.destroy() } return b }; r.show = function(b, a) { if (typeof b === "number") { b = this._items[b] } else { if (typeof b === "string") { b = this._itemsIdLookup[b] } } if (b) { a = a || {}; this._update({ item: b, interactionEvent: a.interactionEvent }) } return b || null }; r.showNext = function(a) { var b = this.getNextItem(); if (b) { this.show(b, a) } return b }; r.showPrevious = function(a) { var b = this.getPreviousItem(); if (b) { this.show(b, a) } return b }; r.isInView = function() { return this._currentItem && this._currentItem.isInView() }; r.getTotalItems = function() { return this._items.length }; r.getItems = function() { return this._items }; r.getItem = function(a) { if (typeof a === "number") { return this.getItemAt(a) } else { if (typeof a === "string") { return this.getItemById(a) } } }; r.getItemAt = function(a) { return this._items[a] || null }; r.getItemById = function(a) { return this._itemsIdLookup[a] || null }; r.getItemIndex = function(a) { return this._items.indexOf(a) }; r.getCurrentItem = function() { return this._currentItem || null }; r.getLastItem = function() { return this._lastItem || null }; r.getNextItem = function() { var b; var a = this._items.indexOf(this._currentItem); if (a < this._items.length - 1) { b = this._items[a + 1] } else { if (this._wrapAround) { b = this._items[0] } } return b || null }; r.getPreviousItem = function() { var b; var a = this._items.indexOf(this._currentItem); if (a > 0) { b = this._items[a - 1] } else { if (this._wrapAround) { b = this._items[this._items.length - 1] } } return b || null }; r.getId = function() { return this._id }; r.destroy = function(a) { a = a || {}; if (a.destroyItems === undefined) { a.destroyItems = true } this._setCurrentItem(null); if (a.destroyItems) { var b; while (this._items.length) { b = this._items[0]; b.off(u.SELECTED, this._update); this.removeItem(b, { destroyItem: true, setCurrentItem: false }) } } this._items = null; this._itemsIdLookup = null; p._remove(this); return n.destroy.call(this) }; r._setCurrentItem = function(a) { // 添加动作样式 var len = $('.gallery-item-content').length; removeBannerMove(); if(a.mI == 0) { setTimeout(function() { addBannerMove(a.mI, false); }, 0); } else { setTimeout(function() { addBannerMove(a.mI, true); }, 600); } function addBannerMove(index, flag) { if (flag) { $('.gallery-item-content').removeClass('move'); $('.homepage-headline').removeClass('move'); $('.intro').removeClass('move'); } $('.gallery-item-content').eq(index).addClass('move'); $('.homepage-headline').eq(index).addClass('move'); $('.intro').eq(index).addClass('move'); } function removeBannerMove() { } if (this._currentItem && this._currentItem.getElement() && this._currentItem !== a) { t.remove(this._currentItem.getElement(), u.CSS_CURRENT_ITEM); this._setLastItem(this._currentItem) } this._currentItem = a; if (this._currentItem && this._currentItem.getElement()) { t.add(this._currentItem.getElement(), u.CSS_CURRENT_ITEM); this._setNextItem(this.getNextItem()); this._setPreviousItem(this.getPreviousItem()) } }; r._setLastItem = function(a) { if (this._lastItem && this._lastItem.getElement() && this._lastItem !== a) { t.remove(this._lastItem.getElement(), u.CSS_LAST_ITEM) } this._lastItem = a; if (this._lastItem && this._lastItem.getElement()) { t.add(this._lastItem.getElement(), u.CSS_LAST_ITEM) } }; r._setNextItem = function(a) { if (this._nextItem && this._nextItem.getElement() && this._nextItem !== a) { t.remove(this._nextItem.getElement(), u.CSS_NEXT_ITEM) } this._nextItem = a; if (this._nextItem && this._nextItem.getElement()) { t.add(this._nextItem.getElement(), u.CSS_NEXT_ITEM) } }; r._setPreviousItem = function(a) { if (this._previousItem && this._previousItem.getElement() && this._previousItem !== a) { t.remove(this._previousItem.getElement(), u.CSS_PREVIOUS_ITEM) } this._previousItem = a; if (this._previousItem && this._previousItem.getElement()) { t.add(this._previousItem.getElement(), u.CSS_PREVIOUS_ITEM) } }; r._updateItems = function(b, a) { if (b.outgoing[0]) { b.outgoing[0].hide() } b.incoming[0].show(); if (!a) { this.trigger(p.UPDATE_COMPLETE, b) } }; r._update = function(a) { var b = this._currentItem !== a.item; if (b) { this._setCurrentItem(a.item) } var c = { incoming: [a.item], outgoing: (this._lastItem) ? [this._lastItem] : [], interactionEvent: a.interactionEvent || null }; if (b) { this.trigger(p.UPDATE, c) } this._updateItems(c, !b) }; p._instantiate = function() { this._galleries = []; this._idCounter = 0; return this }; p._add = function(b, a) { this._galleries.push(b); b._id = ++this._idCounter; o.add(b, a) }; p._remove = function(a) { var b = this._galleries.indexOf(a); if (b > -1) { this._galleries.splice(b, 1); o.remove(a) } }; p.getAll = function() { return Array.prototype.slice.call(this._galleries) }; p.getAllInView = function() { var b = []; var a = this._galleries.length; while (a--) { if (this._galleries[a].isInView()) { b.push(this._galleries[a]) } } return b }; p.destroyAll = function() { var a = this._galleries.length; while (a--) { this._galleries[a].destroy() } this._galleries = [] }; w.exports = p._instantiate() }, { "./Item": 187, "./singletons/analyticsManager": 200, "@marcom/ac-classlist": 9, "@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro": 153, "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214 }], 187: [function(z, J, t) { var I = z("@marcom/ac-classlist"); var D = z("@marcom/ac-dom-events/addEventListener"); var B = z("@marcom/ac-dom-events/removeEventListener"); var A = z("@marcom/ac-dom-events/preventDefault"); var E = z("@marcom/ac-dom-metrics/isInViewport"); var K = z("@marcom/ac-dom-metrics/getPercentInViewport"); var u = z("@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/querySelectorAll"); var y = z("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var F = z("./singletons/tabManager"); var v = z("@marcom/ac-keyboard/keyMap"); var x = z("@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro").EventEmitterMicro; var G = z("@marcom/ac-keyboard"); var C = "current"; function H(a) { this._el = a; this._triggerKeys = []; this._triggerEls = {}; this._isShown = false; this._onKeyboardInteraction = this._onKeyboardInteraction.bind(this); this._onTriggered = this._onTriggered.bind(this); this._el.setAttribute("role", "tabpanel"); this._focusableEls = u(F.focusableSelectors, a); x.call(this) } H.CSS_CURRENT_ITEM = "ac-gallery-currentitem"; H.CSS_LAST_ITEM = "ac-gallery-lastitem"; H.CSS_NEXT_ITEM = "ac-gallery-nextitem"; H.CSS_PREVIOUS_ITEM = "ac-gallery-previousitem"; H.SELECTED = "selected"; H.SHOW = "show"; H.HIDE = "hide"; var w = H.prototype = y(x.prototype); w.show = function() { this._isShown = true; this._addCurrentClassToTriggers(); this._setTabIndexOnFocusableItems(null); this._el.removeAttribute("aria-hidden"); this.trigger(H.SHOW, this) }; w.hide = function() { this._isShown = false; this._removeCurrentClassFromTriggers(); this._setTabIndexOnFocusableItems("-1"); this._el.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); this.trigger(H.HIDE, this) }; w.addElementTrigger = function(b, c) { c = c || "click"; if (this._triggerEls[c] === undefined) { this._triggerEls[c] = [] } var d = this._triggerEls[c].indexOf(b); if (d < 0) { b.setAttribute("role", "tab"); b.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"); var a = this.getElementId(); if (a) { b.setAttribute("aria-controls", a) } a = b.getAttribute("id"); if (a && this._el.getAttribute("aria-labelledby") === null) { this._el.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", a) } D(b, c, this._onTriggered); this._triggerEls[c].push(b); if (this._isShown) { b.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true"); I.add(b, C) } else { b.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false") } } }; w.removeElementTrigger = function(a, b) { b = b || "click"; if (this._triggerEls[b] === undefined) { return } var c = this._triggerEls[b].indexOf(a); if (c > -1) { this._cleanElementTrigger(a, b) } if (this._triggerEls[b].length === 0) { this._triggerEls[b] = undefined } }; w.addKeyTrigger = function(a) { if (typeof a === "string") { a = v[a.toUpperCase()] } if (typeof a === "number") { var b = this._triggerKeys.indexOf(a); if (b < 0) { G.onDown(a, this._onKeyboardInteraction); this._triggerKeys.push(a) } } }; w.removeKeyTrigger = function(a) { if (typeof a === "string") { a = v[a.toUpperCase()] } if (typeof a === "number") { var b = this._triggerKeys.indexOf(a); if (b > -1) { G.offDown(a, this._onKeyboardInteraction); this._triggerKeys.splice(b, 1) } } }; w.removeAllTriggers = function() { var c; var d = this._triggerKeys.length; while (d--) { c = this._triggerKeys[d]; G.offDown(c, this._onKeyboardInteraction) } this._triggerKeys = []; var a; var b; for (b in this._triggerEls) { d = this._triggerEls[b].length; while (d--) { a = this._triggerEls[b][d]; this._cleanElementTrigger(a, b) } } this._triggerEls = {} }; w.isInView = function() { if (this._el) { return E(this._el) } return false }; w.percentageInView = function() { if (this._el) { return K(this._el) } return 0 }; w.getElement = function() { return this._el }; w.getElementId = function() { if (this._elId !== undefined) { return this._elId } this._elId = this._el.getAttribute("id") || null; return this._elId }; w.destroy = function() { if (this._isShown) { this._isShown = null; I.remove(this._el, H.CSS_CURRENT_ITEM, H.CSS_LAST_ITEM, H.CSS_NEXT_ITEM, H.CSS_PREVIOUS_ITEM); this._removeCurrentClassFromTriggers() } this.removeAllTriggers(); this._setTabIndexOnFocusableItems(null); this._el.removeAttribute("aria-hidden"); this._el.removeAttribute("role"); this._el.removeAttribute("aria-labelledby"); this._triggerKeys = null; this._triggerEls = null; this._el = null }; w._addCurrentClassToTriggers = function() { var a; var b; var c; for (b in this._triggerEls) { c = this._triggerEls[b].length; while (c--) { a = this._triggerEls[b][c]; a.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true"); I.add(a, C) } } }; w._removeCurrentClassFromTriggers = function() { var a; var b; var c; for (b in this._triggerEls) { c = this._triggerEls[b].length; while (c--) { a = this._triggerEls[b][c]; a.setAttribute("aria-selected", "false"); I.remove(a, C) } } }; w._cleanElementTrigger = function(a, b) { a.removeAttribute("aria-selected"); a.removeAttribute("role"); a.removeAttribute("tabindex"); a.removeAttribute("aria-controls"); B(a, b, this._onTriggered); if (this._isShown) { I.remove(a, C) } }; w._onKeyboardInteraction = function(a) { if (this.isInView()) { this._onTriggered(a) } }; w._setTabIndexOnFocusableItems = function(c) { var d = c === null; var a = []; this._currentTabbableEls = this._currentTabbableEls || F.getTabbable(this._focusableEls); if (!d) { a = F.getTabbable(this._focusableEls); this._currentTabbableEls = a } var b = this._currentTabbableEls.length; while (b--) { if (d) { this._currentTabbableEls[b].removeAttribute("tabindex") } else { this._currentTabbableEls[b].setAttribute("tabindex", c) } } }; w._onTriggered = function(a) { A(a); this.trigger(H.SELECTED, { item: this, interactionEvent: a }) }; J.exports = H }, { "./singletons/tabManager": 201, "@marcom/ac-classlist": 9, "@marcom/ac-dom-events/addEventListener": 180, "@marcom/ac-dom-events/preventDefault": 181, "@marcom/ac-dom-events/removeEventListener": 182, "@marcom/ac-dom-metrics/getPercentInViewport": 53, "@marcom/ac-dom-metrics/isInViewport": 59, "@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/querySelectorAll": 117, "@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro": 153, "@marcom/ac-keyboard": 209, "@marcom/ac-keyboard/keyMap": 211, "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214 }], 188: [function(t, w, r) { var q = t("./helpers/extendProto"); var o = t("./Gallery"); var v = t("./auto/AutoGallery"); var p = t("./fade/FadeGallery"); var m = t("./fade/FadeItem"); var u = t("./slide/SlideGallery"); var n = t("./slide/SlideItem"); var s = t("./Item"); o.create = t("./factories/create"); o.autoCreate = t("./factories/autoCreate"); o.extend = q; v.extend = q; p.extend = q; m.extend = q; u.extend = q; n.extend = q; s.extend = q; w.exports = { Gallery: o, AutoGallery: v, FadeGallery: p, FadeGalleryItem: m, SlideGallery: u, SlideGalleryItem: n, Item: s, ToggleNav: t("./navigation/ToggleNav") } }, { "./Gallery": 186, "./Item": 187, "./auto/AutoGallery": 190, "./factories/autoCreate": 191, "./factories/create": 192, "./fade/FadeGallery": 193, "./fade/FadeItem": 194, "./helpers/extendProto": 195, "./navigation/ToggleNav": 199, "./slide/SlideGallery": 202, "./slide/SlideItem": 203 }], 189: [function(j, p, k) { var l; try { l = j("ac-analytics").observer.Gallery } catch (m) {} var n = "data-analytics-gallery-id"; function q() { this._observers = {} } var o = q.prototype; o.add = function(d, b) { var a = d.getId(); if (!l || this._observers[a]) { return } b = b || {}; if (!b.galleryName) { b.galleryName = this._getAnalyticsId(d, b.dataAttribute) || a } if (!b.beforeUpdateEvent) { b.beforeUpdateEvent = "update" } if (!b.afterUpdateEvent) { b.afterUpdateEvent = "update:complete" } var c = new l(d, b); if (c.gallery) { this._observers[a] = c } }; o.remove = function(b) { var a = b.getId(); if (!l || !this._observers[a]) { return } if (typeof this._observers[a].destroy === "function") { this._observers[a].destroy() } this._observers[a] = null }; o._getAnalyticsId = function(c, b) { if (typeof c.getElement === "function") { b = b || n; var a = c.getElement(); return a.getAttribute(b) || a.getAttribute("id") } return null }; p.exports = q }, { "ac-analytics": "ac-analytics" }], 190: [function(aa, al, L) { aa("@marcom/ac-polyfills/requestAnimationFrame"); var ak = aa("@marcom/ac-classlist"); var ae = aa("@marcom/ac-dom-events/addEventListener"); var ac = aa("@marcom/ac-dom-events/removeEventListener"); var ab = aa("@marcom/ac-dom-events/preventDefault"); var O = aa("@marcom/ac-dom-styles"); var ah = aa("@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/querySelector"); var S = aa("@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/querySelectorAll"); var Y = aa("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var Q = aa("@marcom/ac-dom-metrics/getContentDimensions"); var M = aa("@marcom/ac-keyboard/keyMap"); var U = aa("./../helpers/selectElementFromDataAttributeValue"); var Z = aa("./../helpers/selectElementThatHasDataAttribute"); var af = aa("@marcom/ac-function/throttle"); var ad = aa("@marcom/ac-feature/touchAvailable"); var T = aa("./../Gallery"); var aj = aa("@marcom/ac-keyboard"); var J = aa("@marcom/ac-page-visibility").PageVisibilityManager; var ag = aa("@marcom/ac-pointer-tracker").PointerTracker; var P = aa("./../navigation/ToggleNav"); var H = "disabled"; var I = 3; var ai = 0.5; var K = "[data-ac-gallery-item]"; var W = 0.12; var X = aa("../templates/paddlenav.js"); var N = "No element supplied."; function V(b, c) { c = c || {}; if (!b || b.nodeType === undefined) { throw new Error(N) } this._el = b; T.call(this, c); this._itemHeights = []; this._itemHeightsLookup = {}; this._toggleNavDuration = c.toggleNavDuration; this._isRightToLeft = (c.rightToLeft === undefined) ? O.getStyle(b, "direction").direction === "rtl" : c.rightToLeft; this._keyboardThrottleDelay = ((c.keyboardThrottleDelay === undefined) ? W : c.keyboardThrottleDelay) * 1000; this._resizeContainer = !! c.resizeContainer; this._setUpContainerAutoResize(c.resizeContainerOnUpdate); this._createToggleNav(); this._addPaddleNav(c.addPaddleNav); this._addItems(c.itemSelector || K); if (!this._wrapAround) { this._updatePaddleNavState() } if (c.enableArrowKeys !== false) { this._enableArrowKeys = true; this._addKeyboardListener() } if (c.updateOnWindowResize !== false) { this._onWindowResize = this._onWindowResize.bind(this); ae(window, "resize", this._onWindowResize) } this.stopAutoPlay = this.stopAutoPlay.bind(this); if (c.autoPlay) { var d = (typeof c.autoPlay === "number") ? c.autoPlay : I; this.startAutoPlay(d) } if (c.deeplink !== false) { var a = this._getDeeplinkedItem(); if (a && a !== this._currentItem) { this.show(a) } } if (this._containerResizeDuration !== false) { var f = this._itemHeightsLookup[this._currentItem.getElementId()]; if (f) { this._setElHeight(f) } } if (this._toggleNav) { this._toggleNav.start() } this._setUpSwiping(c.touch && ad(), c.desktopSwipe) } V.RESIZED = "resized"; V.UPDATE = T.UPDATE; V.UPDATE_COMPLETE = T.UPDATE_COMPLETE; var am = T.prototype; var R = V.prototype = Y(am); R.addItem = function(a, b) { if (a.nodeType) { a = new this._itemType(a) } else { if (this._items.indexOf(a) > -1) { return a } } if (this._resizeContainer) { this._storeItemHeight(a, this._containerResizeDuration === false) } this._addItemTriggers(a); return am.addItem.call(this, a, b) }; R.removeItem = function(a, b) { if (this._resizeContainer) { var c = this._itemHeights.length; while (c--) { if (this._itemHeights[c].item === a) { this._itemHeights.splice(c, 1); if (c === 0 && this._itemHeights.length) { this._setElHeight(this._itemHeights[0].height) } } } } return am.removeItem.call(this, a, b) }; R.startAutoPlay = function(a, b) { b = b || {}; this._isAutoPlaying = true; this._autoPlayDelay = (a || I) * 1000; this._cancelAutoPlayOnInteraction = (b.cancelOnInteraction === undefined) ? true : b.cancelOnInteraction; setTimeout(this._onAutoPlayToNextItem.bind(this), this._autoPlayDelay); if (this._cancelAutoPlayOnInteraction) { this.on(T.UPDATE, this.stopAutoPlay) } }; R.stopAutoPlay = function() { this._isAutoPlaying = false; if (this._cancelAutoPlayOnInteraction) { this.off(T.UPDATE, this.stopAutoPlay) } }; R.getElement = function() { return this._el }; R.getToggleNav = function() { return this._toggleNav || null }; R.resize = function(b, c) { if (this._resizeContainer) { this._itemHeights = []; var a = this._items.length; while (a--) { this._storeItemHeight(this._items[a], false) } if (this._containerResizeDuration !== false) { this._setElHeight(this._itemHeightsLookup[this._currentItem.getElementId()]) } else { this._setElHeight(this._itemHeights[0].height) } } if (this._toggleNav) { this._toggleNav.resize() } this.trigger(V.RESIZED, this) }; R.destroy = function(a) { if (this._isAutoPlaying) { this.stopAutoPlay() } if (this._resizeContainer) { O.setStyle(this._el, { height: null, transition: null }) } if (this._enableArrowKeys) { aj.offDown(M.ARROW_RIGHT, this._rightArrowFunc); aj.offDown(M.ARROW_LEFT, this._leftArrowFunc) } var b; if (this._previousButtons) { b = this._previousButtons.length; while (b--) { ac(this._previousButtons[b], "click", this._onPaddlePrevious) } this._setPaddleDisabledState(this._previousButtons, false) } if (this._nextButtons) { b = this._nextButtons.length; while (b--) { ac(this._nextButtons[b], "click", this._onPaddleNext) } this._setPaddleDisabledState(this._nextButtons, false) } if (this._dynamicPaddleNav) { this._el.removeChild(this._dynamicPaddleNav) } if (this._hasPaddleNavStateHandler) { this.off(T.UPDATE, this._updatePaddleNavState) } if (this._touchSwipe) { this._touchSwipe.off(ag.END, this._onSwipeEnd); this._touchSwipe.destroy(); this._touchSwipe = null } if (this._clickSwipe) { this._clickSwipe.off(ag.END, this._onSwipeEnd); this._clickSwipe.destroy(); this._clickSwipe = null } if (this._toggleNav) { this._toggleNav.destroy(); this._toggleNav = null } ac(window, "resize", this._onWindowResize); this._el = null; this._itemHeights = null; this._itemHeightsLookup = null; this._resizeContainer = null; this._isRightToLeft = null; this._enableArrowKeys = null; this._previousButtons = null; this._onPaddlePrevious = null; this._nextButtons = null; this._onPaddleNext = null; return am.destroy.call(this, a) }; R._getDeeplinkedItem = function() { var a = window.location.hash.substr(1); var b; var c = this._items.length; while (c--) { b = this._items[c]; if (a === b.getElementId()) { return b } } return null }; R._addItems = function(d) { var g; var f; var b = /(^\[).*(\]$)/.test(d); if (b) { d = d.replace(/\[|\]/g, ""); f = Z(d, this._el) } else { f = S(d, this._el) } var c = 0; var a = f.length; for (c; c < a; c++) { g = new this._itemType(f[c]); this.addItem(g); this._addItemTriggers(g) } }; R._createToggleNav = function() { var a = this._getElementId(); var c = '[data-ac-gallery-togglenav="' + a + '"], [data-ac-gallery-tabnav="' + a + '"]'; var b = ah(c); if (b) { this._toggleNav = new P(b, this, { duration: this._toggleNavDuration }) } }; R._addItemTriggers = function(a, f) { var c = U("data-ac-gallery-trigger", a.getElementId()); if (f && f.length) { c = c.concat(f) } var d = 0; var b = c.length; for (d; d < b; d++) { a.addElementTrigger(c[d]); if (this._toggleNav) { this._toggleNav.addTrigger(c[d], a) } } }; R._addPaddleNav = function(a) { var c; var g = this._getElementId(); if (a) { var b = (typeof a === "string") ? a : X; b = b.replace(/%ID%/g, this._getElementId()); this._dynamicPaddleNav = document.createElement("div"); this._dynamicPaddleNav.innerHTML = b; this._el.insertBefore(this._dynamicPaddleNav, this._el.firstChild) } this._previousButtons = U("data-ac-gallery-previous-trigger", g); this._nextButtons = U("data-ac-gallery-next-trigger", g); var f = this._el.getAttribute("aria-label") || ""; if (f.length) { f = "(" + f + ")" } this._onPaddlePrevious = this._onPaddleInteraction.bind(null, this.showPrevious); c = this._previousButtons.length; if (c) { var h = this._el.getAttribute("data-ac-gallery-previouslabel"); if (h && f.length) { if (this._isRightToLeft) { h = f + " " + h } else { h += " " + f } } while (c--) { if (h && this._previousButtons[c].getAttribute("aria-label") === null) { this._previousButtons[c].setAttribute("aria-label", h) } ae(this._previousButtons[c], "click", this._onPaddlePrevious) } } this._onPaddleNext = this._onPaddleInteraction.bind(null, this.showNext); c = this._nextButtons.length; if (c) { var d = this._el.getAttribute("data-ac-gallery-nextlabel"); if (d && f.length) { if (this._isRightToLeft) { d = f + " " + d } else { d += " " + f } } while (c--) { if (d && this._nextButtons[c].getAttribute("aria-label") === null) { this._nextButtons[c].setAttribute("aria-label", d) } ae(this._nextButtons[c], "click", this._onPaddleNext) } } if (this._nextButtons.length || this._previousButtons.length) { this._hasPaddleNavStateHandler = true; this._updatePaddleNavState = this._updatePaddleNavState.bind(this); this.on(T.UPDATE, this._updatePaddleNavState) } }; R._onPaddleInteraction = function(a, b) { ab(b); a.call(null, { interactionEvent: b }) }; R._updatePaddleNavState = function() { if (!this._wrapAround) { var a = this._items.indexOf(this._currentItem); if (a === 0 && this._previousButtons.length) { this._setPaddleDisabledState(this._previousButtons, true); this._setPaddleDisabledState(this._nextButtons, false) } else { if (a === this._items.length - 1 && this._nextButtons.length) { this._setPaddleDisabledState(this._nextButtons, true); this._setPaddleDisabledState(this._previousButtons, false) } else { this._setPaddleDisabledState(this._previousButtons, false); this._setPaddleDisabledState(this._nextButtons, false) } } } else { this._setPaddleDisabledState(this._previousButtons, false); this._setPaddleDisabledState(this._nextButtons, false) } }; R._setPaddleDisabledState = function(a, c) { var b = a.length; while (b--) { a[b].disabled = c; if (c) { ak.add(a[b], H) } else { ak.remove(a[b], H) } } }; R._addKeyboardListener = function() { if (this._enableArrowKeys) { this._onKeyboardInteraction = this._onKeyboardInteraction.bind(this); var b; var a; if (this._isRightToLeft) { b = this.showPrevious; a = this.showNext } else { b = this.showNext; a = this.showPrevious } this._rightArrowFunc = af(this._onKeyboardInteraction.bind(null, b), this._keyboardThrottleDelay); this._leftArrowFunc = af(this._onKeyboardInteraction.bind(null, a), this._keyboardThrottleDelay); aj.onDown(M.ARROW_RIGHT, this._rightArrowFunc); aj.onDown(M.ARROW_LEFT, this._leftArrowFunc) } }; R._onKeyboardInteraction = function(a, b) { if (this.isInView()) { var c = T.getAllInView(); if (c.length > 1) { c.sort(function(d, f) { d = (d._enableArrowKeys) ? d.getCurrentItem().percentageInView() : 0; f = (f._enableArrowKeys) ? f.getCurrentItem().percentageInView() : 0; return f - d }); if (this !== c[0]) { return } } a.call(null, { interactionEvent: b }) } }; R._setUpSwiping = function(a, b) { this._onSwipeEnd = this._onSwipeEnd.bind(this); if (a) { this._touchSwipe = new ag(this._el, ag.TOUCH_EVENTS); this._touchSwipe.on(ag.END, this._onSwipeEnd) } if (b) { this._clickSwipe = new ag(this._el, ag.MOUSE_EVENTS); this._clickSwipe.on(ag.END, this._onSwipeEnd) } }; R._onSwipeEnd = function(c) { var a; var b = { interactionEvent: c.interactionEvent }; if (c.swipe === ag.SWIPE_RIGHT) { a = (this._isRightToLeft) ? this.showNext : this.showPrevious } else { if (c.swipe === ag.SWIPE_LEFT) { a = (this._isRightToLeft) ? this.showPrevious : this.showNext } } if (a) { return a.call(this, b) } return null }; R._getElementId = function() { if (this._elementId === undefined) { this._elementId = this._el.getAttribute("id") } return this._elementId }; R._setUpContainerAutoResize = function(a) { if (typeof a === "number") { this._containerResizeDuration = a } else { if (a) { this._containerResizeDuration = ai } else { this._containerResizeDuration = false } } if (this._containerResizeDuration !== false) { this._resizeContainer = true; this._updateContainerSize = this._updateContainerSize.bind(this); this.on(T.UPDATE, this._updateContainerSize) } }; R._updateContainerSize = function(a) { var b = this._itemHeightsLookup[a.incoming[0].getElementId()]; if (b) { this._setElHeight(b, this._containerResizeDuration) } }; R._storeItemHeight = function(b, a) { var c = Q(b.getElement()); this._itemHeights.push({ item: b, height: c.height }); this._itemHeightsLookup[b.getElementId()] = c.height; this._itemHeights.sort(function(d, f) { return f.height - d.height }); if (a && this._itemHeights[0].item === b) { this._setElHeight(c.height) } }; R._setElHeight = function(c, a) { var b = { height: c + "px" }; if (a) { b.transition = "height " + a + "s" } else { b.transition = null } O.setStyle(this._el, b) }; R._onAutoPlayToNextItem = function() { if (this._isAutoPlaying) { if (!J.isHidden && this._currentItem.isInView()) { if (this._cancelAutoPlayOnInteraction) { this.off(T.UPDATE, this.stopAutoPlay) } var a = this.showNext(); if (a !== null) { if (this._cancelAutoPlayOnInteraction) { this.on(T.UPDATE, this.stopAutoPlay) } setTimeout(this._onAutoPlayToNextItem.bind(this), this._autoPlayDelay) } } else { setTimeout(this._onAutoPlayToNextItem.bind(this), this._autoPlayDelay) } } }; R._onWindowResize = function(a) { window.requestAnimationFrame(function() { if (this._el) { this.resize() } }.bind(this)) }; al.exports = V }, { "../templates/paddlenav.js": 205, "./../Gallery": 186, "./../helpers/selectElementFromDataAttributeValue": 197, "./../helpers/selectElementThatHasDataAttribute": 198, "./../navigation/ToggleNav": 199, "@marcom/ac-classlist": 9, "@marcom/ac-dom-events/addEventListener": 180, "@marcom/ac-dom-events/preventDefault": 181, "@marcom/ac-dom-events/removeEventListener": 182, "@marcom/ac-dom-metrics/getContentDimensions": 50, "@marcom/ac-dom-styles": 89, "@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/querySelector": 116, "@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/querySelectorAll": 117, "@marcom/ac-feature/touchAvailable": 175, "@marcom/ac-function/throttle": 179, "@marcom/ac-keyboard": 209, "@marcom/ac-keyboard/keyMap": 211, "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214, "@marcom/ac-page-visibility": 222, "@marcom/ac-pointer-tracker": 240, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/requestAnimationFrame": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/requestAnimationFrame" }], 191: [function(q, r, p) { var m = q("./create"); var k = q("./../helpers/selectElementThatHasDataAttribute"); var l = q("./../Gallery"); var s = l.FADE_SELECTOR.replace(/\[|\]/g, ""); var n = l.SLIDE_SELECTOR.replace(/\[|\]/g, ""); r.exports = function o(b) { b = b || {}; var a = b.context || document.body; var d; var c; d = k(n, a); c = d.length; while (c--) { m(d[c], l.SLIDE, b) } d = k(s, a); c = d.length; while (c--) { m(d[c], l.FADE, b) } return l.getAll() } }, { "./../Gallery": 186, "./../helpers/selectElementThatHasDataAttribute": 198, "./create": 192 }], 192: [function(r, t, q) { var n = r("./../fade/FadeGallery"); var l = r("./../Gallery"); var s = r("./../slide/SlideGallery"); var m = "%TYPE% is not a supported gallery type and el has no gallery data attribute."; var u = l.FADE_SELECTOR.replace(/\[|\]/g, ""); var o = l.SLIDE_SELECTOR.replace(/\[|\]/g, ""); t.exports = function p(c, d, a) { var b; if (typeof d === "string") { if (d === l.SLIDE) { b = s } else { if (d === l.FADE) { b = n } } } if (b === undefined) { if (c.getAttribute(o) !== null) { b = s } else { if (c.getAttribute(u) !== null) { b = n } } } if (b === undefined) { throw new Error(m.replace(/%TYPE%/g, d)) } return new b(c, a) } }, { "./../Gallery": 186, "./../fade/FadeGallery": 193, "./../slide/SlideGallery": 202 }], 193: [function(u, w, s) { var o = u("@marcom/ac-object/clone"); var q = u("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var t = u("./FadeItem"); var v = u("./../auto/AutoGallery"); var n = 0.5; function p(b, a) { a = o(a) || {}; a.itemType = a.itemType || t; this._fadeDuration = a.duration || n; a.toggleNavDuration = (a.toggleNavDuration === undefined) ? this._fadeDuration : a.toggleNavDuration; this._crossFade = a.crossFade; this._zIndexCount = a.startZIndex || 1; this._ease = a.ease; if (a.resizeContainerOnUpdate === true) { a.resizeContainerOnUpdate = this._fadeDuration } this._onItemShowComplete = this._onItemShowComplete.bind(this); v.call(this, b, a); if (this._currentItem) { this._currentItem.fadeIn(0) } } p.RESIZED = v.RESIZED; p.UPDATE = v.UPDATE; p.UPDATE_COMPLETE = v.UPDATE_COMPLETE; var m = v.prototype; var r = p.prototype = q(m); r.addItem = function(b, a) { if (b.nodeType) { b = new this._itemType(b) } var c = m.addItem.call(this, b, a); if (b !== this._currentItem) { b.fadeOut() } else { b.fadeIn(0) } return c }; r.destroy = function(a) { var b = m.destroy.call(this, a); this._fadeDuration = null; this._crossFade = null; this._zIndexCount = null; this._ease = null; this._onItemShowComplete = null; return b }; r._onItemShowComplete = function(b) { if (b && b.target() !== this._currentItem.getElement()) { if (!this._currentItem.isFading()) { this._currentItem.fadeIn(this._fadeDuration, this._ease, ++this._zIndexCount, this._onItemShowComplete) } return } var c; var a = this._items.length; while (a--) { c = this._items[a]; if (c !== this._currentItem) { c.fadeOut() } } if (this._incomingOutgoingItems) { this.trigger(p.UPDATE_COMPLETE, this._incomingOutgoingItems) } }; r._updateItems = function(c, a) { if (a) { return } if (this._crossFade) { var b = (a) ? null : this.trigger.bind(this, p.UPDATE_COMPLETE, c); c.outgoing[0].fadeOut(this._fadeDuration * 0.99, this._ease); c.incoming[0].fadeIn(this._fadeDuration, this._ease, ++this._zIndexCount, b) } else { this._incomingOutgoingItems = (a) ? false : c; if (!c.outgoing[0].isFading()) { c.incoming[0].fadeIn(this._fadeDuration, this._ease, ++this._zIndexCount, this._onItemShowComplete) } } c.outgoing[0].hide(); c.incoming[0].show() }; w.exports = p }, { "./../auto/AutoGallery": 190, "./FadeItem": 194, "@marcom/ac-object/clone": 213, "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214 }], 194: [function(x, y, t) { var p = x("@marcom/ac-dom-styles/setStyle"); var q = x("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var u = x("@marcom/ac-solar/fade"); var o = x("@marcom/ac-solar/fadeIn"); var r = x("@marcom/ac-solar/fadeOut"); var v = x("./../Item"); function w(a) { v.call(this, a); p(a, { position: "absolute" }) } w.SELECTED = v.SELECTED; w.SHOW = v.SHOW; w.HIDE = v.HIDE; var n = v.prototype; var s = w.prototype = q(n); s.fadeIn = function(d, c, a, b) { if (d) { p(this._el, { zIndex: a || 1 }); this._destroyCurrentClip(); this._clip = u(this._el, 0, 1, d, { ease: c, onComplete: b }) } else { o(this._el, 0); p(this._el, { zIndex: a || 1 }) } }; s.fadeOut = function(b, a) { if (b) { this._destroyCurrentClip(); this._clip = r(this._el, b, { ease: a }) } else { r(this._el, 0) } }; s.isFading = function() { return !!(this._clip && this._clip.playing()) }; s.destroy = function() { p(this._el, { position: null, opacity: null, zIndex: null }); n.destroy.call(this); this._destroyCurrentClip(); this._clip = null }; s._destroyCurrentClip = function() { if (this.isFading()) { this._clip.destroy() } }; y.exports = w }, { "./../Item": 187, "@marcom/ac-dom-styles/setStyle": 101, "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214, "@marcom/ac-solar/fade": 273, "@marcom/ac-solar/fadeIn": 274, "@marcom/ac-solar/fadeOut": 275 }], 195: [function(m, k, h) { var l = m("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var j = m("@marcom/ac-object/extend"); k.exports = function i(a) { var c = this; var b = function() { c.apply(this, arguments) }; var d = l(this.prototype); b.prototype = j(d, a); j(b, this); return b } }, { "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214, "@marcom/ac-object/extend": 216 }], 196: [function(l, k, m) { var h = l("@marcom/ac-dom-styles/getStyle"); var i = l("@marcom/ac-dom-metrics/getContentDimensions"); k.exports = function j(b) { var a = h(b, "margin-right", "margin-left"); return Math.round(i(b).width) + parseInt(a.marginRight, 10) + parseInt(a.marginLeft, 10) } }, { "@marcom/ac-dom-metrics/getContentDimensions": 50, "@marcom/ac-dom-styles/getStyle": 88 }], 197: [function(m, k, h) { var j = m("@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/querySelectorAll"); var i = function(f, o) { var d; var a = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); var g = 0; var c = a.length; var b = []; for (g; g < c; g++) { d = a[g]; if (d.getAttribute(f) !== null && d.getAttribute(f).split(" ").indexOf(o) > -1) { b[b.length] = d } } return b }; k.exports = function l(d, a) { var b = j("[" + d + '*="' + a + '"]'); if (b.length === 0 && document.documentMode === 7) { return i(d, a) } var o = []; var f = 0; var c = b.length; var g; for (f; f < c; f++) { g = b[f].getAttribute(d); if (g === a) { o.push(b[f]) } else { if (g && g.length) { g = g.split(" "); if (g.indexOf(a) > -1) { o.push(b[f]) } } } } return o } }, { "@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/querySelectorAll": 117 }], 198: [function(o, n, i) { var k = o("@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/querySelectorAll"); var m = o("@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/ancestors"); var j = function(d, c) { var b; var g = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); var f = 0; var a = g.length; var h = []; for (f; f < a; f++) { b = g[f]; if (b.getAttribute(d) !== null && (!c || m(b).indexOf(c) > -1)) { h[h.length] = b } } return h }; n.exports = function l(c, b) { b = b || document.body; var a = k("[" + c + "]", b); if (a.length === 0 && document.documentMode === 7) { return j(c, b) } return a } }, { "@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/ancestors": 104, "@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/querySelectorAll": 117 }], 199: [function(D, I, t) { var F = D("@marcom/ac-dom-events/addEventListener"); var E = D("@marcom/ac-dom-events/removeEventListener"); var z = D("@marcom/ac-dom-metrics/getDimensions"); var u = D("@marcom/ac-dom-metrics/getPosition"); var G = D("@marcom/ac-dom-styles/getStyle"); var H = D("@marcom/ac-dom-styles/setStyle"); var K = D("@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/ancestors"); var C = D("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var v = D("@marcom/ac-solar/scrollX"); var B = D("@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro").EventEmitterMicro; var y = D("./../Gallery"); var A = 0.5; function w(a, c, b) { b = b || {}; this._el = a; this._isRightToLeft = (b.rightToLeft === undefined) ? G(a, "direction").direction === "rtl" : b.rightToLeft; this._scrollType = this._scrollDirection(); this._gallery = c; this._triggers = {}; this._ordered = []; this._containerEl = this._el.children[0]; this._slideDuration = (b.duration === undefined) ? A : b.duration; B.call(this) } var J = B.prototype; var x = w.prototype = C(J); x.start = function() { this._onWindowLoad = this._onWindowLoad.bind(this); this._onGalleryUpdated = this._onGalleryUpdated.bind(this); this._gallery.on(y.UPDATE, this._onGalleryUpdated); this.resize(); F(window, "load", this._onWindowLoad) }; x.addTrigger = function(c, b) { if (this._triggers[b.getElementId()] !== undefined) { return } var d = K(c); if (d.indexOf(this._el) > -1) { var a = { el: c }; this._triggers[b.getElementId()] = a; this._ordered.push(a) } }; x.resize = function() { if (!this._ordered.length) { return } H(this._containerEl, { paddingLeft: null, paddingRight: null }); this._containerWidth = z(this._containerEl).width; this._width = z(this._el).width; this._viewCenter = Math.round(this._width * 0.5); var c = this._ordered.length; while (c--) { this._setTriggerData(this._ordered[c]) } this._ordered.sort(function(h, i) { return h.left - i.left }); if (this._containerWidth > this._width) { var a = this._ordered[0]; var b = this._ordered[this._ordered.length - 1]; var d = (this._width - a.width) * 0.5; var g = (this._width - b.width) * 0.5; H(this._containerEl, { paddingLeft: d + "px", paddingRight: g + "px" }); var f = this._triggers[this._gallery.getCurrentItem().getElementId()]; if (f) { this._centerNav(f) } } }; x.destroy = function() { this._gallery.off(y.UPDATE, this._onGalleryUpdated); E(window, "load", this._onWindowLoad); H(this._containerEl, { paddingLeft: null, paddingRight: null }); this._el = null; this._gallery = null; this._triggers = null; this._ordered = null; this._containerEl = null; this._destroyCurrentClip(); this._clip = null; return J.destroy.call(this) }; x._onWindowLoad = function() { E(window, "load", this._onWindowLoad); this.resize() }; x._setTriggerData = function(a) { a.width = z(a.el).width; var b = u(a.el); a.left = b.left; a.right = b.right; a.center = a.left + (a.width * 0.5) }; x._centerNav = function(c, a) { this._setTriggerData(c); this._width = z(this._el).width; this._viewCenter = Math.round(this._width * 0.5); var b = Math.round(c.center - this._viewCenter); if (this._isRightToLeft) { if (this._scrollType !== "negative") { b = Math.abs(b) } if (this._scrollType === "default") { b = this._el.scrollWidth - this._el.clientWidth - b } } this._destroyCurrentClip(); if (a) { this._clip = v(this._el, b, a) } else { this._el.scrollLeft = b } }; x._onGalleryUpdated = function(b) { var a = this._triggers[b.incoming[0].getElementId()]; if (a) { this._centerNav(a, this._slideDuration) } }; x._destroyCurrentClip = function() { if (this._clip && this._clip.playing()) { this._clip.destroy() } }; x._scrollDirection = function() { var a = "reverse"; var b = document.createElement("div"); b.style.cssText = "width:2px; height:1px; position:absolute; top:-1000px; overflow:scroll; font-size: 14px;"; b.style.direction = "rtl"; b.innerHTML = "test"; document.body.appendChild(b); if (b.scrollLeft > 0) { a = "default" } else { b.scrollLeft = 1; if (b.scrollLeft === 0) { a = "negative" } } document.body.removeChild(b); return a }; I.exports = w }, { "./../Gallery": 186, "@marcom/ac-dom-events/addEventListener": 180, "@marcom/ac-dom-events/removeEventListener": 182, "@marcom/ac-dom-metrics/getDimensions": 51, "@marcom/ac-dom-metrics/getPosition": 55, "@marcom/ac-dom-styles/getStyle": 88, "@marcom/ac-dom-styles/setStyle": 101, "@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/ancestors": 104, "@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro": 153, "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214, "@marcom/ac-solar/scrollX": 279 }], 200: [function(f, h, g) { var i = f("./../analytics/AnalyticsManager"); h.exports = new i() }, { "./../analytics/AnalyticsManager": 189 }], 201: [function(o, n, i) { var l = ["input", "select", "textarea", "button", "object"]; var k = ["href", "tabindex", "contenteditable"]; var j = function() { this.focusableSelectors = l.concat(k.map(function(a) { return (a === "href") ? "a[" + a + "]" : "*[" + a + "]" })).join(",") }; var m = j.prototype; m.isFocusable = function(b, d) { var a = b.nodeName.toLowerCase(); var c = l.indexOf(a) > -1; if (a === "a") { return true } if (c) { return !b.disabled } if (!b.contentEditable) { return true } d = d || b.tabIndex; return isNaN(d) }; m.isTabbable = function(a) { var b = a.getAttribute("tabindex"); if (!isNaN(b)) { return (b >= 0) } else { return this.isFocusable(a, b) } }; m.getTabbable = function(d) { var b = d.length; var c = []; for (var a = 0; a < b; a++) { if (this.isTabbable(d[a])) { c.push(d[a]) } } return c }; n.exports = new j() }, {}], 202: [function(L, O, w) { var N = L("@marcom/ac-classlist"); var D = L("@marcom/ac-dom-styles"); var y = L("@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/querySelectorAll"); var A = L("@marcom/ac-object/clone"); var J = L("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var x = L("./../helpers/getElementFullWidth"); var F = L("@marcom/ac-solar/moveX"); var z = L("./../helpers/selectElementFromDataAttributeValue"); var K = L("./../helpers/selectElementThatHasDataAttribute"); var G = L("./../auto/AutoGallery"); var M = L("@marcom/ac-pointer-tracker").PointerTracker; var B = L("./SlideItem"); var I = L("./SlideItemWrapper"); var Q = 0.5; var H = 0.5; function C(d, a) { a = A(a) || {}; a.itemType = a.itemType || B; this._itemsPerSlide = a.itemsPerSlide || 1; var b = a.deeplink !== false; a.deeplink = false; this._slideDuration = (a.duration !== undefined) ? a.duration : H; a.toggleNavDuration = (a.toggleNavDuration === undefined) ? this._slideDuration : a.toggleNavDuration; this._itemCenterPoint = (a.itemCenterPoint !== undefined) ? a.itemCenterPoint : Q; this._slideOptions = { ease: a.ease }; if (a.resizeContainerOnUpdate === true) { a.resizeContainerOnUpdate = this._slideDuration } a.touch = a.touch !== false; this._originalWrapAround = a.wrapAround || false; G.call(this, d, a); if (b) { var c = this._getDeeplinkedItem(); if (c) { if (this._currentItem !== c) { this._currentItem.hide(); this._setCurrentItem(c); this._currentItem.show() } } } this._positionItems = this._positionItems.bind(this); this._createContainer(); if (this._items.length !== 0) { this._positionItems() } this._isInstantiated = true } C.RESIZED = G.RESIZED; C.UPDATE = G.UPDATE; C.UPDATE_COMPLETE = G.UPDATE_COMPLETE; var P = G.prototype; var E = C.prototype = J(P); E.addItem = function(c, b) { if (c.nodeType) { c = new this._itemType(c) } var a = P.addItem.call(this, c, b); if (this._containerEl !== undefined) { this._addItemToContainer(c); this._positionItems() } this._updateWrapAround(); return a }; E.removeItem = function(c, a) { if (this._containerEl && c.getElement().parentElement === this._containerEl) { var b = c.getOriginalParentElement(); if (b) { b.appendChild(c.getElement()) } else { if (typeof c.removeItems === "function") { c.removeItems(); a.destroyItem = true } } var d = P.removeItem.call(this, c, a); if (this._currentItem) { this._positionItems(this._currentItem) } this._updateWrapAround(); return d } return P.removeItem.call(this, c, a) }; E.resize = function() { this._positionItems(); this._snapToPosition(this._currentItem.position()); return P.resize.call(this) }; E.destroy = function(a) { this._destroyCurrentClip(); this._clip = null; var b = this._items.length; while (b--) { this._items[b].off(B.CENTER_POINT_CHANGED, this._positionItems) } if (this._touchSwipe) { this._touchSwipe.off(M.START, this._onSwipeStart); this._touchSwipe.off(M.UPDATE, this._onSwipeUpdate) } if (this._clickSwipe) { this._clickSwipe.off(M.START, this._onSwipeStart); this._clickSwipe.off(M.UPDATE, this._onSwipeUpdate) } var c = this._el; var d = P.destroy.call(this, a); c.removeChild(this._containerEl); this._containerEl = null; this._slideDuration = null; this._itemCenterPoint = null; this._positionItems = null; this._slideOptions = null; return d }; E._addItems = function(f) { if (this._itemsPerSlide > 1) { var j; var g = /(^\[).*(\]$)/.test(f); if (g) { j = K(f.replace(/\[|\]/g, ""), this._el) } else { j = y(f, this._el) } var i; var a; var d; var c = 0; var b = 0; var h = j.length; for (b; b < h; b++) { if (c === 0) { i = new I() } i.addItem(j[b]); d = j[b].getAttribute("id"); if (d) { a = z("data-ac-gallery-trigger", d); this._addItemTriggers(i, a) } if (++c === this._itemsPerSlide || b === h - 1) { c = 0; i.resize(); this.addItem(i) } } } else { P._addItems.call(this, f) } }; E._createContainer = function() { this._containerEl = document.createElement("div"); N.add(this._containerEl, "ac-gallery-slidecontainer"); D.setStyle(this._containerEl, { position: "absolute", left: "0", top: "0", width: "100%", height: "100%" }); this._el.appendChild(this._containerEl); var b = 0; var a = this._items.length; for (b; b < a; b++) { this._addItemToContainer(this._items[b]) } }; E._addItemToContainer = function(a) { this._containerEl.appendChild(a.getElement()); a.on(B.CENTER_POINT_CHANGED, this._positionItems) }; E._positionItems = function(d) { d = d || this._currentItem; var m = this._items; if (this._wrapAround) { m = this._shuffleItems() } var k = (this._getActualPositionX() - d.position()) || 0; var l = parseInt(D.getStyle(this._el, "width").width, 10); var h = 0; var b = 0; var f = m.length; var j; var g; var i; var c; var a; for (b; b < f; b++) { j = m[b]; j.resize(); g = j.getElement(); D.setStyle(g, { left: h + "px" }); i = x(g); c = l - i; a = (j.centerPoint && j.centerPoint() !== null) ? j.centerPoint() : this._itemCenterPoint; j.position((h * -1) + (c * a)); if (this._isRightToLeft) { h -= i } else { h += i } } h = d.position() + k; this._snapToPosition(h) }; E._getActualPositionX = function() { var a = D.getStyle(this._containerEl, "transform").transform; if (!a || a === "none") { var c = D.getStyle(this._containerEl, "left").left; return parseInt(c, 10) } else { if (a === this._transformStyles && this._actualPositionX !== undefined) { return this._actualPositionX } } this._transformStyles = a; var b = this._transformStyles.split(","); this._actualPositionX = b[4] || this._currentItem.position(); return this._actualPositionX * 1 }; E._snapToPosition = function(a) { this._destroyCurrentClip(); this._positionX = a; D.setStyle(this._containerEl, { transition: "transform 0s, left 0s" }); F(this._containerEl, a, 0, this._slideOptions) }; E._slideToPosition = function(b, a, c) { this._positionX = b; this._clip = F(this._containerEl, b, a, { ease: this._slideOptions.ease, onComplete: c }) }; E._setUpSwiping = function(a, b) { var c = P._setUpSwiping.call(this, a, b); this._onSwipeStart = this._onSwipeStart.bind(this); this._onSwipeUpdate = this._onSwipeUpdate.bind(this); if (this._touchSwipe) { this._touchSwipe.on(M.START, this._onSwipeStart); this._touchSwipe.on(M.UPDATE, this._onSwipeUpdate) } if (this._clickSwipe) { this._clickSwipe.on(M.START, this._onSwipeStart); this._clickSwipe.on(M.UPDATE, this._onSwipeUpdate) } return c }; E._onSwipeStart = function(a) { if (this._clip && this._clip.playing()) { this._destroyCurrentClip(); this._positionX = this._getActualPositionX() } }; E._onSwipeUpdate = function(a) { this._destroyCurrentClip(); this._snapToPosition(this._positionX - a.diffX) }; E._onSwipeEnd = function(b) { var a = P._onSwipeEnd.call(this, b); if (a === null) { a = this.show(this._currentItem, { interactionEvent: b.interactionEvent }) } return a }; E._shuffleItems = function() { var b = this._items.length === 2 && !this._isAutoPlaying; if (b) { return this._items.slice() } var d = this._items.length; var a = this._items.indexOf(this._currentItem); var g = Math.floor(d * 0.5); var f; var c; var i; if (a < g) { f = g - a; var h = d - f; c = this._items.slice(h); i = this._items.slice(0, h); return c.concat(i) } else { if (a > g) { f = a - g; c = this._items.slice(0, f); i = this._items.slice(f); return i.concat(c) } } return this._items }; E._updateItems = function(a, b) { this._destroyCurrentClip(); if (this._wrapAround) { this._positionItems(a.outgoing[0]) } if (this.getItemIndex(a.outgoing[0]) > -1) { var c = (b) ? null : this.trigger.bind(this, C.UPDATE_COMPLETE, a); var d = this._slideDuration; this._slideToPosition(a.incoming[0].position(), d, c); if (a.incoming[0] !== a.outgoing[0]) { a.incoming[0].show(); a.outgoing[0].hide() } } else { this._slideToPosition(this._currentItem.position(), this._slideDuration); a.incoming[0].show(); if (!b) { this.trigger(C.UPDATE_COMPLETE, a) } } }; E._updateWrapAround = function() { if (this._items.length <= 2) { this._wrapAround = false } else { if (this._originalWrapAround) { this._wrapAround = this._originalWrapAround } } if (this._isInstantiated && (this._previousButtons || this._nextButtons)) { this._updatePaddleNavState() } }; E._destroyCurrentClip = function() { if (this._clip && this._clip.playing()) { this._clip.destroy() } }; O.exports = C }, { "./../auto/AutoGallery": 190, "./../helpers/getElementFullWidth": 196, "./../helpers/selectElementFromDataAttributeValue": 197, "./../helpers/selectElementThatHasDataAttribute": 198, "./SlideItem": 203, "./SlideItemWrapper": 204, "@marcom/ac-classlist": 9, "@marcom/ac-dom-styles": 89, "@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/querySelectorAll": 117, "@marcom/ac-object/clone": 213, "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214, "@marcom/ac-pointer-tracker": 240, "@marcom/ac-solar/moveX": 277 }], 203: [function(r, s, p) { var m = r("@marcom/ac-dom-styles/setStyle"); var n = r("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var q = r("./../Item"); function l(a) { q.call(this, a); m(a, { position: "absolute", transform: { translateZ: 0 } }); this._parentElement = a.parentElement } l.CENTER_POINT_CHANGED = "centerpointchanged"; l.SELECTED = q.SELECTED; l.SHOW = q.SHOW; l.HIDE = q.HIDE; var k = q.prototype; var o = l.prototype = n(k); o.position = function(a) { if (a !== undefined) { this._position = a } return this._position || 0 }; o.centerPoint = function(a) { if (a !== undefined) { this._centerPoint = a; this.trigger(l.CENTER_POINT_CHANGED) } return (this._centerPoint !== undefined) ? this._centerPoint : null }; o.getOriginalParentElement = function() { return this._parentElement }; o.resize = function() {}; o.destroy = function() { m(this._el, { position: null, left: null, transform: null }); k.destroy.call(this) }; s.exports = l }, { "./../Item": 187, "@marcom/ac-dom-styles/setStyle": 101, "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214 }], 204: [function(x, z, w) { var q = x("@marcom/ac-classlist"); var t = x("@marcom/ac-dom-styles/setStyle"); var A = x("@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/querySelectorAll"); var u = x("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var p = x("./../singletons/tabManager"); var C = x("./../helpers/getElementFullWidth"); var s = x("./SlideItem"); var B = "ac-gallery-slideitemwrapper"; function y() { s.call(this, document.createElement("div")); this._items = []; this._currentWidth = 0; q.add(this._el, B) } var r = s.prototype; var v = y.prototype = u(r); v.addItem = function(b) { this._items.push({ el: b, parentElement: b.parentElement }); this._el.appendChild(b); var d = b.getAttribute("id"); if (d) { var a = this._el.getAttribute("id") || ""; var c = (a.length) ? "-" : ""; a += c + d; this._el.setAttribute("id", a) } this._focusableEls = this._focusableEls.concat(A(p.focusableSelectors, b)) }; v.removeItems = function() { var b; var d; var c = 0; var a = this._items.length; for (c; c < a; c++) { b = this._items[c].el; t(b, { position: null, left: null }); d = this._items[c].parentElement; if (d) { d.appendChild(b) } } }; v.resize = function() { this._currentWidth = 0; var b; var c = 0; var a = this._items.length; for (c; c < a; c++) { b = this._items[c].el; t(b, { position: "absolute", left: this._currentWidth + "px" }); this._currentWidth += C(b) } t(this._el, { width: this._currentWidth + "px" }) }; v.destroy = function() { this.removeItems(); this._items = null; this._currentWidth = null; var a = this._el.parentElement; if (a) { a.removeChild(this._el) } r.destroy.call(this) }; z.exports = y }, { "./../helpers/getElementFullWidth": 196, "./../singletons/tabManager": 201, "./SlideItem": 203, "@marcom/ac-classlist": 9, "@marcom/ac-dom-styles/setStyle": 101, "@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/querySelectorAll": 117, "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214 }], 205: [function(f, i, g) { var h = ""; h += '"; i.exports = h }, {}], 206: [function(d, g, f) { arguments[4][184][0].apply(f, arguments) }, { dup: 184 }], 207: [function(d, g, f) { arguments[4][185][0].apply(f, arguments) }, { dup: 185 }], 208: [function(v, w, t) { var n = v("@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro").EventEmitterMicro; var q = v("@marcom/ac-dom-events/utils/addEventListener"); var x = v("@marcom/ac-dom-events/utils/removeEventListener"); var r = v("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var u = v("./internal/KeyEvent"); var p = "keydown"; var o = "keyup"; function y(a) { this._keysDown = {}; this._DOMKeyDown = this._DOMKeyDown.bind(this); this._DOMKeyUp = this._DOMKeyUp.bind(this); this._context = a || document; q(this._context, p, this._DOMKeyDown, true); q(this._context, o, this._DOMKeyUp, true); n.call(this) } var s = y.prototype = r(n.prototype); s.onDown = function(b, a) { return this.on(p + ":" + b, a) }; s.onceDown = function(b, a) { return this.once(p + ":" + b, a) }; s.offDown = function(b, a) { return this.off(p + ":" + b, a) }; s.onUp = function(b, a) { return this.on(o + ":" + b, a) }; s.onceUp = function(b, a) { return this.once(o + ":" + b, a) }; s.offUp = function(b, a) { return this.off(o + ":" + b, a) }; s.isDown = function(a) { a += ""; return this._keysDown[a] || false }; s.isUp = function(a) { return !this.isDown(a) }; s.destroy = function() { x(this._context, p, this._DOMKeyDown, true); x(this._context, o, this._DOMKeyUp, true); this._keysDown = null; this._context = null; n.prototype.destroy.call(this); return this }; s._DOMKeyDown = function(b) { var c = this._normalizeKeyboardEvent(b); var a = c.keyCode += ""; this._trackKeyDown(a); this.trigger(p + ":" + a, c) }; s._DOMKeyUp = function(b) { var c = this._normalizeKeyboardEvent(b); var a = c.keyCode += ""; this._trackKeyUp(a); this.trigger(o + ":" + a, c) }; s._normalizeKeyboardEvent = function(a) { return new u(a) }; s._trackKeyUp = function(a) { if (this._keysDown[a]) { this._keysDown[a] = false } }; s._trackKeyDown = function(a) { if (!this._keysDown[a]) { this._keysDown[a] = true } }; w.exports = y }, { "./internal/KeyEvent": 210, "@marcom/ac-dom-events/utils/addEventListener": 206, "@marcom/ac-dom-events/utils/removeEventListener": 207, "@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro": 153, "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214 }], 209: [function(i, h, f) { var g = i("./Keyboard"); h.exports = new g() }, { "./Keyboard": 208 }], 210: [function(k, j, g) { var h = ["keyLocation"]; function i(b) { this.originalEvent = b; var a; for (a in b) { if (h.indexOf(a) === -1 && typeof b[a] !== "function") { this[a] = b[a] } } this.location = (this.originalEvent.location !== undefined) ? this.originalEvent.location : this.originalEvent.keyLocation } i.prototype = { preventDefault: function() { if (typeof this.originalEvent.preventDefault !== "function") { this.originalEvent.returnValue = false; return } return this.originalEvent.preventDefault() }, stopPropagation: function() { return this.originalEvent.stopPropagation() } }; j.exports = i }, {}], 211: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { BACKSPACE: 8, TAB: 9, ENTER: 13, SHIFT: 16, CONTROL: 17, ALT: 18, COMMAND: 91, CAPSLOCK: 20, ESCAPE: 27, PAGE_UP: 33, PAGE_DOWN: 34, END: 35, HOME: 36, ARROW_LEFT: 37, ARROW_UP: 38, ARROW_RIGHT: 39, ARROW_DOWN: 40, DELETE: 46, ZERO: 48, ONE: 49, TWO: 50, THREE: 51, FOUR: 52, FIVE: 53, SIX: 54, SEVEN: 55, EIGHT: 56, NINE: 57, A: 65, B: 66, C: 67, D: 68, E: 69, F: 70, G: 71, H: 72, I: 73, J: 74, K: 75, L: 76, M: 77, N: 78, O: 79, P: 80, Q: 81, R: 82, S: 83, T: 84, U: 85, V: 86, W: 87, X: 88, Y: 89, Z: 90, NUMPAD_ZERO: 96, NUMPAD_ONE: 97, NUMPAD_TWO: 98, NUMPAD_THREE: 99, NUMPAD_FOUR: 100, NUMPAD_FIVE: 101, NUMPAD_SIX: 102, NUMPAD_SEVEN: 103, NUMPAD_EIGHT: 104, NUMPAD_NINE: 105, NUMPAD_ASTERISK: 106, NUMPAD_PLUS: 107, NUMPAD_DASH: 109, NUMPAD_DOT: 110, NUMPAD_SLASH: 111, NUMPAD_EQUALS: 187, TICK: 192, LEFT_BRACKET: 219, RIGHT_BRACKET: 221, BACKSLASH: 220, SEMICOLON: 186, APOSTRAPHE: 222, APOSTROPHE: 222, SPACEBAR: 32, CLEAR: 12, COMMA: 188, DOT: 190, SLASH: 191 } }, {}], 212: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { clone: d("./clone"), create: d("./create"), defaults: d("./defaults"), extend: d("./extend"), getPrototypeOf: d("./getPrototypeOf"), isDate: d("./isDate"), isEmpty: d("./isEmpty"), isRegExp: d("./isRegExp"), toQueryParameters: d("./toQueryParameters") } }, { "./clone": 213, "./create": 214, "./defaults": 215, "./extend": 216, "./getPrototypeOf": 217, "./isDate": 218, "./isEmpty": 219, "./isRegExp": 220, "./toQueryParameters": 221 }], 213: [function(o, n, i) { o("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/isArray"); var k = o("./extend"); var j = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var m = function(c, b) { var a; for (a in b) { if (j.call(b, a)) { if (b[a] === null) { c[a] = null } else { if (typeof b[a] === "object") { c[a] = Array.isArray(b[a]) ? [] : {}; m(c[a], b[a]) } else { c[a] = b[a] } } } } return c }; n.exports = function l(a, b) { if (b) { return m({}, a) } return k({}, a) } }, { "./extend": 216, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/isArray": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/isArray" }], 214: [function(g, j, h) { var i = function() {}; j.exports = function k(a) { if (arguments.length > 1) { throw new Error("Second argument not supported") } if (a === null || typeof a !== "object") { throw new TypeError("Object prototype may only be an Object.") } if (typeof Object.create === "function") { return Object.create(a) } else { i.prototype = a; return new i() } } }, {}], 215: [function(g, k, h) { var i = g("./extend"); k.exports = function j(a, b) { if (typeof a !== "object") { throw new TypeError("defaults: must provide a defaults object") } b = b || {}; if (typeof b !== "object") { throw new TypeError("defaults: options must be a typeof object") } return i({}, a, b) } }, { "./extend": 216 }], 216: [function(k, j, g) { k("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.forEach"); var h = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; j.exports = function i() { var a; var b; if (arguments.length < 2) { a = [{}, arguments[0]] } else { a = [].slice.call(arguments) } b = a.shift(); a.forEach(function(c) { if (c != null) { for (var d in c) { if (h.call(c, d)) { b[d] = c[d] } } } }); return b } }, { "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.forEach": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.forEach" }], 217: [function(k, j, g) { var h = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; j.exports = function i(a) { if (Object.getPrototypeOf) { return Object.getPrototypeOf(a) } else { if (typeof a !== "object") { throw new Error("Requested prototype of a value that is not an object.") } else { if (typeof this.__proto__ === "object") { return a.__proto__ } else { var c = a.constructor; var b; if (h.call(a, "constructor")) { b = c; if (!(delete a.constructor)) { return null } c = a.constructor; a.constructor = b } return c ? c.prototype : null } } } } }, {}], 218: [function(f, h, g) { h.exports = function i(a) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(a) === "[object Date]" } }, {}], 219: [function(k, j, g) { var h = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; j.exports = function i(b) { var a; if (typeof b !== "object") { throw new TypeError("ac-base.Object.isEmpty : Invalid parameter - expected object") } for (a in b) { if (h.call(b, a)) { return false } } return true } }, {}], 220: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = function g(a) { return window.RegExp ? a instanceof RegExp : false } }, {}], 221: [function(k, i, g) { var h = k("@marcom/ac-url/joinSearchParams"); i.exports = function j(a) { if (typeof a !== "object") { throw new TypeError("toQueryParameters error: argument is not an object") } return h(a, false) } }, { "@marcom/ac-url/joinSearchParams": 285 }], 222: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { PageVisibilityManager: d("./ac-page-visibility/PageVisibilityManager") } }, { "./ac-page-visibility/PageVisibilityManager": 223 }], 223: [function(o, m, i) { var n = o("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var k = o("@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro").EventEmitterMicro; function j() { if (typeof document.addEventListener === "undefined") { return } var a; if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") { this._hidden = "hidden"; a = "visibilitychange" } else { if (typeof document.mozHidden !== "undefined") { this._hidden = "mozHidden"; a = "mozvisibilitychange" } else { if (typeof document.msHidden !== "undefined") { this._hidden = "msHidden"; a = "msvisibilitychange" } else { if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== "undefined") { this._hidden = "webkitHidden"; a = "webkitvisibilitychange" } } } } if (typeof document[this._hidden] === "undefined") { this.isHidden = false } else { this.isHidden = document[this._hidden] } if (a) { document.addEventListener(a, this._handleVisibilityChange.bind(this), false) } k.call(this) } var l = j.prototype = n(k.prototype); l.CHANGED = "changed"; l._handleVisibilityChange = function(a) { this.isHidden = document[this._hidden]; this.trigger(this.CHANGED, { isHidden: this.isHidden }) }; m.exports = new j() }, { "@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro": 153, "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214 }], 224: [function(n, m, i) { var l = n("./ac-browser/BrowserData"); var j = /applewebkit/i; var k = n("./ac-browser/IE"); var o = l.create(); o.isWebKit = function(b) { var a = b || window.navigator.userAgent; return a ? !! j.test(a) : false }; o.lowerCaseUserAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (o.name === "IE") { o.IE = { documentMode: k.getDocumentMode() } } m.exports = o }, { "./ac-browser/BrowserData": 225, "./ac-browser/IE": 226 }], 225: [function(g, k, h) { g("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.filter"); g("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.some"); var j = g("./data"); function i() {} i.prototype = { __getBrowserVersion: function(c, b) { var d; if (!c || !b) { return } var a = j.browser.filter(function(f) { return f.identity === b }); a.some(function(f) { var o = f.versionSearch || b; var n = c.indexOf(o); if (n > -1) { d = parseFloat(c.substring(n + o.length + 1)); return true } }); return d }, __getName: function(a) { return this.__getIdentityStringFromArray(a) }, __getIdentity: function(a) { if (a.string) { return this.__matchSubString(a) } else { if (a.prop) { return a.identity } } }, __getIdentityStringFromArray: function(d) { for (var a = 0, c = d.length, b; a < c; a++) { b = this.__getIdentity(d[a]); if (b) { return b } } }, __getOS: function(a) { return this.__getIdentityStringFromArray(a) }, __getOSVersion: function(d, a) { if (!d || !a) { return } var b = j.os.filter(function(l) { return l.identity === a })[0]; var m = b.versionSearch || a; var c = new RegExp(m + " ([\\d_\\.]+)", "i"); var f = d.match(c); if (f !== null) { return f[1].replace(/_/g, ".") } }, __matchSubString: function(b) { var c = b.subString; if (c) { var a = c.test ? !! c.test(b.string) : b.string.indexOf(c) > -1; if (a) { return b.identity } } } }; i.create = function() { var b = new i(); var a = {}; a.name = b.__getName(j.browser); a.version = b.__getBrowserVersion(j.versionString, a.name); a.os = b.__getOS(j.os); a.osVersion = b.__getOSVersion(j.versionString, a.os); return a }; k.exports = i }, { "./data": 227, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.filter": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.filter", "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.some": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Array/prototype.some" }], 226: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { getDocumentMode: function() { var a; if (document.documentMode) { a = parseInt(document.documentMode, 10) } else { a = 5; if (document.compatMode) { if (document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat") { a = 7 } } } return a } } }, {}], 227: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { browser: [{ string: window.navigator.userAgent, subString: "Edge", identity: "Edge" }, { string: window.navigator.userAgent, subString: /silk/i, identity: "Silk" }, { string: window.navigator.userAgent, subString: /(android).*(version\/[0-9+].[0-9+])/i, identity: "Android" }, { string: window.navigator.userAgent, subString: "Chrome", identity: "Chrome" }, { string: window.navigator.userAgent, subString: "OmniWeb", versionSearch: "OmniWeb/", identity: "OmniWeb" }, { string: window.navigator.userAgent, subString: /mobile\/[^\s]*\ssafari\//i, identity: "Safari Mobile", versionSearch: "Version" }, { string: window.navigator.vendor, subString: "Apple", identity: "Safari", versionSearch: "Version" }, { prop: window.opera, identity: "Opera", versionSearch: "Version" }, { string: window.navigator.vendor, subString: "iCab", identity: "iCab" }, { string: window.navigator.vendor, subString: "KDE", identity: "Konqueror" }, { string: window.navigator.userAgent, subString: "Firefox", identity: "Firefox" }, { string: window.navigator.vendor, subString: "Camino", identity: "Camino" }, { string: window.navigator.userAgent, subString: "Netscape", identity: "Netscape" }, { string: window.navigator.userAgent, subString: "MSIE", identity: "IE", versionSearch: "MSIE" }, { string: window.navigator.userAgent, subString: "Trident", identity: "IE", versionSearch: "rv" }, { string: window.navigator.userAgent, subString: "Gecko", identity: "Mozilla", versionSearch: "rv" }, { string: window.navigator.userAgent, subString: "Mozilla", identity: "Netscape", versionSearch: "Mozilla" }], os: [{ string: window.navigator.platform, subString: "Win", identity: "Windows", versionSearch: "Windows NT" }, { string: window.navigator.platform, subString: "Mac", identity: "OS X" }, { string: window.navigator.userAgent, subString: "iPhone", identity: "iOS", versionSearch: "iPhone OS" }, { string: window.navigator.userAgent, subString: "iPad", identity: "iOS", versionSearch: "CPU OS" }, { string: window.navigator.userAgent, subString: /android/i, identity: "Android" }, { string: window.navigator.platform, subString: "Linux", identity: "Linux" }], versionString: window.navigator.userAgent || window.navigator.appVersion || undefined } }, {}], 228: [function(d, g, f) { arguments[4][180][0].apply(f, arguments) }, { "./shared/getEventType": 233, "./utils/addEventListener": 237, dup: 180 }], 229: [function(l, k, m) { var i = l("./utils/dispatchEvent"); var h = l("./shared/getEventType"); k.exports = function j(a, b, c) { b = h(a, b); return i(a, b, c) } }, { "./shared/getEventType": 233, "./utils/dispatchEvent": 238 }], 230: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { addEventListener: d("./addEventListener"), dispatchEvent: d("./dispatchEvent"), preventDefault: d("./preventDefault"), removeEventListener: d("./removeEventListener"), stop: d("./stop"), stopPropagation: d("./stopPropagation"), target: d("./target") } }, { "./addEventListener": 228, "./dispatchEvent": 229, "./preventDefault": 231, "./removeEventListener": 232, "./stop": 234, "./stopPropagation": 235, "./target": 236 }], 231: [function(d, g, f) { arguments[4][181][0].apply(f, arguments) }, { dup: 181 }], 232: [function(d, g, f) { arguments[4][182][0].apply(f, arguments) }, { "./shared/getEventType": 233, "./utils/removeEventListener": 239, dup: 182 }], 233: [function(d, g, f) { arguments[4][183][0].apply(f, arguments) }, { "@marcom/ac-prefixer/getEventType": 242, dup: 183 }], 234: [function(l, j, h) { var i = l("./stopPropagation"); var m = l("./preventDefault"); j.exports = function k(a) { a = a || window.event; i(a); m(a); a.stopped = true; a.returnValue = false } }, { "./preventDefault": 231, "./stopPropagation": 235 }], 235: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = function g(a) { a = a || window.event; if (a.stopPropagation) { a.stopPropagation() } else { a.cancelBubble = true } } }, {}], 236: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(a) { a = a || window.event; return (typeof a.target !== "undefined") ? a.target : a.srcElement } }, {}], 237: [function(d, g, f) { arguments[4][184][0].apply(f, arguments) }, { dup: 184 }], 238: [function(f, i, g) { f("@marcom/ac-polyfills/CustomEvent"); i.exports = function h(a, b, c) { var d; if (a.dispatchEvent) { if (c) { d = new CustomEvent(b, c) } else { d = new CustomEvent(b) } a.dispatchEvent(d) } else { d = document.createEventObject(); if (c && "detail" in c) { d.detail = c.detail } a.fireEvent("on" + b, d) } return a } }, { "@marcom/ac-polyfills/CustomEvent": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/CustomEvent" }], 239: [function(d, g, f) { arguments[4][185][0].apply(f, arguments) }, { dup: 185 }], 240: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { PointerTracker: d("./ac-pointer-tracker/PointerTracker") } }, { "./ac-pointer-tracker/PointerTracker": 241 }], 241: [function(z, A, w) { var o = z("@marcom/ac-browser"); var q = z("@marcom/ac-dom-events"); var r = z("@marcom/ac-dom-styles"); var u = z("@marcom/ac-object/create"); var y = o.os === "Android" || (o.name === "IE" && o.version <= 8); var s = z("@marcom/ac-feature/touchAvailable")(); var p = z("@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro").EventEmitterMicro; function x(b, a, c) { this._el = b; c = c || {}; this._lockVertical = c.lockVertical !== false; this._swipeThreshold = c.swipeThreshold || x.DEFAULT_SWIPE_THRESHOLD; this._pointerEvents = a || {}; this._pointerEvents.down = this._pointerEvents.down || ((s) ? x.TOUCH_EVENTS.down : x.MOUSE_EVENTS.down); this._pointerEvents.up = this._pointerEvents.up || ((s) ? x.TOUCH_EVENTS.up : x.MOUSE_EVENTS.up); this._pointerEvents.out = this._pointerEvents.out || ((s) ? x.TOUCH_EVENTS.out : x.MOUSE_EVENTS.out); this._pointerEvents.move = this._pointerEvents.move || ((s) ? x.TOUCH_EVENTS.move : x.MOUSE_EVENTS.move); this._onMouseDown = this._onMouseDown.bind(this); this._onMouseUp = this._onMouseUp.bind(this); this._onMouseOut = this._onMouseOut.bind(this); this._onMouseMove = this._onMouseMove.bind(this); p.call(this); q.addEventListener(this._el, this._pointerEvents.down, this._onMouseDown); this._setCursorStyle("grab") } x.START = "start"; x.END = "end"; x.UPDATE = "update"; x.SWIPE_RIGHT = "swiperight"; x.SWIPE_LEFT = "swipeleft"; x.DEFAULT_SWIPE_THRESHOLD = (y) ? 2 : 8; x.TOUCH_EVENTS = { down: "touchstart", up: "touchend", out: "mouseout", move: "touchmove" }; x.MOUSE_EVENTS = { down: "mousedown", up: "mouseup", out: "mouseout", move: "mousemove" }; var t = p.prototype; var v = x.prototype = u(t); v.destroy = function() { if (this._isDragging) { this._onMouseUp() } q.removeEventListener(this._el, this._pointerEvents.down, this._onMouseDown); this._setCursorStyle(null); this._el = null; this._pointerEvents = null; this._lockVertical = null; this._swipeThreshold = null; this._checkForTouchScrollY = null; this._isDragging = null; this._currentX = null; this._currentY = null; this._velocityX = null; this._velocityY = null; this._lastX = null; this._lastY = null; return t.destroy.call(this) }; v._onMouseDown = function(b) { if (this._isDragging) { return } this._isDragging = true; this._setCursorStyle("grabbing"); q.removeEventListener(this._el, this._pointerEvents.down, this._onMouseDown); q.addEventListener(document.body, this._pointerEvents.up, this._onMouseUp); q.addEventListener(document, this._pointerEvents.out, this._onMouseOut); q.addEventListener(document.body, this._pointerEvents.move, this._onMouseMove); this._checkForTouchScrollY = this._lockVertical && !! (b.touches && b.touches[0]); if (this._checkForTouchScrollY) { this._lastY = this._getTouchY(b) } var a = this._storeAndGetValues(b); this._velocityX = a.diffX = 0; this._velocityY = a.diffY = 0; this.trigger(x.START, a) }; v._onMouseUp = function(c) { if (!this._isDragging) { return } this._isDragging = false; this._setCursorStyle("grab"); q.addEventListener(this._el, this._pointerEvents.down, this._onMouseDown); q.removeEventListener(document.body, this._pointerEvents.up, this._onMouseUp); q.removeEventListener(document, this._pointerEvents.out, this._onMouseOut); q.removeEventListener(document.body, this._pointerEvents.move, this._onMouseMove); var a; if (this._checkForTouchScrollY) { a = null } else { if (this._velocityX > this._swipeThreshold) { a = x.SWIPE_LEFT } else { if ((this._velocityX * -1) > this._swipeThreshold) { a = x.SWIPE_RIGHT } } } var b = this._storeAndGetValues(c); b.swipe = a; this.trigger(x.END, b); if (a) { this.trigger(a, b) } }; v._onMouseOut = function(b) { b = (b) ? b : window.event; var a = b.relatedTarget || b.toElement; if (!a || a.nodeName === "HTML") { this._onMouseUp(b) } }; v._onMouseMove = function(a) { if (this._checkForTouchScrollY && this._isVerticalTouchMove(a)) { this._onMouseUp(a); return } q.preventDefault(a); this.trigger(x.UPDATE, this._storeAndGetValues(a)) }; v._storeAndGetValues = function(b) { if (b === undefined) { return {} } this._currentX = this._getPointerX(b); this._currentY = this._getPointerY(b); this._velocityX = this._lastX - this._currentX; this._velocityY = this._lastY - this._currentY; var a = { x: this._currentX, y: this._currentY, lastX: this._lastX, lastY: this._lastY, diffX: this._velocityX, diffY: this._velocityY, interactionEvent: b }; this._lastX = this._currentX; this._lastY = this._currentY; return a }; v._getPointerX = function(a) { if (a.pageX) { return a.pageX } else { if (a.touches && a.touches[0]) { return a.touches[0].pageX } else { if (a.clientX) { return a.clientX } } } return 0 }; v._getPointerY = function(a) { if (a.pageY) { return a.pageY } else { if (a.touches && a.touches[0]) { return a.touches[0].pageY } else { if (a.clientY) { return a.clientY } } } return 0 }; v._getTouchX = function(a) { if (a.touches && a.touches[0]) { return a.touches[0].pageX } return 0 }; v._getTouchY = function(a) { if (a.touches && a.touches[0]) { return a.touches[0].pageY } return 0 }; v._isVerticalTouchMove = function(d) { var f = this._getTouchX(d); var a = this._getTouchY(d); var b = Math.abs(f - this._lastX); var c = Math.abs(a - this._lastY); this._checkForTouchScrollY = (b < c); return this._checkForTouchScrollY }; v._setCursorStyle = function(a) { r.setStyle(this._el, { cursor: a }) }; A.exports = x }, { "@marcom/ac-browser": 224, "@marcom/ac-dom-events": 230, "@marcom/ac-dom-styles": 89, "@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro": 153, "@marcom/ac-feature/touchAvailable": 175, "@marcom/ac-object/create": 214 }], 242: [function(p, r, o) { var n = p("./utils/eventTypeAvailable"); var k = p("./shared/camelCasedEventTypes"); var q = p("./shared/windowFallbackEventTypes"); var m = p("./shared/prefixHelper"); var s = {}; r.exports = function l(a, b) { var f; var d; var c; b = b || "div"; a = a.toLowerCase(); if (!(b in s)) { s[b] = {} } d = s[b]; if (a in d) { return d[a] } if (n(a, b)) { return d[a] = a } if (a in k) { for (c = 0; c < k[a].length; c++) { f = k[a][c]; if (n(f.toLowerCase(), b)) { return d[a] = f } } } for (c = 0; c < m.evt.length; c++) { f = m.evt[c] + a; if (n(f, b)) { m.reduce(c); return d[a] = f } } if (b !== "window" && q.indexOf(a)) { return d[a] = l(a, "window") } return d[a] = false } }, { "./shared/camelCasedEventTypes": 245, "./shared/prefixHelper": 247, "./shared/windowFallbackEventTypes": 250, "./utils/eventTypeAvailable": 251 }], 243: [function(q, r, o) { var u = q("./shared/stylePropertyCache"); var n = q("./shared/getStyleTestElement"); var t = q("./utils/toCSS"); var l = q("./utils/toDOM"); var m = q("./shared/prefixHelper"); var s = function(c, b) { var a = t(c); var d = (b === false) ? false : t(b); u[c] = u[b] = u[a] = u[d] = { dom: b, css: d }; return b }; r.exports = function p(c) { var f; var b; var d; var a; c += ""; if (c in u) { return u[c].dom } d = n(); c = l(c); b = c.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + c.substring(1); if (c === "filter") { f = ["WebkitFilter", "filter"] } else { f = (c + " " + m.dom.join(b + " ") + b).split(" ") } for (a = 0; a < f.length; a++) { if (typeof d.style[f[a]] !== "undefined") { if (a !== 0) { m.reduce(a - 1) } return s(c, f[a]) } } return s(c, false) } }, { "./shared/getStyleTestElement": 246, "./shared/prefixHelper": 247, "./shared/stylePropertyCache": 248, "./utils/toCSS": 252, "./utils/toDOM": 253 }], 244: [function(t, v, q) { var s = t("./getStyleProperty"); var n = t("./shared/styleValueAvailable"); var o = t("./shared/prefixHelper"); var w = t("./shared/stylePropertyCache"); var p = {}; var m = /(\([^\)]+\))/gi; var r = /([^ ,;\(]+(\([^\)]+\))?)/gi; v.exports = function u(b, c) { var a; c += ""; b = s(b); if (!b) { return false } if (n(b, c)) { return c } a = w[b].css; c = c.replace(r, function(h) { var i; var d; var f; var g; if (h[0] === "#" || !isNaN(h[0])) { return h } d = h.replace(m, ""); f = a + ":" + d; if (f in p) { if (p[f] === false) { return "" } return h.replace(d, p[f]) } i = o.css.map(function(j) { return j + h }); i = [h].concat(i); for (g = 0; g < i.length; g++) { if (n(b, i[g])) { if (g !== 0) { o.reduce(g - 1) } p[f] = i[g].replace(m, ""); return i[g] } } p[f] = false; return "" }); c = c.trim(); return (c === "") ? false : c } }, { "./getStyleProperty": 243, "./shared/prefixHelper": 247, "./shared/stylePropertyCache": 248, "./shared/styleValueAvailable": 249 }], 245: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { transitionend: ["webkitTransitionEnd", "MSTransitionEnd"], animationstart: ["webkitAnimationStart", "MSAnimationStart"], animationend: ["webkitAnimationEnd", "MSAnimationEnd"], animationiteration: ["webkitAnimationIteration", "MSAnimationIteration"], fullscreenchange: ["MSFullscreenChange"], fullscreenerror: ["MSFullscreenError"] } }, {}], 246: [function(k, j, g) { var i; j.exports = function h() { if (!i) { i = document.createElement("_") } else { i.style.cssText = ""; i.removeAttribute("style") } return i }; j.exports.resetElement = function() { i = null } }, {}], 247: [function(j, p, k) { var l = ["-webkit-", "-moz-", "-ms-"]; var o = ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms"]; var m = ["webkit", "moz", "ms"]; var q = function() { this.initialize() }; var n = q.prototype; n.initialize = function() { this.reduced = false; this.css = l; this.dom = o; this.evt = m }; n.reduce = function(a) { if (!this.reduced) { this.reduced = true; this.css = [this.css[a]]; this.dom = [this.dom[a]]; this.evt = [this.evt[a]] } }; p.exports = new q() }, {}], 248: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = {} }, {}], 249: [function(s, t, r) { var u = s("./stylePropertyCache"); var q = s("./getStyleTestElement"); var n = false; var l; var m; var p = function() { var b; if (!n) { n = true; l = ("CSS" in window && "supports" in window.CSS); m = false; b = q(); try { b.style.width = "invalid" } catch (a) { m = true } } }; t.exports = function o(d, f) { var a; var b; p(); if (l) { d = u[d].css; return CSS.supports(d, f) } b = q(); a = b.style[d]; if (m) { try { b.style[d] = f } catch (c) { return false } } else { b.style[d] = f } return (b.style[d] && b.style[d] !== a) }; t.exports.resetFlags = function() { n = false } }, { "./getStyleTestElement": 246, "./stylePropertyCache": 248 }], 250: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = ["transitionend", "animationstart", "animationend", "animationiteration"] }, {}], 251: [function(k, i, g) { var h = { window: window, document: document }; i.exports = function j(a, c) { var b; a = "on" + a; if (!(c in h)) { h[c] = document.createElement(c) } b = h[c]; if (a in b) { return true } if ("setAttribute" in b) { b.setAttribute(a, "return;"); return (typeof b[a] === "function") } return false } }, {}], 252: [function(k, j, g) { var i = /^(webkit|moz|ms)/gi; j.exports = function h(a) { var b; if (a.toLowerCase() === "cssfloat") { return "float" } if (i.test(a)) { a = "-" + a } return a.replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, "$1-$2").replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase() } }, {}], 253: [function(g, k, h) { var i = /-([a-z])/g; k.exports = function j(a) { var b; if (a.toLowerCase() === "float") { return "cssFloat" } a = a.replace(i, function(c, d) { return d.toUpperCase() }); if (a.substr(0, 2) === "Ms") { a = "ms" + a.substring(2) } return a } }, {}], 254: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { log: d("./ac-console/log") } }, { "./ac-console/log": 255 }], 255: [function(l, k, h) { var i = "f7c9180f-5c45-47b4-8de4-428015f096c0"; var m = !! (function() { try { return window.localStorage.getItem(i) } catch (a) {} }()); k.exports = function j() { if (window.console && typeof console.log !== "undefined" && m) { console.log.apply(console, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)) } } }, {}], 256: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { adler32: d("./ac-checksum/adler32") } }, { "./ac-checksum/adler32": 257 }], 257: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = function h(d) { var n = 65521; var b = 1; var m = 0; var a; var c; for (c = 0; c < d.length; c += 1) { a = d.charCodeAt(c); b = (b + a) % n; m = (m + b) % n } return (m << 16) | b } }, {}], 258: [function(p, n, k) { var m = "ac-storage-"; var q = p("./ac-storage/Item"); var l = p("./ac-storage/Storage"); var j = p("./ac-storage/Storage/storageAvailable"); var o = new l(m); o.Item = q; o.storageAvailable = j; n.exports = o }, { "./ac-storage/Item": 259, "./ac-storage/Storage": 266, "./ac-storage/Storage/storageAvailable": 268 }], 259: [function(t, v, o) { var w = t("@marcom/ac-checksum").adler32; var p = t("@marcom/ac-object"); var n = t("./Item/apis"); var u = t("./Item/createExpirationDate"); var m = t("./Item/encoder"); var q = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; var r = 30; function s(a) { if (!a || typeof a !== "string") { throw "ac-storage/Item: Key for Item must be a string" } this._key = a; this._checksum = null; this._expirationDate = null; this._metadata = null; this._value = null; this.setExpirationDate(s.createExpirationDate(r)) } s.prototype = { save: function() { var c; var d; var b; var a = {}; c = n.best(a); if (c) { if (this.value() === null && typeof c.removeItem === "function") { return c.removeItem(this.key()) } else { if (typeof c.setItem === "function") { d = this.__state(); b = m.encode(d); return c.setItem(this.key(), b, this.expirationDate()) } } } return false }, load: function() { var a; var b; a = n.best(); if (a && typeof a.getItem === "function") { b = a.getItem(this.key()); this.__updateState(m.decode(b)); if (b === null || this.hasExpired()) { this.remove(); return false } else { return true } } else { return false } }, remove: function() { var a; this.__updateState(null); a = n.best(); return a.removeItem(this.key()) }, hasExpired: function(a) { if (((this.expirationDate() !== false) && (this.expirationDate() <= Date.now())) || !this.__checksumIsValid(a)) { return true } return false }, value: function(a) { if (this.hasExpired(a)) { this.remove() } return this._value }, setValue: function(a) { this._value = a }, setChecksum: function(a) { if (a === null) { this._checksum = a } else { if (typeof a === "string" && a !== "") { this._checksum = w(a) } else { throw "ac-storage/Item#setChecksum: Checksum must be null or a string" } } }, checksum: function() { return this._checksum }, setExpirationDate: function(a) { if (a === null) { a = s.createExpirationDate(r) } if (a !== false) { if (typeof a === "string") { a = new Date(a).getTime() } if (a && typeof a.getTime === "function") { a = a.getTime() } if (!a || isNaN(a)) { throw "ac-storage/Item: Invalid date object provided as expirationDate" } a -= a % q; if (a <= Date.now()) { a = false } } this._expirationDate = a }, expirationDate: function() { return this._expirationDate }, __state: function() { var a = {}; a.checksum = this.checksum(); a.expirationDate = this.expirationDate(); a.metadata = this.metadata(); a.value = this.value(); return a }, __updateState: function(a) { var b; var c; if (a === null) { a = { checksum: null, expirationDate: null, metadata: null, value: null } } for (b in a) { c = "set" + b.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + b.slice(1); if (typeof this[c] === "function") { this[c](a[b]) } } }, __checksumIsValid: function(a) { if (a) { a = w(a); if (!this.checksum()) { throw "ac-storage/Item: No checksum exists to determine if this Item’s value is valid. Try loading context from persistent storage first." } else { if (a === this.checksum()) { return true } } return false } else { if (this.checksum()) { throw "ac-storage/Item: No checksum passed, but checksum exists in Item’s state." } } return true }, setKey: function() { throw "ac-storage/Item: Cannot set key /after/ initialization!" }, key: function() { return this._key }, metadata: function() { return this._metadata }, setMetadata: function(a) { this._metadata = a } }; s.createExpirationDate = u; v.exports = s }, { "./Item/apis": 260, "./Item/createExpirationDate": 263, "./Item/encoder": 264, "@marcom/ac-checksum": 256, "@marcom/ac-object": 212 }], 260: [function(n, l, i) { var k = n("@marcom/ac-console").log; var o = n("./apis/localStorage"); var j = n("./apis/userData"); var m = { _list: [o, j], list: function() { return this._list }, all: function(a) { k("ac-storage/Item/apis.all: Method is deprecated"); var c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); if (typeof a !== "string") { throw "ac-storage/Item/apis.all: Method name must be provided as a string" } var b = this.list().map(function(d) { if (d.available()) { if (typeof d[a] === "function") { return d[a].apply(d, c) } else { throw "ac-storage/Item/apis.all: Method not available on api" } } return false }); return b }, best: function() { var a = null; this.list().some(function(b) { if (b.available()) { a = b; return true } }); return a } }; l.exports = m }, { "./apis/localStorage": 261, "./apis/userData": 262, "@marcom/ac-console": 254 }], 261: [function(p, s, n) { var q = p("@marcom/ac-feature"); var r; try { var m = window.localStorage; var k = window.sessionStorage } catch (l) { r = false } var o = { name: "localStorage", available: function() { try { m.setItem("localStorage", 1); m.removeItem("localStorage") } catch (a) { r = false } if (r === undefined) { r = q.localStorageAvailable() } return r }, getItem: function(a) { return m.getItem(a) || k.getItem(a) }, setItem: function(b, a, c) { if (c === false) { k.setItem(b, a) } else { m.setItem(b, a) } return true }, removeItem: function(a) { m.removeItem(a); k.removeItem(a); return true } }; s.exports = o }, { "@marcom/ac-feature": 155 }], 262: [function(p, o, q) { var n = p("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes"); var l = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; var k = "ac-storage"; var m; var j = { name: "userData", available: function() { if (m === undefined) { m = false; if (document && document.body) { var a = this.element(); if (n.isElement(a) && a.addBehavior !== undefined) { m = true } if (m === false) { this.removeElement() } } else { throw "ac-storage/Item/apis/userData: DOM must be ready before using #userData." } } return m }, getItem: function(b) { var a = this.element(); a.load(k); return a.getAttribute(b) || null }, setItem: function(c, a, d) { var b = this.element(); b.setAttribute(c, a); if (d === false) { d = new Date(Date.now() + l) } if (d && typeof d.toUTCString === "function") { b.expires = d.toUTCString() } b.save(k); return true }, removeItem: function(b) { var a = this.element(); a.removeAttribute(b); a.save(k); return true }, _element: null, element: function() { if (this._element === null) { this._element = document.createElement("meta"); this._element.setAttribute("id", "userData"); this._element.setAttribute("name", "ac-storage"); this._element.style.behavior = "url('#default#userData')"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(this._element) } return this._element }, removeElement: function() { if (this._element !== null) { n.remove(this._element) } return this._element } }; o.exports = j }, { "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes": 70 }], 263: [function(g, k, h) { var i = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; var j = function(a, b) { if (typeof a !== "number") { throw "ac-storage/Item/createExpirationDate: days parameter must be a number." } if (b === undefined || typeof b === "number") { b = b === undefined ? new Date() : new Date(b) } if (typeof b.toUTCString !== "function" || b.toUTCString() === "Invalid Date") { throw "ac-storage/Item/createExpirationDate: fromDate must be a date object, timestamp, or undefined." } b.setTime(b.getTime() + (a * i)); return b.getTime() }; k.exports = j }, {}], 264: [function(g, k, h) { var i = g("./encoder/compressor"); var j = { encode: function(b) { var d; var c; c = i.compress(b); try { d = JSON.stringify(c) } catch (a) {} if (!this.__isValidStateObjString(d)) { throw "ac-storage/Item/encoder/encode: state object is invalid or cannot be saved as string" } return d }, decode: function(d) { var c; var b; if (!this.__isValidStateObjString(d)) { if (d === undefined || d === null || d === "") { return null } throw "ac-storage/Item/encoder/decode: state string does not contain a valid state object" } try { c = JSON.parse(d) } catch (a) { throw "ac-storage/Item/encoder/decode: Item state object could not be decoded" } b = i.decompress(c); return b }, __isValidStateObjString: function(b) { try { if (b !== undefined && b.substring(0, 1) === "{") { return true } return false } catch (a) { return false } } }; k.exports = j }, { "./encoder/compressor": 265 }], 265: [function(h, m, i) { var j = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; var l = 14975; var k = { mapping: { key: "k", checksum: "c", expirationDate: "e", metadata: "m", value: "v" }, compress: function(c) { var f = {}; var d = k.mapping; for (var a in d) { if (c.hasOwnProperty(a) && c[a]) { if (a === "expirationDate") { var b = this.millisecondsToOffsetDays(c[a]); f[d[a]] = b } else { f[d[a]] = c[a] } } } return f }, decompress: function(f) { var b = {}; var c = k.mapping; for (var a in c) { if (f.hasOwnProperty(c[a])) { if (a === "expirationDate") { var d = this.offsetDaysToMilliseconds(f[c[a]]); b[a] = d } else { b[a] = f[c[a]] } } } return b }, millisecondsToOffsetDays: function(a) { return Math.floor(a / j) - l }, offsetDaysToMilliseconds: function(a) { return (a + l) * j } }; m.exports = k }, {}], 266: [function(n, m, p) { var q = n("@marcom/ac-object"); var o = n("./Item/apis/localStorage"); var j = n("./Storage/registry"); var k = {}; function l(a, b) { this._namespace = a || ""; this._options = q.extend(q.clone(k), b || {}) } l.prototype = { getItem: function(b) { var a = this.__item(b); a.load(); return a.value() }, setItem: function(c, a) { var b = this.__item(c); if (a === undefined) { throw "ac-storage/Storage#setItem: Must provide value to set key to. Use #removeItem to remove." } b.setValue(a); return b.save() }, removeItem: function(b) { var a = this.__item(b); j.remove(a.key(), true); return a.save() }, removeExpired: function() { var g; var i; if (o.available()) { for (i = 0; i < window.localStorage.length; i++) { g = this.__item(window.localStorage.key(i)); if (g.hasExpired() && JSON.parse(window.localStorage[window.localStorage.key(i)]).v !== "undefined") { g.remove() } } } else { var b = "ac-storage"; var h = document.getElementById("userData"); h.load(b); var c; var f = h.xmlDocument; var a = f.firstChild.attributes; var d = a.length; i = -1; while (++i < d) { c = a[i]; g = this.__item(c.nodeName); if (g.hasExpired() && JSON.parse(c.nodeValue).v !== "undefined") { g.remove() } } } }, __item: function(b) { if (typeof b !== "string" || b === "") { throw "ac-storage/Storage: Key must be a String." } var a = j.item(this.namespace() + b); return a }, namespace: function() { return this._namespace }, setNamespace: function(a) { this._namespace = a }, options: function() { return this._namespace }, setOptions: function(a) { this._namespace = a } }; m.exports = l }, { "./Item/apis/localStorage": 261, "./Storage/registry": 267, "@marcom/ac-object": 212 }], 267: [function(k, j, m) { var l = k("../Item"); var h = {}; var i = { item: function(b) { var a = h[b]; if (!a) { a = this.register(b) } return a }, register: function(b) { var a = h[b]; if (!a) { a = new l(b); h[b] = a } return a }, clear: function(a) { var b; for (b in h) { this.remove(b, a) } return true }, remove: function(c, b) { var a = h[c]; if (a && !! b) { a.remove() } h[c] = null; return true } }; j.exports = i }, { "../Item": 259 }], 268: [function(m, k, i) { var l = m("../Item/apis"); var j; k.exports = function h() { if (j !== undefined) { return j } j = !! l.best(); return j } }, { "../Item/apis": 260 }], 269: [function(s, t, q) { var m = s("@marcom/ac-url/parseURL"); var u = s("@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/querySelectorAll"); var r = s("./PromoManager/History"); var n = s("./PromoManager/Promo"); var l = s("./PromoManager/selectors"); function o(a, b) { this._options = b; this._id = a.id; this._selectors = l; this._history = null; this._type = null; this.el = a; this.promos = { all: null, current: null }; this._removeManagerAttr = this._removeManagerAttr.bind(this); this._initialize() } var p = o.prototype; p.setCurrentPromo = function(a) { this.promos.current = a; this._history.addValue(a.historyValue) }; p._getManagerType = function() { var a = this.el.getAttribute(this._selectors.manager.dataAttribute); if (this._selectors.manager.types.indexOf(a) !== -1) { return a } }; p._createPromoArr = function(a) { var c = u(this._selectors.promo.selector, a); var d = c.length - 1; var f = []; var b; while (d >= 0) { b = new n(c[d]); b.index = d; f.unshift(b); d-- } return f }; p._getURLIdentifier = function() { var a = m().pathname; a = a.replace(/\/+/g, "/"); a = a.substring(1, a.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); a = a.replace(/\//g, "-"); return a }; p._assembleHistoryKey = function(c) { var a = this._getURLIdentifier(); var b = c.concat("-", this._type); return a.concat(b) }; p._setupHistory = function() { var b = this.promos.all.length - 1; var a = this._assembleHistoryKey(this._id); return new r(a, b, this._options) }; p._getPromosNotInHistory = function() { var b = this._history.getValue(); var a = function(c) { return b.indexOf(c.historyValue) === -1 }; return this.promos.all.filter(a) }; p._selectFirstPromo = function() { var a = this.promos.all.length; var d = this._getPromosNotInHistory(); var c = d.length; var b; if (a > 1 && c > 0) { b = d[0] } else { b = this.promos.all[0]; if (c < 1) { this._history.resetValue() } } return b }; p._removeHiddenPromos = function() { var a = this.promos.all.length - 1; while (a >= 0) { if (this.promos.all[a].historyValue !== this.promos.current.historyValue) { this.promos.all[a].remove() } a-- } }; p._reorderPromoArr = function() { var a = this.promos.all.splice(this.promos.current.index); var b; this.promos.all = a.concat(this.promos.all); b = this.promos.all.length - 1; while (b >= 0) { this.promos.all[b].index = b; b-- } }; p._appendPromoArrToDom = function() { var b = document.createDocumentFragment(); var c = this.promos.all.length; var a = 0; var d; while (a < c) { d = this.promos.all[a].el; b.appendChild(d); a++ } this.el.appendChild(b) }; p._removeManagerAttr = function() { this.el.removeAttribute(this._selectors.manager.dataAttribute) }; p._initialize = function() { var a; this._type = this._getManagerType(); this.promos.all = this._createPromoArr(this.el); this._history = this._setupHistory(); a = this._selectFirstPromo(); this.setCurrentPromo(a); if (this._type === this._selectors.manager.types[0]) { this._removeHiddenPromos() } else { if (this._type === this._selectors.manager.types[1]) { this._reorderPromoArr(); this._appendPromoArrToDom() } else { throw new Error("PromoManager must be supplied with a valid manager type") } } window.requestAnimationFrame(this._removeManagerAttr) }; t.exports = o }, { "./PromoManager/History": 270, "./PromoManager/Promo": 271, "./PromoManager/selectors": 272, "@marcom/ac-dom-traversal/querySelectorAll": 117, "@marcom/ac-url/parseURL": 287 }], 270: [function(r, t, o) { var s = r("@marcom/ac-storage"); var m = s.Item; var l = r("@marcom/ac-console").log; var p = r("@marcom/ac-object/defaults"); var u = { daysUntilExpires: null }; function q(c, b, a) { this._key = c; this._maxLen = b; this._options = p(u, a); this._item = null; this._initialize() } var n = q.prototype; n.getValue = function() { this._item.load(); return this._item.value() || [] }; n.addValue = function(a) { var b = this.getValue(); b.unshift(a); b = this._maxLenArrTrim(b); this._item.setValue(b); this._item.save() }; n.resetValue = function() { this._item.setValue([]); this._item.save() }; n._setHistoryExpiration = function(a) { var b = this._options.daysUntilExpires; var c = a; if (b !== 30 && b !== null) { if (typeof b !== "number") { l("daysUntilExpires option must be a number.") } else { b = m.createExpirationDate(b); a.setExpirationDate(b) } } return c }; n._createLocalStorageItem = function() { var a; a = new s.Item(this._key); a.load(); if (!a.value()) { a.setValue([]); a.save(); a = this._setHistoryExpiration(a) } return a }; n._maxLenArrTrim = function(b) { var a = b; if (a.length > this._maxLen) { a.pop() } return a }; n._initialize = function() { this._item = this._createLocalStorageItem(); this._item.save() }; t.exports = q }, { "@marcom/ac-console": 254, "@marcom/ac-object/defaults": 215, "@marcom/ac-storage": 258 }], 271: [function(i, n, j) { var m = i("@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/remove"); var o = i("./selectors"); function k(a) { this.el = a; this.index = null; this.historyValue = this._getDataAttribPromoId() } var l = k.prototype; l.remove = function() { m(this.el) }; l._getDataAttribPromoId = function() { var a = o.promo.dataAttribute; return this.el.getAttribute(a) }; n.exports = k }, { "./selectors": 272, "@marcom/ac-dom-nodes/remove": 86 }], 272: [function(g, j, h) { function k() { this.dataAttributePrefix = "data-promo-"; this.promo = { attribute: "id", dataAttribute: null, selector: null }; this.manager = { types: ["show-hide", "reorder"], attribute: "type", dataAttribute: null, selector: null }; this._initialize() } var i = k.prototype; i._assembleDataAttribute = function(a) { return this.dataAttributePrefix + a }; i._assembleDataAttribSelector = function(a) { return "[" + a + "]" }; i._initialize = function() { this.promo.dataAttribute = this._assembleDataAttribute(this.promo.attribute); this.promo.selector = this._assembleDataAttribSelector(this.promo.dataAttribute); this.manager.dataAttribute = this._assembleDataAttribute(this.manager.attribute); this.manager.selector = this._assembleDataAttribSelector(this.manager.dataAttribute) }; j.exports = new k() }, {}], 273: [function(l, k, h) { var m = l("@marcom/ac-eclipse").Clip; var i = l("@marcom/ac-feature/cssPropertyAvailable"); k.exports = function j(d, a, b, c, f) { if (i("opacity")) { f = f || {}; if (c) { f.propsFrom = f.propsFrom || {}; f.propsFrom.opacity = a; return m.to(d, c, { opacity: b }, f) } else { d.style.opacity = b; if (typeof f.onStart === "function") { f.onStart() } if (typeof f.onComplete === "function") { f.onComplete() } } } else { d.style.visibility = (b) ? "visible" : "hidden"; if (typeof f.onStart === "function") { f.onStart() } if (typeof f.onComplete === "function") { f.onComplete() } } } }, { "@marcom/ac-eclipse": 132, "@marcom/ac-feature/cssPropertyAvailable": 160 }], 274: [function(k, j, m) { var l = k("@marcom/ac-eclipse").Clip; var h = k("@marcom/ac-feature/cssPropertyAvailable"); j.exports = function i(b, a, c) { c = c || {}; if (h("opacity")) { if (a) { return l.to(b, a, { opacity: 1 }, c) } else { b.style.opacity = 1; if (typeof c.onStart === "function") { c.onStart() } if (typeof c.onComplete === "function") { c.onComplete() } } } else { b.style.visibility = "visible"; if (typeof c.onStart === "function") { c.onStart() } if (typeof c.onComplete === "function") { c.onComplete() } } } }, { "@marcom/ac-eclipse": 132, "@marcom/ac-feature/cssPropertyAvailable": 160 }], 275: [function(l, k, h) { var m = l("@marcom/ac-eclipse").Clip; var i = l("@marcom/ac-feature/cssPropertyAvailable"); k.exports = function j(b, a, c) { c = c || {}; if (i("opacity")) { if (a) { return m.to(b, a, { opacity: 0 }, c) } else { b.style.opacity = 0; if (typeof c.onStart === "function") { c.onStart() } if (typeof c.onComplete === "function") { c.onComplete() } } } else { b.style.visibility = "hidden"; if (typeof c.onStart === "function") { c.onStart() } if (typeof c.onComplete === "function") { c.onComplete() } } } }, { "@marcom/ac-eclipse": 132, "@marcom/ac-feature/cssPropertyAvailable": 160 }], 276: [function(m, l, o) { var n = m("@marcom/ac-eclipse").Clip; var k = m("@marcom/ac-dom-styles"); var i = m("@marcom/ac-feature/cssPropertyAvailable"); l.exports = function j(c, f, g, b, d) { d = d || {}; var a; if (i("transition")) { a = { transform: { translateX: f + "px", translateY: g + "px" } } } else { a = { left: f + "px", top: g + "px" } } if (b) { return n.to(c, b, a, d) } else { k.setStyle(c, a); if (typeof d.onStart === "function") { d.onStart() } if (typeof d.onComplete === "function") { d.onComplete() } } } }, { "@marcom/ac-dom-styles": 89, "@marcom/ac-eclipse": 132, "@marcom/ac-feature/cssPropertyAvailable": 160 }], 277: [function(l, k, m) { var h = l("@marcom/ac-feature/cssPropertyAvailable"); var i = l("./move"); k.exports = function j(b, d, a, c) { return i(b, d, 0, a, c) } }, { "./move": 276, "@marcom/ac-feature/cssPropertyAvailable": 160 }], 278: [function(j, i, g) { var k = j("@marcom/ac-eclipse").Clip; i.exports = function h(y, d, u, w, a) { a = a || {}; var x = y === window; var b; var f; if (x) { b = y.scrollX; f = y.scrollY } else { b = y.scrollLeft; f = y.scrollTop } var s = { x: b, y: f }; var c = { x: d, y: u }; if (typeof a.onDraw === "function") { var t = a.onDraw } var v = function(l) { if (x) { y.scrollTo(s.x, s.y) } else { y.scrollLeft = s.x; y.scrollTop = s.y } if (t) { t.call(this, l) } }; a.onDraw = v; return k.to(s, w, c, a) } }, { "@marcom/ac-eclipse": 132 }], 279: [function(k, j, g) { var h = k("./scroll"); j.exports = function i(b, m, a, c) { var d = b === window; var f; if (d) { f = b.scrollY } else { f = b.scrollTop } return h(b, m, f, a, c) } }, { "./scroll": 278 }], 280: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { Transform: d("./ac-transform/Transform") } }, { "./ac-transform/Transform": 281 }], 281: [function(ae, al, L) { var af = ae("./gl-matrix/mat4"); var an = ae("./gl-matrix/vec3"); var ao = ae("./gl-matrix/vec4"); var ak = Math.PI / 180; var am = 180 / Math.PI; var Q = 0, J = 0, U = 1, K = 1, Y = 2, I = 3; var ag = 4, M = 4, ah = 5, O = 5, ai = 6, aj = 7; var S = 8, X = 9, ab = 10, ac = 11; var N = 12, P = 12, R = 13, T = 13, W = 14, aa = 15; function Z() { this.m = af.create() } var V = Z.prototype; V.rotateX = function(a) { var b = ak * a; af.rotateX(this.m, this.m, b); return this }; V.rotateY = function(a) { var b = ak * a; af.rotateY(this.m, this.m, b); return this }; V.rotateZ = function(a) { var b = ak * a; af.rotateZ(this.m, this.m, b); return this }; V.rotate = V.rotateZ; V.rotate3d = function(c, f, a, b) { if (f === null || f === undefined) { f = c } if (a === null || f === undefined) { a = c } var d = ak * b; af.rotate(this.m, this.m, d, [c, f, a]); return this }; V.rotateAxisAngle = V.rotate3d; V.scale = function(a, b) { b = b || a; af.scale(this.m, this.m, [a, b, 1]); return this }; V.scaleX = function(a) { af.scale(this.m, this.m, [a, 1, 1]); return this }; V.scaleY = function(a) { af.scale(this.m, this.m, [1, a, 1]); return this }; V.scaleZ = function(a) { af.scale(this.m, this.m, [1, 1, a]); return this }; V.scale3d = function(a, b, c) { af.scale(this.m, this.m, [a, b, c]); return this }; V.skew = function(a, b) { if (b === null || b === undefined) { return this.skewX(a) } a = ak * a; b = ak * b; var c = af.create(); c[M] = Math.tan(a); c[K] = Math.tan(b); af.multiply(this.m, this.m, c); return this }; V.skewX = function(a) { a = ak * a; var b = af.create(); b[M] = Math.tan(a); af.multiply(this.m, this.m, b); return this }; V.skewY = function(a) { a = ak * a; var b = af.create(); b[K] = Math.tan(a); af.multiply(this.m, this.m, b); return this }; V.translate = function(a, b) { b = b || 0; af.translate(this.m, this.m, [a, b, 0]); return this }; V.translate3d = function(b, c, a) { af.translate(this.m, this.m, [b, c, a]); return this }; V.translateX = function(a) { af.translate(this.m, this.m, [a, 0, 0]); return this }; V.translateY = function(a) { af.translate(this.m, this.m, [0, a, 0]); return this }; V.translateZ = function(a) { af.translate(this.m, this.m, [0, 0, a]); return this }; V.perspective = function(a) { var b = af.create(); if (a !== 0) { b[ac] = -1 / a } af.multiply(this.m, this.m, b) }; V.inverse = function() { var a = this.clone(); a.m = af.invert(a.m, this.m); return a }; V.reset = function() { af.identity(this.m); return this }; V.getTranslateXY = function() { var a = this.m; if (this.isAffine()) { return [a[P], a[T]] } return [a[N], a[R]] }; V.getTranslateXYZ = function() { var a = this.m; if (this.isAffine()) { return [a[P], a[T], 0] } return [a[N], a[R], a[W]] }; V.getTranslateX = function() { var a = this.m; if (this.isAffine()) { return a[P] } return a[N] }; V.getTranslateY = function() { var a = this.m; if (this.isAffine()) { return a[T] } return a[R] }; V.getTranslateZ = function() { var a = this.m; if (this.isAffine()) { return 0 } return a[W] }; V.clone = function() { var a = new Z(); a.m = af.clone(this.m); return a }; V.toArray = function() { var a = this.m; if (this.isAffine()) { return [a[J], a[K], a[M], a[O], a[P], a[T]] } return [a[Q], a[U], a[Y], a[I], a[ag], a[ah], a[ai], a[aj], a[S], a[X], a[ab], a[ac], a[N], a[R], a[W], a[aa]] }; V.fromArray = function(a) { this.m = Array.prototype.slice.call(a); return this }; V.setMatrixValue = function(c) { c = String(c).trim(); var d = af.create(); if (c === "none") { this.m = d; return this } var a = c.slice(0, c.indexOf("(")), f, b; if (a === "matrix3d") { f = c.slice(9, -1).split(","); for (b = 0; b < f.length; b++) { d[b] = parseFloat(f[b]) } } else { if (a === "matrix") { f = c.slice(7, -1).split(","); for (b = f.length; b--;) { f[b] = parseFloat(f[b]) } d[Q] = f[0]; d[U] = f[1]; d[N] = f[4]; d[ag] = f[2]; d[ah] = f[3]; d[R] = f[5] } else { throw new TypeError("Invalid Matrix Value") } } this.m = d; return this }; var ad = function(a) { return Math.abs(a) < 0.0001 }; V.decompose = function(h) { h = h || false; var c = af.clone(this.m); var m = an.create(); var v = an.create(); var p = an.create(); var k = ao.create(); var r = ao.create(); var q = an.create(); for (var a = 0; a < 16; a++) { c[a] /= c[aa] } var f = af.clone(c); f[I] = 0; f[aj] = 0; f[ac] = 0; f[aa] = 1; var y = c[3], o = c[7], l = c[11], t = c[12], u = c[13], w = c[14], x = c[15]; var i = ao.create(); if (!ad(c[I]) || !ad(c[aj]) || !ad(c[ac])) { i[0] = c[I]; i[1] = c[aj]; i[2] = c[ac]; i[3] = c[aa]; var b = af.invert(af.create(), f); var j = af.transpose(af.create(), b); k = ao.transformMat4(k, i, j) } else { k = ao.fromValues(0, 0, 0, 1) } m[0] = t; m[1] = u; m[2] = w; var n = [an.create(), an.create(), an.create()]; n[0][0] = c[0]; n[0][1] = c[1]; n[0][2] = c[2]; n[1][0] = c[4]; n[1][1] = c[5]; n[1][2] = c[6]; n[2][0] = c[8]; n[2][1] = c[9]; n[2][2] = c[10]; v[0] = an.length(n[0]); an.normalize(n[0], n[0]); p[0] = an.dot(n[0], n[1]); n[1] = this._combine(n[1], n[0], 1, -p[0]); v[1] = an.length(n[1]); an.normalize(n[1], n[1]); p[0] /= v[1]; p[1] = an.dot(n[0], n[2]); n[2] = this._combine(n[2], n[0], 1, -p[1]); p[2] = an.dot(n[1], n[2]); n[2] = this._combine(n[2], n[1], 1, -p[2]); v[2] = an.length(n[2]); an.normalize(n[2], n[2]); p[1] /= v[2]; p[2] /= v[2]; var d = an.cross(an.create(), n[1], n[2]); if (an.dot(n[0], d) < 0) { for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) { v[a] *= -1; n[a][0] *= -1; n[a][1] *= -1; n[a][2] *= -1 } } r[0] = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 + n[0][0] - n[1][1] - n[2][2], 0)); r[1] = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 - n[0][0] + n[1][1] - n[2][2], 0)); r[2] = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 - n[0][0] - n[1][1] + n[2][2], 0)); r[3] = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 + n[0][0] + n[1][1] + n[2][2], 0)); if (n[2][1] > n[1][2]) { r[0] = -r[0] } if (n[0][2] > n[2][0]) { r[1] = -r[1] } if (n[1][0] > n[0][1]) { r[2] = -r[2] } var s = ao.fromValues(r[0], r[1], r[2], 2 * Math.acos(r[3])); var g = this._rotationFromQuat(r); if (h) { p[0] = Math.round(p[0] * am * 100) / 100; p[1] = Math.round(p[1] * am * 100) / 100; p[2] = Math.round(p[2] * am * 100) / 100; g[0] = Math.round(g[0] * am * 100) / 100; g[1] = Math.round(g[1] * am * 100) / 100; g[2] = Math.round(g[2] * am * 100) / 100; s[3] = Math.round(s[3] * am * 100) / 100 } return { translation: m, scale: v, skew: p, perspective: k, quaternion: r, eulerRotation: g, axisAngle: s } }; V.recompose = function(f, g, b, a, h) { f = f || an.create(); g = g || an.create(); b = b || an.create(); a = a || ao.create(); h = h || ao.create(); var c = af.fromRotationTranslation(af.create(), h, f); c[I] = a[0]; c[aj] = a[1]; c[ac] = a[2]; c[aa] = a[3]; var d = af.create(); if (b[2] !== 0) { d[X] = b[2]; af.multiply(c, c, d) } if (b[1] !== 0) { d[X] = 0; d[S] = b[1]; af.multiply(c, c, d) } if (b[0]) { d[S] = 0; d[4] = b[0]; af.multiply(c, c, d) } af.scale(c, c, g); this.m = c; return this }; V.isAffine = function() { return (this.m[Y] === 0 && this.m[I] === 0 && this.m[ai] === 0 && this.m[aj] === 0 && this.m[S] === 0 && this.m[X] === 0 && this.m[ab] === 1 && this.m[ac] === 0 && this.m[W] === 0 && this.m[aa] === 1) }; V.toString = function() { var a = this.m; if (this.isAffine()) { return "matrix(" + a[J] + ", " + a[K] + ", " + a[M] + ", " + a[O] + ", " + a[P] + ", " + a[T] + ")" } return "matrix3d(" + a[Q] + ", " + a[U] + ", " + a[Y] + ", " + a[I] + ", " + a[ag] + ", " + a[ah] + ", " + a[ai] + ", " + a[aj] + ", " + a[S] + ", " + a[X] + ", " + a[ab] + ", " + a[ac] + ", " + a[N] + ", " + a[R] + ", " + a[W] + ", " + a[aa] + ")" }; V.toCSSString = V.toString; V._combine = function(c, f, a, b) { var d = an.create(); d[0] = (a * c[0]) + (b * f[0]); d[1] = (a * c[1]) + (b * f[1]); d[2] = (a * c[2]) + (b * f[2]); return d }; V._matrix2dToMat4 = function(d) { var b = af.create(); for (var a = 0; a < 4; a++) { for (var c = 0; c < 4; c++) { b[a * 4 + c] = d[a][c] } } return b }; V._mat4ToMatrix2d = function(a) { var d = []; for (var b = 0; b < 4; b++) { d[b] = []; for (var c = 0; c < 4; c++) { d[b][c] = a[b * 4 + c] } } return d }; V._rotationFromQuat = function(k) { var g = k[3] * k[3]; var h = k[0] * k[0]; var i = k[1] * k[1]; var j = k[2] * k[2]; var a = h + i + j + g; var f = k[0] * k[1] + k[2] * k[3]; var b, c, d; if (f > 0.499 * a) { c = 2 * Math.atan2(k[0], k[3]); d = Math.PI / 2; b = 0; return an.fromValues(b, c, d) } if (f < -0.499 * a) { c = -2 * Math.atan2(k[0], k[3]); d = -Math.PI / 2; b = 0; return an.fromValues(b, c, d) } c = Math.atan2(2 * k[1] * k[3] - 2 * k[0] * k[2], h - i - j + g); d = Math.asin(2 * f / a); b = Math.atan2(2 * k[0] * k[3] - 2 * k[1] * k[2], -h + i - j + g); return an.fromValues(b, c, d) }; al.exports = Z }, { "./gl-matrix/mat4": 282, "./gl-matrix/vec3": 283, "./gl-matrix/vec4": 284 }], 282: [function(i, h, g) { var f = { create: i("gl-mat4/create"), rotate: i("gl-mat4/rotate"), rotateX: i("gl-mat4/rotateX"), rotateY: i("gl-mat4/rotateY"), rotateZ: i("gl-mat4/rotateZ"), scale: i("gl-mat4/scale"), multiply: i("gl-mat4/multiply"), translate: i("gl-mat4/translate"), invert: i("gl-mat4/invert"), clone: i("gl-mat4/clone"), transpose: i("gl-mat4/transpose"), identity: i("gl-mat4/identity"), fromRotationTranslation: i("gl-mat4/fromRotationTranslation") }; h.exports = f }, { "gl-mat4/clone": 296, "gl-mat4/create": 297, "gl-mat4/fromRotationTranslation": 298, "gl-mat4/identity": 299, "gl-mat4/invert": 300, "gl-mat4/multiply": 301, "gl-mat4/rotate": 302, "gl-mat4/rotateX": 303, "gl-mat4/rotateY": 304, "gl-mat4/rotateZ": 305, "gl-mat4/scale": 306, "gl-mat4/translate": 307, "gl-mat4/transpose": 308 }], 283: [function(f, h, g) { var i = { create: f("gl-vec3/create"), dot: f("gl-vec3/dot"), normalize: f("gl-vec3/normalize"), length: f("gl-vec3/length"), cross: f("gl-vec3/cross"), fromValues: f("gl-vec3/fromValues") }; h.exports = i }, { "gl-vec3/create": 309, "gl-vec3/cross": 310, "gl-vec3/dot": 311, "gl-vec3/fromValues": 312, "gl-vec3/length": 313, "gl-vec3/normalize": 314 }], 284: [function(i, h, g) { var f = { create: i("gl-vec4/create"), transformMat4: i("gl-vec4/transformMat4"), fromValues: i("gl-vec4/fromValues") }; h.exports = f }, { "gl-vec4/create": 315, "gl-vec4/fromValues": 316, "gl-vec4/transformMat4": 317 }], 285: [function(j, i, k) { var h = j("qs"); i.exports = function g(b, c) { var a = h.stringify(b, { strictNullHandling: true }); if (a && c !== false) { a = "?" + a } return a } }, { qs: 318 }], 286: [function(k, j, g) { var h = k("qs"); j.exports = function i(a) { a = a || window.location.search; a = a.replace(/^\?/, ""); return h.parse(a, { strictNullHandling: true }) } }, { qs: 318 }], 287: [function(k, j, g) { var i = k("./parseSearchParams"); j.exports = function h(c) { var a; var b; if (!c) { a = window.location } else { if (window.URL) { a = new URL(c, window.location) } else { a = document.createElement("a"); a.href="d;" a.href="b.isfg" } } return { hash: a.hash, host: a.host, hostname: a.hostname, href: a.href, origin: a.origin || a.protocol + "//" + a.host, pathname: a.pathname, port: a.port, protocol: a.protocol, search: a.search, searchParams: i(a.search) } } }, { "./parseSearchParams": 286 }], 288: [function(f, i, g) { var h = { ua: window.navigator.userAgent, platform: window.navigator.platform, vendor: window.navigator.vendor }; i.exports = f("./parseUserAgent")(h) }, { "./parseUserAgent": 291 }], 289: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { browser: { safari: false, chrome: false, firefox: false, ie: false, opera: false, android: false, edge: false, version: { name: "", major: 0, minor: 0, patch: 0, documentMode: false } }, os: { osx: false, ios: false, android: false, windows: false, linux: false, fireos: false, chromeos: false, version: { name: "", major: 0, minor: 0, patch: 0 } } } }, {}], 290: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { browser: [{ name: "edge", userAgent: "Edge", version: ["rv", "Edge"], test: function(a) { return (a.ua.indexOf("Edge") > -1 || a.ua === "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)") } }, { name: "chrome", userAgent: "Chrome" }, { name: "firefox", test: function(a) { return (a.ua.indexOf("Firefox") > -1 && a.ua.indexOf("Opera") === -1) }, version: "Firefox" }, { name: "android", userAgent: "Android" }, { name: "safari", test: function(a) { return (a.ua.indexOf("Safari") > -1 && a.vendor.indexOf("Apple") > -1) }, version: "Version" }, { name: "ie", test: function(a) { return (a.ua.indexOf("IE") > -1 || a.ua.indexOf("Trident") > -1) }, version: ["MSIE", "rv"], parseDocumentMode: function() { var a = false; if (document.documentMode) { a = parseInt(document.documentMode, 10) } return a } }, { name: "opera", userAgent: "Opera", version: ["Version", "Opera"] }], os: [{ name: "windows", test: function(a) { return (a.platform.indexOf("Win") > -1) }, version: "Windows NT" }, { name: "osx", userAgent: "Mac", test: function(a) { return (a.platform.indexOf("Mac") > -1) } }, { name: "ios", test: function(a) { return (a.ua.indexOf("iPhone") > -1 || a.ua.indexOf("iPad") > -1) }, version: ["iPhone OS", "CPU OS"] }, { name: "linux", userAgent: "Linux", test: function(a) { return (a.platform.indexOf("Linux") > -1 && a.ua.indexOf("Android") === -1) } }, { name: "fireos", test: function(a) { return (a.ua.indexOf("Firefox") > -1 && a.ua.indexOf("Mobile") > -1) }, version: "rv" }, { name: "android", userAgent: "Android" }, { name: "chromeos", userAgent: "CrOS" }] } }, {}], 291: [function(r, s, p) { var q = r("./defaults"); var m = r("./dictionary"); function n(a) { return new RegExp(a + "[a-zA-Z\\s/:]+([0-9_.]+)", "i") } function o(g, a) { if (typeof g.parseVersion === "function") { return g.parseVersion(a) } else { var d = g.version || g.userAgent; if (typeof d === "string") { d = [d] } var f = d.length; var c; for (var b = 0; b < f; b++) { c = a.match(n(d[b])); if (c && c.length > 1) { return c[1].replace(/_/g, ".") } } } } function k(a, d, g) { var h = a.length; var f; var c; for (var i = 0; i < h; i++) { if (typeof a[i].test === "function") { if (a[i].test(g) === true) { f = a[i].name } } else { if (g.ua.indexOf(a[i].userAgent) > -1) { f = a[i].name } } if (f) { d[f] = true; c = o(a[i], g.ua); if (typeof c === "string") { var b = c.split("."); d.version.name = c; if (b && b.length > 0) { d.version.major = parseInt(b[0] || 0); d.version.minor = parseInt(b[1] || 0); d.version.patch = parseInt(b[2] || 0) } } else { if (f === "edge") { d.version.name = "12.0.0"; d.version.major = "12"; d.version.minor = "0"; d.version.patch = "0" } } if (typeof a[i].parseDocumentMode === "function") { d.version.documentMode = a[i].parseDocumentMode() } return d } } return d } function l(a) { var b = {}; b.browser = k(m.browser, q.browser, a); b.os = k(m.os, q.os, a); return b } s.exports = l }, { "./defaults": 289, "./dictionary": 290 }], 292: [function(d, g, f) { arguments[4][184][0].apply(f, arguments) }, { dup: 184 }], 293: [function(v, w, s) { v("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Function/prototype.bind"); v("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Object/keys"); v("@marcom/ac-polyfills/Object/create"); var m = v("@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro").EventEmitterMicro; var p = v("@marcom/ac-dom-events/utils/addEventListener"); var q = v("@marcom/ac-feature/mediaQueriesAvailable"); var u = "viewport-emitter"; var o = "::before"; var t = "only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), screen and (min-resolution: 1.5dppx), screen and (min-resolution: 144dpi)"; function n(a) { m.call(this); this._initializeElement(a); if (q()) { this._updateViewport = this._updateViewport.bind(this); p(window, "resize", this._updateViewport); p(window, "orientationchange", this._updateViewport); this._retinaQuery = window.matchMedia(t); this._updateRetina(); if (this._retinaQuery.addListener) { this._updateRetina = this._updateRetina.bind(this); this._retinaQuery.addListener(this._updateRetina) } } this._updateViewport() } var r = n.prototype = Object.create(m.prototype); r.viewport = false; r.retina = false; r._initializeElement = function(b) { var a; b = b || u; a = document.getElementById(b); if (!a) { a = document.createElement("div"); a.id = b; a = document.body.appendChild(a) } this._el = a }; r._getElementContent = function() { var a; if ("currentStyle" in this._el) { a = this._el.currentStyle["x-content"] } else { this._invalidateStyles(); a = window.getComputedStyle(this._el, o).content } if (a) { a = a.replace(/["']/g, "") } if (a) { return a } return false }; r._updateViewport = function() { var a = this.viewport; var c; var b; this.viewport = this._getElementContent(); if (this.viewport) { this.viewport = this.viewport.split(":").pop() } if (a && this.viewport !== a) { b = { from: a, to: this.viewport }; this.trigger("change", b); this.trigger("from:" + a, b); this.trigger("to:" + this.viewport, b) } }; r._updateRetina = function(a) { var b = this.retina; this.retina = this._retinaQuery.matches; if (b !== this.retina) { this.trigger("retinachange", { from: b, to: this.retina }) } }; r._invalidateStyles = function() { document.documentElement.clientWidth; this._el.innerHTML = (this._el.innerHTML === " ") ? " " : " "; document.documentElement.clientWidth }; w.exports = n }, { "@marcom/ac-dom-events/utils/addEventListener": 292, "@marcom/ac-event-emitter-micro": 153, "@marcom/ac-feature/mediaQueriesAvailable": 171, "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Function/prototype.bind": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Function/prototype.bind", "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Object/create": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Object/create", "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Object/keys": "@marcom/ac-polyfills/Object/keys" }], 294: [function(i, h, f) { var g = i("./ViewportEmitter"); h.exports = new g() }, { "./ViewportEmitter": 293 }], 295: [function(d, g, f) { g.exports = { lerp: function(b, a, c) { return a + (c - a) * b }, map: function(a, b, j, c, k) { return this.lerp(this.norm(a, b, j), c, k) }, norm: function(a, b, c) { return (a - b) / (c - b) }, clamp: function(a, b, c) { return Math.max(b, Math.min(c, a)) }, randFloat: function(a, b) { return (Math.random() * (b - a)) + a }, randInt: function(a, b) { return Math.floor((Math.random() * (b - a)) + a) } } }, {}], 296: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = h; function h(b) { var a = new Float32Array(16); a[0] = b[0]; a[1] = b[1]; a[2] = b[2]; a[3] = b[3]; a[4] = b[4]; a[5] = b[5]; a[6] = b[6]; a[7] = b[7]; a[8] = b[8]; a[9] = b[9]; a[10] = b[10]; a[11] = b[11]; a[12] = b[12]; a[13] = b[13]; a[14] = b[14]; a[15] = b[15]; return a } }, {}], 297: [function(f, h, g) { h.exports = i; function i() { var a = new Float32Array(16); a[0] = 1; a[1] = 0; a[2] = 0; a[3] = 0; a[4] = 0; a[5] = 1; a[6] = 0; a[7] = 0; a[8] = 0; a[9] = 0; a[10] = 1; a[11] = 0; a[12] = 0; a[13] = 0; a[14] = 0; a[15] = 1; return a } }, {}], 298: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = h; function h(b, v, z) { var G = v[0], H = v[1], I = v[2], F = v[3], a = G + G, M = H + H, E = I + I, J = G * a, K = G * M, L = G * E, c = H * M, y = H * E, q = I * E, d = F * a, w = F * M, x = F * E; b[0] = 1 - (c + q); b[1] = K + x; b[2] = L - w; b[3] = 0; b[4] = K - x; b[5] = 1 - (J + q); b[6] = y + d; b[7] = 0; b[8] = L + w; b[9] = y - d; b[10] = 1 - (J + c); b[11] = 0; b[12] = z[0]; b[13] = z[1]; b[14] = z[2]; b[15] = 1; return b } }, {}], 299: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = g; function g(a) { a[0] = 1; a[1] = 0; a[2] = 0; a[3] = 0; a[4] = 0; a[5] = 1; a[6] = 0; a[7] = 0; a[8] = 0; a[9] = 0; a[10] = 1; a[11] = 0; a[12] = 0; a[13] = 0; a[14] = 0; a[15] = 1; return a } }, {}], 300: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = h; function h(c, U) { var L = U[0], P = U[1], S = U[2], Y = U[3], ag = U[4], ah = U[5], ai = U[6], aj = U[7], K = U[8], M = U[9], O = U[10], Q = U[11], b = U[12], d = U[13], N = U[14], W = U[15], R = L * ah - P * ag, T = L * ai - S * ag, V = L * aj - Y * ag, X = P * ai - S * ah, aa = P * aj - Y * ah, ab = S * aj - Y * ai, ac = K * d - M * b, ad = K * N - O * b, ae = K * W - Q * b, af = M * N - O * d, Z = M * W - Q * d, a = O * W - Q * N, ak = R * a - T * Z + V * af + X * ae - aa * ad + ab * ac; if (!ak) { return null } ak = 1 / ak; c[0] = (ah * a - ai * Z + aj * af) * ak; c[1] = (S * Z - P * a - Y * af) * ak; c[2] = (d * ab - N * aa + W * X) * ak; c[3] = (O * aa - M * ab - Q * X) * ak; c[4] = (ai * ae - ag * a - aj * ad) * ak; c[5] = (L * a - S * ae + Y * ad) * ak; c[6] = (N * V - b * ab - W * T) * ak; c[7] = (K * ab - O * V + Q * T) * ak; c[8] = (ag * Z - ah * ae + aj * ac) * ak; c[9] = (P * ae - L * Z - Y * ac) * ak; c[10] = (b * aa - d * V + W * R) * ak; c[11] = (M * V - K * aa - Q * R) * ak; c[12] = (ah * ad - ag * af - ai * ac) * ak; c[13] = (L * af - P * ad + S * ac) * ak; c[14] = (d * T - b * X - N * R) * ak; c[15] = (K * X - M * T + O * R) * ak; return c } }, {}], 301: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = g; function g(G, C, F) { var a = C[0], b = C[1], d = C[2], E = C[3], O = C[4], Q = C[5], S = C[6], U = C[7], I = C[8], K = C[9], L = C[10], M = C[11], H = C[12], J = C[13], c = C[14], D = C[15]; var N = F[0], P = F[1], R = F[2], T = F[3]; G[0] = N * a + P * O + R * I + T * H; G[1] = N * b + P * Q + R * K + T * J; G[2] = N * d + P * S + R * L + T * c; G[3] = N * E + P * U + R * M + T * D; N = F[4]; P = F[5]; R = F[6]; T = F[7]; G[4] = N * a + P * O + R * I + T * H; G[5] = N * b + P * Q + R * K + T * J; G[6] = N * d + P * S + R * L + T * c; G[7] = N * E + P * U + R * M + T * D; N = F[8]; P = F[9]; R = F[10]; T = F[11]; G[8] = N * a + P * O + R * I + T * H; G[9] = N * b + P * Q + R * K + T * J; G[10] = N * d + P * S + R * L + T * c; G[11] = N * E + P * U + R * M + T * D; N = F[12]; P = F[13]; R = F[14]; T = F[15]; G[12] = N * a + P * O + R * I + T * H; G[13] = N * b + P * Q + R * K + T * J; G[14] = N * d + P * S + R * L + T * c; G[15] = N * E + P * U + R * M + T * D; return G } }, {}], 302: [function(i, h, g) { h.exports = f; function f(V, s, c, am) { var ac = am[0], ad = am[1], ae = am[2], U = Math.sqrt(ac * ac + ad * ad + ae * ae), Q, x, S, a, b, d, t, af, ag, ah, ai, W, Y, aa, ab, T, X, Z, y, z, R, aj, ak, al; if (Math.abs(U) < 0.000001) { return null } U = 1 / U; ac *= U; ad *= U; ae *= U; Q = Math.sin(c); x = Math.cos(c); S = 1 - x; a = s[0]; b = s[1]; d = s[2]; t = s[3]; af = s[4]; ag = s[5]; ah = s[6]; ai = s[7]; W = s[8]; Y = s[9]; aa = s[10]; ab = s[11]; T = ac * ac * S + x; X = ad * ac * S + ae * Q; Z = ae * ac * S - ad * Q; y = ac * ad * S - ae * Q; z = ad * ad * S + x; R = ae * ad * S + ac * Q; aj = ac * ae * S + ad * Q; ak = ad * ae * S - ac * Q; al = ae * ae * S + x; V[0] = a * T + af * X + W * Z; V[1] = b * T + ag * X + Y * Z; V[2] = d * T + ah * X + aa * Z; V[3] = t * T + ai * X + ab * Z; V[4] = a * y + af * z + W * R; V[5] = b * y + ag * z + Y * R; V[6] = d * y + ah * z + aa * R; V[7] = t * y + ai * z + ab * R; V[8] = a * aj + af * ak + W * al; V[9] = b * aj + ag * ak + Y * al; V[10] = d * aj + ah * ak + aa * al; V[11] = t * aj + ai * ak + ab * al; if (s !== V) { V[12] = s[12]; V[13] = s[13]; V[14] = s[14]; V[15] = s[15] } return V } }, {}], 303: [function(i, h, g) { h.exports = f; function f(A, t, u) { var a = Math.sin(u), v = Math.cos(u), b = t[4], c = t[5], d = t[6], s = t[7], w = t[8], x = t[9], y = t[10], z = t[11]; if (t !== A) { A[0] = t[0]; A[1] = t[1]; A[2] = t[2]; A[3] = t[3]; A[12] = t[12]; A[13] = t[13]; A[14] = t[14]; A[15] = t[15] } A[4] = b * v + w * a; A[5] = c * v + x * a; A[6] = d * v + y * a; A[7] = s * v + z * a; A[8] = w * v - b * a; A[9] = x * v - c * a; A[10] = y * v - d * a; A[11] = z * v - s * a; return A } }, {}], 304: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = g; function g(w, b, c) { var a = Math.sin(c), d = Math.cos(c), x = b[0], y = b[1], z = b[2], A = b[3], s = b[8], t = b[9], u = b[10], v = b[11]; if (b !== w) { w[4] = b[4]; w[5] = b[5]; w[6] = b[6]; w[7] = b[7]; w[12] = b[12]; w[13] = b[13]; w[14] = b[14]; w[15] = b[15] } w[0] = x * d - s * a; w[1] = y * d - t * a; w[2] = z * d - u * a; w[3] = A * d - v * a; w[8] = x * a + s * d; w[9] = y * a + t * d; w[10] = z * a + u * d; w[11] = A * a + v * d; return w } }, {}], 305: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = g; function g(w, t, u) { var a = Math.sin(u), v = Math.cos(u), x = t[0], y = t[1], z = t[2], A = t[3], b = t[4], c = t[5], d = t[6], s = t[7]; if (t !== w) { w[8] = t[8]; w[9] = t[9]; w[10] = t[10]; w[11] = t[11]; w[12] = t[12]; w[13] = t[13]; w[14] = t[14]; w[15] = t[15] } w[0] = x * v + b * a; w[1] = y * v + c * a; w[2] = z * v + d * a; w[3] = A * v + s * a; w[4] = b * v - x * a; w[5] = c * v - y * a; w[6] = d * v - z * a; w[7] = s * v - A * a; return w } }, {}], 306: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = h; function h(c, l, d) { var m = d[0], a = d[1], b = d[2]; c[0] = l[0] * m; c[1] = l[1] * m; c[2] = l[2] * m; c[3] = l[3] * m; c[4] = l[4] * a; c[5] = l[5] * a; c[6] = l[6] * a; c[7] = l[7] * a; c[8] = l[8] * b; c[9] = l[9] * b; c[10] = l[10] * b; c[11] = l[11] * b; c[12] = l[12]; c[13] = l[13]; c[14] = l[14]; c[15] = l[15]; return c } }, {}], 307: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = h; function h(v, c, D) { var E = D[0], F = D[1], G = D[2], y, a, b, d, H, I, J, K, x, z, B, C; if (c === v) { v[12] = c[0] * E + c[4] * F + c[8] * G + c[12]; v[13] = c[1] * E + c[5] * F + c[9] * G + c[13]; v[14] = c[2] * E + c[6] * F + c[10] * G + c[14]; v[15] = c[3] * E + c[7] * F + c[11] * G + c[15] } else { y = c[0]; a = c[1]; b = c[2]; d = c[3]; H = c[4]; I = c[5]; J = c[6]; K = c[7]; x = c[8]; z = c[9]; B = c[10]; C = c[11]; v[0] = y; v[1] = a; v[2] = b; v[3] = d; v[4] = H; v[5] = I; v[6] = J; v[7] = K; v[8] = x; v[9] = z; v[10] = B; v[11] = C; v[12] = y * E + H * F + x * G + c[12]; v[13] = a * E + I * F + z * G + c[13]; v[14] = b * E + J * F + B * G + c[14]; v[15] = d * E + K * F + C * G + c[15] } return v } }, {}], 308: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = h; function h(n, o) { if (n === o) { var a = o[1], c = o[2], d = o[3], q = o[6], b = o[7], p = o[11]; n[1] = o[4]; n[2] = o[8]; n[3] = o[12]; n[4] = a; n[6] = o[9]; n[7] = o[13]; n[8] = c; n[9] = q; n[11] = o[14]; n[12] = d; n[13] = b; n[14] = p } else { n[0] = o[0]; n[1] = o[4]; n[2] = o[8]; n[3] = o[12]; n[4] = o[1]; n[5] = o[5]; n[6] = o[9]; n[7] = o[13]; n[8] = o[2]; n[9] = o[6]; n[10] = o[10]; n[11] = o[14]; n[12] = o[3]; n[13] = o[7]; n[14] = o[11]; n[15] = o[15] } return n } }, {}], 309: [function(f, h, g) { h.exports = i; function i() { var a = new Float32Array(3); a[0] = 0; a[1] = 0; a[2] = 0; return a } }, {}], 310: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = h; function h(r, c, d) { var s = c[0], a = c[1], b = c[2], o = d[0], p = d[1], q = d[2]; r[0] = a * q - b * p; r[1] = b * o - s * q; r[2] = s * p - a * o; return r } }, {}], 311: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = g; function g(a, b) { return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2] } }, {}], 312: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = h; function h(d, a, b) { var c = new Float32Array(3); c[0] = d; c[1] = a; c[2] = b; return c } }, {}], 313: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = h; function h(c) { var d = c[0], a = c[1], b = c[2]; return Math.sqrt(d * d + a * a + b * b) } }, {}], 314: [function(i, h, f) { h.exports = g; function g(c, d) { var l = d[0], a = d[1], b = d[2]; var m = l * l + a * a + b * b; if (m > 0) { m = 1 / Math.sqrt(m); c[0] = d[0] * m; c[1] = d[1] * m; c[2] = d[2] * m } return c } }, {}], 315: [function(f, h, g) { h.exports = i; function i() { var a = new Float32Array(4); a[0] = 0; a[1] = 0; a[2] = 0; a[3] = 0; return a } }, {}], 316: [function(f, i, g) { i.exports = h; function h(k, a, b, d) { var c = new Float32Array(4); c[0] = k; c[1] = a; c[2] = b; c[3] = d; return c } }, {}], 317: [function(f, h, g) { h.exports = i; function i(c, d, n) { var o = d[0], a = d[1], b = d[2], m = d[3]; c[0] = n[0] * o + n[4] * a + n[8] * b + n[12] * m; c[1] = n[1] * o + n[5] * a + n[9] * b + n[13] * m; c[2] = n[2] * o + n[6] * a + n[10] * b + n[14] * m; c[3] = n[3] * o + n[7] * a + n[11] * b + n[15] * m; return c } }, {}], 318: [function(h, l, i) { var j = h("./stringify"); var m = h("./parse"); var k = {}; l.exports = { stringify: j, parse: m } }, { "./parse": 319, "./stringify": 320 }], 319: [function(g, k, h) { var i = g("./utils"); var j = { delimiter: "&", depth: 5, arrayLimit: 20, parameterLimit: 1000, strictNullHandling: false, plainObjects: false, allowPrototypes: false }; j.parseValues = function(f, a) { var s = {}; var t = f.split(a.delimiter, a.parameterLimit === Infinity ? undefined : a.parameterLimit); for (var r = 0, c = t.length; r < c; ++r) { var v = t[r]; var d = v.indexOf("]=") === -1 ? v.indexOf("=") : v.indexOf("]=") + 1; if (d === -1) { s[i.decode(v)] = ""; if (a.strictNullHandling) { s[i.decode(v)] = null } } else { var b = i.decode(v.slice(0, d)); var u = i.decode(v.slice(d + 1)); if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, b)) { s[b] = u } else { s[b] = [].concat(s[b]).concat(u) } } } return s }; j.parseObject = function(b, q, c) { if (!b.length) { return q } var p = b.shift(); var a; if (p === "[]") { a = []; a = a.concat(j.parseObject(b, q, c)) } else { a = c.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {}; var d = p[0] === "[" && p[p.length - 1] === "]" ? p.slice(1, p.length - 1) : p; var f = parseInt(d, 10); var o = "" + f; if (!isNaN(f) && p !== d && o === d && f >= 0 && (c.parseArrays && f <= c.arrayLimit)) { a = []; a[f] = j.parseObject(b, q, c) } else { a[d] = j.parseObject(b, q, c) } } return a }; j.parseKeys = function(d, r, p) { if (!d) { return } if (p.allowDots) { d = d.replace(/\.([^\.\[]+)/g, "[$1]") } var c = /^([^\[\]]*)/; var q = /(\[[^\[\]]*\])/g; var a = c.exec(d); var b = []; if (a[1]) { if (!p.plainObjects && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty(a[1])) { if (!p.allowPrototypes) { return } } b.push(a[1]) } var f = 0; while ((a = q.exec(d)) !== null && f < p.depth) { ++f; if (!p.plainObjects && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty(a[1].replace(/\[|\]/g, ""))) { if (!p.allowPrototypes) { continue } } b.push(a[1]) } if (a) { b.push("[" + d.slice(a.index) + "]") } return j.parseObject(b, r, p) }; k.exports = function(q, a) { a = a || {}; a.delimiter = typeof a.delimiter === "string" || i.isRegExp(a.delimiter) ? a.delimiter : j.delimiter; a.depth = typeof a.depth === "number" ? a.depth : j.depth; a.arrayLimit = typeof a.arrayLimit === "number" ? a.arrayLimit : j.arrayLimit; a.parseArrays = a.parseArrays !== false; a.allowDots = a.allowDots !== false; a.plainObjects = typeof a.plainObjects === "boolean" ? a.plainObjects : j.plainObjects; a.allowPrototypes = typeof a.allowPrototypes === "boolean" ? a.allowPrototypes : j.allowPrototypes; a.parameterLimit = typeof a.parameterLimit === "number" ? a.parameterLimit : j.parameterLimit; a.strictNullHandling = typeof a.strictNullHandling === "boolean" ? a.strictNullHandling : j.strictNullHandling; if (q === "" || q === null || typeof q === "undefined") { return a.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {} } var f = typeof q === "string" ? j.parseValues(q, a) : q; var s = a.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {}; var b = Object.keys(f); for (var r = 0, d = b.length; r < d; ++r) { var c = b[r]; var t = j.parseKeys(c, f[c], a); s = i.merge(s, t, a) } return i.compact(s) } }, { "./utils": 321 }], 320: [function(g, k, h) { var i = g("./utils"); var j = { delimiter: "&", arrayPrefixGenerators: { brackets: function(a, b) { return a + "[]" }, indices: function(a, b) { return a + "[" + b + "]" }, repeat: function(a, b) { return a } }, strictNullHandling: false }; j.stringify = function(r, d, v, t, u) { if (typeof u === "function") { r = u(d, r) } else { if (i.isBuffer(r)) { r = r.toString() } else { if (r instanceof Date) { r = r.toISOString() } else { if (r === null) { if (t) { return i.encode(d) } r = "" } } } } if (typeof r === "string" || typeof r === "number" || typeof r === "boolean") { return [i.encode(d) + "=" + i.encode(r)] } var a = []; if (typeof r === "undefined") { return a } var s = Array.isArray(u) ? u : Object.keys(r); for (var f = 0, c = s.length; f < c; ++f) { var b = s[f]; if (Array.isArray(r)) { a = a.concat(j.stringify(r[b], v(d, b), v, t, u)) } else { a = a.concat(j.stringify(r[b], d + "[" + b + "]", v, t, u)) } } return a }; k.exports = function(d, z) { z = z || {}; var w = typeof z.delimiter === "undefined" ? j.delimiter : z.delimiter; var u = typeof z.strictNullHandling === "boolean" ? z.strictNullHandling : j.strictNullHandling; var f; var v; if (typeof z.filter === "function") { v = z.filter; d = v("", d) } else { if (Array.isArray(z.filter)) { f = v = z.filter } } var a = []; if (typeof d !== "object" || d === null) { return "" } var y; if (z.arrayFormat in j.arrayPrefixGenerators) { y = z.arrayFormat } else { if ("indices" in z) { y = z.indices ? "indices" : "repeat" } else { y = "indices" } } var x = j.arrayPrefixGenerators[y]; if (!f) { f = Object.keys(d) } for (var t = 0, c = f.length; t < c; ++t) { var b = f[t]; a = a.concat(j.stringify(d[b], b, x, u, v)) } return a.join(w) } }, { "./utils": 321 }], 321: [function(g, k, h) { var i = {}; i.hexTable = new Array(256); for (var j = 0; j < 256; ++j) { i.hexTable[j] = "%" + ((j < 16 ? "0" : "") + j.toString(16)).toUpperCase() } h.arrayToObject = function(b, d) { var a = d.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {}; for (var c = 0, f = b.length; c < f; ++c) { if (typeof b[c] !== "undefined") { a[c] = b[c] } } return a }; h.merge = function(q, r, f) { if (!r) { return q } if (typeof r !== "object") { if (Array.isArray(q)) { q.push(r) } else { if (typeof q === "object") { q[r] = true } else { q = [q, r] } } return q } if (typeof q !== "object") { q = [q].concat(r); return q } if (Array.isArray(q) && !Array.isArray(r)) { q = h.arrayToObject(q, f) } var b = Object.keys(r); for (var p = 0, c = b.length; p < c; ++p) { var d = b[p]; var a = r[d]; if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(q, d)) { q[d] = a } else { q[d] = h.merge(q[d], a, f) } } return q }; h.decode = function(a) { try { return decodeURIComponent(a.replace(/\+/g, " ")) } catch (b) { return a } }; h.encode = function(b) { if (b.length === 0) { return b } if (typeof b !== "string") { b = "" + b } var d = ""; for (var c = 0, f = b.length; c < f; ++c) { var a = b.charCodeAt(c); if (a === 45 || a === 46 || a === 95 || a === 126 || (a >= 48 && a <= 57) || (a >= 65 && a <= 90) || (a >= 97 && a <= 122)) { d += b[c]; continue } if (a < 128) { d += i.hexTable[a]; continue } if (a < 2048) { d += i.hexTable[192 | (a >> 6)] + i.hexTable[128 | (a & 63)]; continue } if (a < 55296 || a >= 57344) { d += i.hexTable[224 | (a >> 12)] + i.hexTable[128 | ((a >> 6) & 63)] + i.hexTable[128 | (a & 63)]; continue }++c; a = 65536 + (((a & 1023) << 10) | (b.charCodeAt(c) & 1023)); d += i.hexTable[240 | (a >> 18)] + i.hexTable[128 | ((a >> 12) & 63)] + i.hexTable[128 | ((a >> 6) & 63)] + i.hexTable[128 | (a & 63)] } return d }; h.compact = function(q, d) { if (typeof q !== "object" || q === null) { return q } d = d || []; var r = d.indexOf(q); if (r !== -1) { return d[r] } d.push(q); if (Array.isArray(q)) { var p = []; for (var b = 0, f = q.length; b < f; ++b) { if (typeof q[b] !== "undefined") { p.push(q[b]) } } return p } var a = Object.keys(q); for (b = 0, f = a.length; b < f; ++b) { var c = a[b]; q[c] = h.compact(q[c], d) } return q }; h.isRegExp = function(a) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(a) === "[object RegExp]" }; h.isBuffer = function(a) { if (a === null || typeof a === "undefined") { return false } return !!(a.constructor && a.constructor.isBuffer && a.constructor.isBuffer(a)) } }, {}], 322: [function(f, h, g) { var i = { Gallery: { animationDuration: 1, promoImageOffset: 200 }, Item: { Incoming: { CopyXScaleFactor: -0.2 }, Outgoing: { CopyXScaleFactor: 0.95 } }, updateConstants: function(a) { switch (a) { case "x-large": this.Gallery.promoImageOffset = 200; case "large": this.Gallery.animationDuration = 1; this.Gallery.promoImageOffset = 100; break; case "medium": this.Gallery.animationDuration = 0.8; this.Gallery.promoImageOffset = 80; break; case "small": this.Gallery.animationDuration = 0.4; this.Gallery.promoImageOffset = 74; break; default: } } }; h.exports = i }, {}], 323: [function(Q, Y, M) { var H = Q("@marcom/ac-gallery").Gallery; var K = Q("@marcom/ac-gallery").AutoGallery; var aa = K.prototype; var I = Q("@marcom/ac-keyboard/keyMap"); var S = Q("@marcom/ac-pointer-tracker").PointerTracker; var E = Q("@marcom/ac-page-visibility").PageVisibilityManager; var C = Q("@marcom/sm-math-utils"); var O = Q("@marcom/ac-browser-prefixed"); var Z = Q("@marcom/ac-eclipse").Clip; var R = Q("@marcom/ac-dom-events").addEventListener; var U = Q("@marcom/ac-dom-traversal").querySelector; var T = Q("@marcom/ac-viewport-emitter"); var W = Q("./Constants"); var N = ".gallery-slide-wrapper"; var F = "is-autoplaying"; var L = "is-interacting"; var J = !(document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].classList.contains("no-touch")); var V = !(document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].classList.contains("no-android")); var P = J ? "easeOutCubic" : "easeInOutCubic"; if (!Date.now) { Date.now = function X() { return new Date().getTime() } } var B = function(a, b) { K.apply(this, arguments); this.hasPromos = b.promos || false; this.movementRateMultiplier = b.movementRateMultiplier || 2; this.positionX = 0; this.swipeVelocity = 0; this.velocityMultiplier = b.velocityMultiplier || 8; this.autoPlayerTimeTracker = 0; this._wasAutoPlaying = this._isAutoPlaying; this._onResizeDebouncedTimeout = -1; this._onOrientationChangeDebouncedTimeout = -1; this.currentSlideIndex = -1; this.widthOfSlideItem = this.getWidthOfSingleSlide(); this.galleryContainer = this._el.parentNode; this.slideWrapperElement = this._el.querySelector(N); this.previousPaddle = this._el.querySelector("[data-ac-gallery-previous-trigger]"); this.nextPaddle = this._el.querySelector("[data-ac-gallery-next-trigger]"); this.previousPaddleContainer = this._el.querySelector(".paddlenav-arrow-container-previous"); this.nextPaddleContainer = this._el.querySelector(".paddlenav-arrow-container-next"); this.lastInteractionEvent = null; this._onRequestAnimationFrame = this._onRequestAnimationFrame.bind(this); this._onPreviousPaddleClick = this._onPreviousPaddleClick.bind(this); this._onNextPaddleClick = this._onNextPaddleClick.bind(this); this._onDashnavTriggerClicked = this._onDashnavTriggerClicked.bind(this); this._onResizeDebounced = this._onResizeDebounced.bind(this); this._onBreakpointChanged = this._onBreakpointChanged.bind(this); this._onOrientationChange = this._onOrientationChange.bind(this); this._validateGalleryHeight = this._validateGalleryHeight.bind(this); this._onVisibilityChanged = this._onVisibilityChanged.bind(this); this._onPaddleNavContainerClick = this._onPaddleNavContainerClick.bind(this); W.updateConstants(T.viewport); this._setupEvents(); this._validateGalleryHeight(); this._setInitialPositions(); this.lastTime = Date.now(); this._onRequestAnimationFrame() }; var G = B.prototype = Object.create(K.prototype); B.prototype.constructor = B; G._onVisibilityChanged = function() { if (E.isHidden) { this._wasAutoPlaying = this._isAutoPlaying; this.stopAutoPlay() } if (!E.isHidden && this._wasAutoPlaying) { this.startAutoPlay() } }; G._setupEvents = function() { R(this.previousPaddle, "click", this._onPreviousPaddleClick); R(this.nextPaddle, "click", this._onNextPaddleClick); R(this.previousPaddleContainer, "click", this._onPaddleNavContainerClick); R(this.nextPaddleContainer, "click", this._onPaddleNavContainerClick); R(window, "orientationchange", this._onOrientationChange); E.on("changed", this._onVisibilityChanged); T.on("change", this._onBreakpointChanged); for (var a = 0; a < this._items.length; a++) { this._items[a].on("selected", this._onDashnavTriggerClicked) } }; G._onPaddleNavContainerClick = function(a) { var b = this.getCurrentItem().getElement().getAttribute("href"); if (b) { window.location.href="c" } }; G._validateGalleryHeight = function() { if (!J) { return } var a = window.innerHeight; if (this.hasPromos) { a = a - W.Gallery.promoImageOffset } this.galleryContainer.style.height = a + "px" }; G.startAutoPlay = function(a, b) { this._el.classList.add(F); this._el.classList.remove(L); this.autoPlayerTimeTracker = this._autoPlayDelay * this.wrapSlideIndex(this.getSlideIndexTakingAnimationIntoAccount()); this.lastTime = Date.now(); aa.startAutoPlay.call(this, a, b) }; G.stopAutoPlay = function() { this._el.classList.remove(F); this._el.classList.add(L); aa.stopAutoPlay.call(this) }; G._setInitialPositions = function() { var b = this._items[this._items.length - 1]; for (var a = 0; a < this._items.length; a++) { this._items[a].prev = b; this._items[a].next = this._items[a + 1]; this._items[a].zIndex = 1000 + a; var c = this.widthOfSlideItem * this._items.length; this._items[a]._el.style[O.transform] = "translate3d(" + c + "px, 0, 0)"; this._items[a].x = this._items[a].width * a; b = this._items[a] } b.next = this._items[0]; this._items[0]._el.style[O.transform] = "translate3d(" + 0 + "px, 0, 0)" }; G._setUpSwiping = function(a, b) { this._onSwipeStart = this._onSwipeStart.bind(this); this._onSwipeEnd = this._onSwipeEnd.bind(this); this._onSwipeUpdate = this._onSwipeUpdate.bind(this); if (a) { this._touchSwipe = new S(this._el, S.TOUCH_EVENTS); this._touchSwipe.on(S.START, this._onSwipeStart); this._touchSwipe.on(S.END, this._onSwipeEnd); this._touchSwipe.on(S.UPDATE, this._onSwipeUpdate); window.addEventListener("touchmove", function() {}) } if (b) { this._clickSwipe = new S(this._el, S.MOUSE_EVENTS); this._clickSwipe.on(S.START, this._onSwipeStart); this._clickSwipe.on(S.END, this._onSwipeEnd); this._clickSwipe.on(S.UPDATE, this._onSwipeUpdate) } }; G._onSwipeStart = function(a) { if (this.clip) { this.clip.destroy() } if (this._isAutoPlaying && this._cancelAutoPlayOnInteraction) { this.stopAutoPlay() } this.lastInteractionEvent = a; this.swipeVelocity = 0 }; G._onSwipeUpdate = function(b) { var a = this.positionX; this.positionX += b.diffX * this.movementRateMultiplier; this.lastInteractionEvent = b; this.swipeVelocity = (this.positionX - a) * this.velocityMultiplier }; G._onSwipeEnd = function(h) { var g = [this.currentSlideIndex - 1, this.currentSlideIndex, this.currentSlideIndex + 1]; var d = 0; var b = Number.MAX_VALUE; for (var f = 0, i = g.length; f < i; f++) { var c = g[f] * this.widthOfSlideItem; var a = Math.abs(c - (this.positionX + this.swipeVelocity)); if (a < b) { b = a; d = f } } this.lastInteractionEvent = h; this.animateToSlide(g[d]) }; G._onWindowResize = function(a) { if (this._isAutoPlaying && this._cancelAutoPlayOnInteraction) { this.stopAutoPlay() } window.clearTimeout(this._onResizeDebouncedTimeout); this._onResizeDebouncedTimeout = setTimeout(this._onResizeDebounced, 500); aa._onWindowResize.call(this, a) }; G._onOrientationChange = function() { if (V) { window.clearTimeout(this._onOrientationChangeDebouncedTimeout); this._onOrientationChangeDebouncedTimeout = setTimeout(this._validateGalleryHeight, 200) } else { this._validateGalleryHeight() } }; G._onResizeDebounced = function() { if (this.clip && this.clip._running) { this.clip.destroy() } this.widthOfSlideItem = this.getWidthOfSingleSlide(true); for (var c = 0; c < this._items.length; c++) { var a = this._items[c]; a.x = this.widthOfSlideItem * c; a.width = a.updateWidth() } for (c = 0; c < this._items.length; c++) { a = this._items[c]; a.slideElement.style[O.transform] = "translate3d(" + a.x + "px, 0,0)" } var b = this.wrapSlideIndex(this.currentSlideIndex); this.positionX = this._items[b].x; this.currentSlideIndex = -1 }; G._onBreakpointChanged = function(a) { W.updateConstants(a.to) }; G._onRequestAnimationFrame = function() { window.requestAnimationFrame(this._onRequestAnimationFrame); this.slideWrapperElement.style[O.transform] = "translate3d(" + (-this.positionX) + "px, 0,0)"; this.updateAutoPlayTimeTracker(); this.checkForCurrentSlideUpdate(); var c = this._isAutoPlaying ? this.getDashTForAutoPlay() : this.getDashTForInteraction(); var m = 1 / this._items.length; for (var l = 0, i = this._items.length; l < i; l++) { var d = this._items[l]; var k = this.positionX - d.x; var j = k / this.widthOfSlideItem; d.onRequestAnimationFrame(j); var b = 1; if (this._isAutoPlaying) { var a = l * m; var f = (l + 1) * m; b = C.norm(c, a, f) } else { var h = this.wrapSlideIndex(this.currentSlideIndex); var g = this.wrapSlideIndex(this.getSlideIndexTakingAnimationIntoAccount()); b = (l === h || l === g) ? 1 : 0 } d.updateDash(b) } }; G.animateToSlide = function(c, f) { var a = P; if (this.clip) { if (this.clip._running) { a = "easeOutQuint" } this.clip.destroy() } if (this._isAutoPlaying && J) { a = "easeInOutCubic" } var b = c * this.widthOfSlideItem; var d = { slideIndex: c, x: this.positionX, extraOptions: null }; var g = this; this.clip = new Z(d, W.Gallery.animationDuration, { x: b }, { ease: a, destroyOnComplete: true, onUpdate: function() { g.positionX = d.x } }).play() }; G._onAutoPlayToNextItem = function() { this.lastInteractionEvent = null; if (!E.isHidden && this._currentItem.isInView()) { if (this._isAutoPlaying && this._cancelAutoPlayOnInteraction) { this.animateToSlide(this.currentSlideIndex + 1) } } aa._onAutoPlayToNextItem.call(this) }; G._onDashnavTriggerClicked = function(c) { this.lastInteractionEvent = null; if (this._isAutoPlaying && this._cancelAutoPlayOnInteraction) { this.stopAutoPlay() } var b = this.getCurrentItemIndex(); var a = this.getItemIndex(c.item); var d = a - b; this.animateToSlide(this.currentSlideIndex + d) }; G._onPreviousPaddleClick = function(b) { b.stopPropagation(); this.lastInteractionEvent = null; if (this._isAutoPlaying && this._cancelAutoPlayOnInteraction) { this.stopAutoPlay() } var a = this.getSlideIndexTakingAnimationIntoAccount(); this.animateToSlide(a - 1) }; G._onNextPaddleClick = function(b) { b.stopPropagation(); this.lastInteractionEvent = null; if (this._isAutoPlaying && this._cancelAutoPlayOnInteraction) { this.stopAutoPlay() } var a = this.getSlideIndexTakingAnimationIntoAccount(); this.animateToSlide(a + 1) }; G._onKeyboardInteraction = function(a, c) { this.lastInteractionEvent = null; var b = this.getSlideIndexTakingAnimationIntoAccount(); if (c.keyCode == I.ARROW_RIGHT) { this.animateToSlide(b + 1) } if (c.keyCode == I.ARROW_LEFT) { this.animateToSlide(b - 1) } aa._onKeyboardInteraction.call(this, a, c) }; G.getSlideIndexTakingAnimationIntoAccount = function() { var a = this.currentSlideIndex; if (this.clip && this.clip.target()) { a = this.clip.target().slideIndex } return a }; G.checkForCurrentSlideUpdate = function() { var d = Math.floor((this.positionX + this.widthOfSlideItem * 0.5) / this.widthOfSlideItem); if (d == this.currentSlideIndex) { return } this.currentSlideIndex = d; var b = this.getCurrentItemIndex(); var a = this._items[b]; var f = null; if (this.lastInteractionEvent) { f = { interactionEvent: this.lastInteractionEvent.interactionEvent } } this.show(a, f); var c; c = a.next; c.x = ((this.currentSlideIndex + 1) * this.widthOfSlideItem); c.slideElement.style[O.transform] = "translate3d(" + c.x + "px, 0,0)"; c = a.prev; c.x = ((this.currentSlideIndex - 1) * this.widthOfSlideItem); c.slideElement.style[O.transform] = "translate3d(" + c.x + "px, 0,0)" }; G.updateAutoPlayTimeTracker = function() { //自动播放时间追踪器 if (!E.isHidden) { var b = Date.now();//当前时间 var a = (b - this.lastTime); this.lastTime = b; this.autoPlayerTimeTracker += a } }; G.getDashTForAutoPlay = function() { var a = (this._autoPlayDelay * this._items.length); var c = (this.autoPlayerTimeTracker) % a; var b = c / a; return b }; G.getDashTForInteraction = function() { return 1 }; G.getCurrentItemIndex = function() { var a = this.currentSlideIndex % this._items.length; if (a < 0) { a = this._items.length + a } return a }; G.getWidthOfSingleSlide = function(a) { if (a) { return this._items[0].updateWidth() } return this._items[0].width }; G.wrapSlideIndex = function(a) { a = a % this._items.length; if (a < 0) { return this._items.length + a } return a }; var D = function() { K.prototype.startAutoPlay = function(a, b) { b = b || {}; this.options = b || {}; this._isAutoPlaying = true; this._autoPlayDelay = this._autoPlayDelay || (a * 400); this._cancelAutoPlayOnInteraction = (b.cancelOnInteraction === undefined) ? true : b.cancelOnInteraction; clearTimeout(this._autoPlayTimeoutId); this._autoPlayTimeoutId = setTimeout(this._onAutoPlayToNextItem.bind(this), this._autoPlayDelay); if (this._cancelAutoPlayOnInteraction) { this.on(H.UPDATE, this.stopAutoPlay) } }; K.prototype.stopAutoPlay = function() { clearTimeout(this._autoPlayTimeoutId); this._isAutoPlaying = false; if (this._cancelAutoPlayOnInteraction) { this.off(H.UPDATE, this.stopAutoPlay) } }; K.prototype._onAutoPlayToNextItem = function() { if (this._isAutoPlaying) { if (!E.isHidden && this._currentItem.isInView()) { if (this._cancelAutoPlayOnInteraction) { this.off(H.UPDATE, this.stopAutoPlay) } var a = this.showNext(); if (a !== null) { if (this._cancelAutoPlayOnInteraction) { this.on(H.UPDATE, this.stopAutoPlay) } clearTimeout(this._autoPlayTimeoutId); this._autoPlayTimeoutId = setTimeout(this._onAutoPlayToNextItem.bind(this), this._autoPlayDelay) } } else { clearTimeout(this._autoPlayTimeoutId); this._autoPlayTimeoutId = setTimeout(this._onAutoPlayToNextItem.bind(this), this._autoPlayDelay) } } } }; D(); Y.exports = B }, { "./Constants": 322, "@marcom/ac-browser-prefixed": 1, "@marcom/ac-dom-events": 38, "@marcom/ac-dom-traversal": 102, "@marcom/ac-eclipse": 132, "@marcom/ac-gallery": 188, "@marcom/ac-keyboard/keyMap": 211, "@marcom/ac-page-visibility": 222, "@marcom/ac-pointer-tracker": 240, "@marcom/ac-viewport-emitter": 294, "@marcom/sm-math-utils": 295 }], 324: [function(w, x, u) { var p = w("@marcom/ac-browser-prefixed"); var t = w("@marcom/sm-math-utils"); var i = w("@marcom/ac-dom-traversal").querySelector; var y = w("./Constants"); var v = w("@marcom/ac-gallery").Item; var o = v.prototype; var r = 0; var s = function() { v.apply(this, arguments); this.zIndex = 1000; this.mI = r++; this.slideElement = this._el; this.imageElement = i(".gallery-image", this.slideElement); this.copyElement = i(".gallery-item-content", this.slideElement); this.width = this.slideElement.clientWidth; this.dashnavElement = i('[data-ac-gallery-trigger="' + this._el.id + '"]'); this.dashnavProgressElement = i(".dashnav-progress", this.dashnavElement); this.dashnavMaxWidth = this.dashnavElement.clientWidth }; var q = s.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype); q.onRequestAnimationFrame = function(c) { var a, b; c = t.clamp(c, -1, 1); if (c >= 0) { a = c * this.width * y.Item.Outgoing.CopyXScaleFactor; b = t.map(c, 0, 1, 1, 0.9); this.copyElement.style[p.transform] = "translate3d(" + a + "px, 0, 0) scale3d(" + b + "," + b + ", 1)"; b = t.map(c, 0, 1, 1, 0.9); a = t.map(c, 0, 1, 0, this.width * 0.9); this.imageElement.style[p.transform] = "translate3d(" + a + "px, 0, 0) scale3d(" + b + "," + b + ", 1)" } else { a = c * this.width * y.Item.Incoming.CopyXScaleFactor; b = 1; this.copyElement.style[p.transform] = "translate3d(" + a + "px, 0, 0) scale3d(" + b + "," + b + ", 1)"; a = 0; b = 1; this.imageElement.style[p.transform] = "translate3d(" + a + "px, 0, 0) scale3d(" + b + "," + b + ", 1)" } }; q.updateDash = function(a) { a = t.clamp(a, 0, 1); this.dashnavProgressElement.style[p.transform] = "scaleX(" + a + ")" }; q.setZIndex = function(a) { this.zIndex = a; this.slideElement.style.zIndex = a }; q.updateWidth = function() { this.width = this._el.clientWidth; return this.width }; x.exports = s }, { "./Constants": 322, "@marcom/ac-browser-prefixed": 1, "@marcom/ac-dom-traversal": 102, "@marcom/ac-gallery": 188, "@marcom/sm-math-utils": 295 }], 325: [function(p, o, j) { var k = p("@marcom/ac-promomanager/PromoManager"); var q = p("./HomepageGallery/HomepageGallery"); var m = p("./HomepageGallery/SlideScaleItem"); var l = p("@marcom/ac-gallery").SlideGallery; var n = (function() { return { initialize: function() { var a = document.getElementById("holiday-takeover"); if (document.documentElement.classList.contains("enhanced-gallery") && !a) { this.initializePromos(); this.initializeGallery() } }, initializeGallery: function() { var b = document.getElementById("promos") != null; var d = { wrapAround: true, enableArrowKeys: true, touch: true, desktopSwipe: false, movementRateMultiplier: 1.15, velocityMultiplier: 8, // autoPlay: 9, // 每屏切换时间 autoPlay: 22, promos: b }; var c = document.getElementById("homepage-gallery"); var a = c.querySelectorAll("[data-ac-gallery-item]").length; if (a === 1) { return } else { if (a <= 2) { new l(c, d) } else { d.itemType = m; new q(c, d) } } }, initializePromos: function() { var a = document.querySelectorAll("[data-promo-type]"); for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) { new k(a[b]) } } } }()); o.exports = n.initialize() }, { "./HomepageGallery/HomepageGallery": 323, "./HomepageGallery/SlideScaleItem": 324, "@marcom/ac-gallery": 188, "@marcom/ac-promomanager/PromoManager": 269 }] }, {}, [325]);